Thanks everyone. :)
2 quick rules questions
I just have two quick questions about the game. The first: Hypothetically of course (as it will never happen unless the U.S. just has no brain) If Japan takes the western U.S., I know that Japan will only gain 10 more ipcs… but will America loose 10 or 50? Basically, is the +40 bonus attached to the territory or not? It seems like it’s not, but i just can’t imagine America still earning like 50 w/o the western U.S.
and 2nd… Do kamikaze attacks count as combat? I ask this for the purpose of bombardment. Basically, could Japan kamikaze an allied fleet during an amphibious assault by one of the allies and prevent that fleet from bombarding to support their assault?
Powers do not collect income if they do not own their capital. In addition, the +40 is considered a National Objective Bonus and is not attached to the territory.
Kamikaze does not stop bombardment, unless you successfully take the bombarding ship out, but certainly doesn’t prevent bombardment from the whole fleet.
Kreig will confirm/deny in 3… 2… 1…
The US can’t collect any income, if the western US is controlled by Japan.
page 14
The last sentence of the Kamikaze rule says they prevent bombardment.
cool, thanks. And I knew that the U.S. technically wouldn’t earn any money with the Western U.S. taken, but I was really referring to the Global game where the Western U.S. wouldn’t be the capital.
cool, thanks. And I knew that the U.S. technically wouldn’t earn any money with the Western U.S. taken, but I was really referring to the Global game where the Western U.S. wouldn’t be the capital.
Well there will be a new set of rules for the global game. It’s hard to say the impact that’ll have, though it’s good to get the question out early so them who make the rules will address it correctly.