Duke Lacrosse players a DAs toy!

  • This has gotten even BETTER!  The pictures they took of this lying BEEP are time marked.  They have a picture of her right before she went into the bathroom, and one right after (this is when she said she was raped).  After getting out of the batroom she keeps doing her dance.  Now, as stupid as that is it is not even the worst part.  The pictures show that when she came out of the bathroom she had fingernail polish on… she didn’t have it on when she went in!

    Good time to do your nails isn’t it?  While being sodomized and gang raped?  She needs to go to PRISON!

  • One other thing about this whole travesty of justice.  Why is it open season on these guy’s background, but not a word can be said about her?  Not even her name?  The double standard with this kind of thing is ridiculous.

    If a woman is raped nothing in her history can be brought up.  If she is into S&M, it doesn’t matter.
    BUT if the man is into S&M I am sure they will find a way to get that into court.

    Hey switch, you are worried about the terrorist trial going on right now (that I believe will never effect any of us in any meaningful way.)  How about this?  Your bedroom is an open book to the government and the public if you are ACCUSED of rape.  You don’t need any evidence.  It doesn’t even have to be true.  Women apparently have the right to destroy your life any time they feel like it.  Further, because what you get into is a bit taboo, they would probably convict you using your lifestyle as motive.


  • For some reason we like to throw away due process for a rape case.

  • Being local… here is the scoop…

    #1:  There is a medical exame that shows DEFINITIVE signs of rape that occured shortly after the alleged incident (strongest evidence the DA has).
    #2:  In slightly more than 3/4 of all rape cases, there is NO DNA evidence, so the lack of it in this case is not earth shattering.
    #3:  The e-mail sent by the lacrosse player shortly after the alleged incident is rather damning.

    There are also some issues on the accusers side, like the lack of total corroboration by the girl that accompanied her, the accuser’s time line being off (that is being dismissed due to stress).  And now also the evidence that ONE of the indicted may not have been there (bit that has holes… there is evidence of his STUFF not being there, but nothign that declares HE was not there… dorm card keys often get loaned out, etc.)

    Anyway, that is the short version from the Triangle here in NC.

    Amazing how mush press this case is getting when the running down of 9 UNC CHapel Hill students in The Pit by an Islamic Terrorist a few weeks before this was nearly burried in the media.

  • FYI - DNA evidence simply shows that a person has “been there” - it does not demonstrate an action/activity or intention.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Being local… here is the scoop…

    #1:  There is a medical exame that shows DEFINITIVE signs of rape that occured shortly after the alleged incident (strongest evidence the DA has).
    #2:  In slightly more than 3/4 of all rape cases, there is NO DNA evidence, so the lack of it in this case is not earth shattering.
    #3:  The e-mail sent by the lacrosse player shortly after the alleged incident is rather damning.

    There are also some issues on the accusers side, like the lack of total corroboration by the girl that accompanied her, the accuser’s time line being off (that is being dismissed due to stress).  And now also the evidence that ONE of the indicted may not have been there (bit that has holes… there is evidence of his STUFF not being there, but nothign that declares HE was not there… dorm card keys often get loaned out, etc.)

    Anyway, that is the short version from the Triangle here in NC.

    Amazing how mush press this case is getting when the running down of 9 UNC CHapel Hill students in The Pit by an Islamic Terrorist a few weeks before this was nearly burried in the media.

    1. The “signs” were not shortly after, the pictures they have show that she came to the party with those “signs”.
    2. She says this was a violent gang rape in which she was sodomized and beaten.  There is no way that there would be no DNA.  In fact, the DA told the lacrose team that if the DNA came back negative it would exonorate them and the case would be thrown out.
    3. Oh, I’m sorry.  The fact that this insane Beep has lied and tried to ruin these 2 kids lives… they should just smile and nod saying *that’s ok honey".  If someone did this to me I would have to be sedated so as not to kill her.

    Her story makes no sense at all.  The picture of the guy at the ATM exonarates him.  She said she was 100% sure on him, and the cab driver backs up the story, along with a host of reciepts.   The fact that the 2 richest kids on the team are the ones accused.  The fact that the only time she was away from the crowd to be “gang raped” she did her nails and one of her “attackers” was not even there.

    Prison, pure and simple.  Back to back sentences that would have been dished out to the 2 real victems in this.  And since she played the race card it should be agravated charges for it being a hate crime.

    The fact this is going to trial is disgusting.  It makes me wonder how many men are in jail because of insane women who accused them of rape.  If they can prosecute these 2 with next to no evidence than they can do it to anyone (esp people who don’t have the $ these 2 have).

  • You know, I was falsely accused of rape once myself, so I can appreciate what the Lacrosse players are going through.  And in my case, had it not been for 6 other eye witnesses (more importantly “ear witnesses” who heard my accuser screaming EXACTLY what she wanted, and how she wanted it… not going to get into graphic detail, but consent was EXPLICIT in more ways than one), then I would have been toast.

    As for the photos showing that she was “brused” etc. upon arrival… must be photos I have not seen.
    As for an ATM photo, again, must be photos I have not seen.  THere is a RECEIPT according to local media, but no photographic evidence AS OF YET.

    There has been an indictment.  That means that there must be more than just a LITTLE evidence against the guys.  Of course there is no defense at a Grand Jury, but it DOES mean that the DA could present a Prima Facia case.

    And by OUR laws, that means a trial now takes place.

    A judge and jury will hear evidence, see ALL that both sides have, and weigh that evidence and reach a verdict.

    Last I checked, there is no “Trial by Media” in the Constitution.

    And if the guys are exonerated… then by all means, throw the book… hell throw the whole darn LIBRARY at the woman.

    But let’s wait for the trial first.

  • The second stripper is now recanting her story that she “didn’t think that she was raped”.  Apparently she was on parole and screwed it up.  She called a PR firm to work with her to spin the hell out of this whole thing.  This is getting more and more sickening by the momment.

    Fox News reported that one of the players threatened to sodomize the alleged victem with a broom at the end of the party because they didn’t dance as long as they said they would, and when asked for a refund an argument ensued.  If I had to guess, I would say the “threat” was something like “I’ll take this broom and shove it up your ass….”  I have said stuff like that to people, in jest and when I was angry.  But I did not litarly mean I was going to sodomize them!


    And some kind of punishment for the 2nd stripper for obstruction.

  • @Zooey72:

    The pictures show that when she came out of the bathroom she had fingernail polish on… she didn’t have it on when she went in!

    Good time to do your nails isn’t it?  While being sodomized and gang raped?  She needs to go to PRISON!

    What pics show no & nailpolish?  Not the ones I ref’d.

    I heard kudos were due the local NAALCP. 
    They told Jesse "Show Me Da $$? and Rev. Al “Put My Name&Face in Print” Sharpton to stay away.

    I might just send in my dues to join.

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