• HFW,
    U snoze, U lose! :smile:
    “If I dood it I git a whippin’.(pause)
    I dood it!” - Did a worm say it and did the worm have a name?

  • wait… what are the 3rd addition rules again? Usually I play with 4th addition rules (the ones our gaming group made up ourselves), so please refresh my memory. German or Japan? I’ll have to talk to Cameron first, before we decide what exactly is going on.

    HFY, hahaha sucker! Up Yours!! (j/k) :smile:
    Too bad A&A wasn’t 6-players, I would like to have you onboard. Italy anyone?

  • '19 Moderator

    I meant that RR would be fair with no bid. :smile:

    If we use third edition rules there are the optional rules to decide.

    How about 2 hit Battleships, Russia Restricted, Axis advantage and just for fun airborne troops.

    If I sent you guys a map and rules for World at War would you like to try it? There is a possible 7 players. Although China usualy has a short game, and France is a bit limited :smile:

    I have a word document that is a picture of the map with text fields for entering troops.

  • Horten, I would to try this too. Maybe we can get another group of 5 together. We need 3 more, or we could try just a 2 player game. Let me know if you’re interested.

  • If that is the case, I can be France. I don’t mind losing early; I have a good self-esteem.

  • uk huh?
    rule britannia, britannia rule the waves, britons never, never, never shall be slaves!

    i like the 3rd edition rules:
    Rules: Official Rules
    3rd Edition Rules by Milton Bradley

    These rules are copied here from the game manual of the Axis & Allies CD-Rom.

    1.Submerging submarines. Defending submarines can submerge or retreat from combat. A submerged sub stays in the same sea zone until after combat when it re-surfaces.
    2.Planes can retreat from an amphibious assault. Fighters and Bombers can now retreat from an amphibious assault if the battle is going poorly for the attacker.
    3.Multiple AA guns in one territory. You can now place multiple AA guns within one territory. However, only one of these AA guns can fire in a turn.
    4.New Naval units can be placed in an enemy-occupied sea zone. You can now place any of your naval units in a sea-zone that is occupied by enemy-forces. If you do this, combat will occur on your enemy’s turn – unless the enemy moves its units out of the sea zone before the enemy’s combat phase. Note: You still have to place naval units in sea-zones adjacent to one of your Industrial Complexes.
    5.Western Canada no longer borders on the Atlantic Ocean. This keeps players from being able to move units from the Atlantic ocean directly into Western Canada.
    6.When an aircraft carrier is sunk, the surviving aircraft on it can attempt to locate and land on a friendly island, territory, or aircraft carrier. These aircraft have one movement point to do so.

    although world at war is interesting - although we always found the rules very badly written…

  • On 2002-06-07 10:49, Zero wrote:
    Horten, I would to try this too. Maybe we can get another group of 5 together. We need 3 more, or we could try just a 2 player game. Let me know if you’re interested.

    I’m in for a free for all. we need 3 more people, so do you think that we should open a seperate thread?

  • “just for fun airborne troops.”

    I like your attitude. For Japan I like two hit BB’s. But that’s for Cameron to decide since he’s sort of at a disadvantage with only 1 BB.

    “If I sent you guys a map”

    You mean on computer? But how will I place units on it? I could print it out, but the ink it would require would be a handsome sum indeed.

    “If that is the case, I can be France. I don’t mind losing early; I have a good self-esteem.”

    It’s good to know someone does. :smile:

  • Cameron, would you rather play Germany or Japan? Is RR fair enough, or do you think there should also be a bid?

    Zero, how about this? If you can get your 5 player A&A game going then the winner of each game could face each other. Of course this only works for only Allied and Axis winner, but who knows?

  • Horten, I’ll start a new thread.

  • On 2002-06-06 14:36, Yanny wrote:
    dezrtfish - Russia
    yanny - USA
    TG Moses IV - Japan
    Cameron - UK
    mini_freek - Germany

    TG Moses VI, acording to this i’m playing germany, but i could switch with Cameron if you guys want to play together.

  • Uh, wait sorry. I had a little mix up on the teams. Mini, would you rather play Germany or Japan? Whatever is fine.

    You choose the ruleset.

  • Haha. It sounds like we’re the Communist team. Viva la revolution! :smile:

  • Ok i’ll play Japan if it’s all right with you

    those rules sound good, but could you clarify the airborne rules for me.

  • Okay.

    Bombers can act as air transports and carry up to 1 inf. If you carry a inf into a battle, the bomber does not get fire.

  • '19 Moderator

    TGM - it is a word document with text fields, but if you havent played it is probably a bad Idea. You will just have to comme to Phoenix some time and play a live game. :smile:

    If the rules are decided by monday I will get it started. I will agree with what ever yanny and cameron agree to.

  • Oh well, too bad. Maybe next time :sad: …

    And are we going to wait for the current tourney to finish up before starting this one?

    Consult Mini before approving the rules. The Axis deserve representation too! (Let’s no forget what happened last time we pissed the Japanese off…) :smile:

  • the rising sun will fly again.
    as i understand the rules are: RR, 2 hit BB no bid, 3rd additon rules, airbourne troops

    on anothor note i’m only home on weekends during the summer so thats the only time i can take my turns. but it should not be a problem with 5 of us.
    and if worse comes to worse i have a freind that can take comand of the empire of japan.

    “I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.”

    • Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)

    “Where my horse trots no grass gorws”
    -Atila the Hun

    [ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-06-09 12:13 ]

  • Mini, so where can we go to talk strats?

  • we will work it out some how.
    what’s your e-mail?

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