Hahaha, those are the best.
But I perfer the “Asterisk Gambit”
Here’s how you do it:
Materials: A&A rulebook, scissors, glue, strip of asterisks.
1. A day before the game, photocopy the following sentence (asterisk included) and paste it on the last page of te rulebook:
- = This rule is no longer valid. Any player attempting to use an invalid rule like this automatically forfeits the game.
2. Before the game begins, put the prepared rulebook in the bathroom, along with the glue, the scissors, and a strip of asterisks. If you’re short on asterisks, you may use these **********
3. Midway through the game, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom
4. In the bathroom, clip out and glue asterisks to all sections of the rulebook your opponent has been effectively exploiting
5. Return to your opponent, hand him the rulebook, then show him the door :wink: