@CWO-Marc No problem, I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a $29.00 can of paint that would never bu used. I already had the Sakrete from a Hyphatufa planting pot I made. So there ya go. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures from my IPad to this forum I’ll update it.
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Soviet Union - Complete Forces
Starting on Italy this weekend! Lots of trimming and cleaning to do…
Awesome man… Once you finish all these you aren’t going to know what to do with yourself haha
Like staring at them for weeks :)
It looks excellent!
I’ll probably be busy relearning Spanish and possibly painting my ‘Descent: Journeys Into the Dark’ set.
I’ll probably be busy relearning Spanish and possibly painting my ‘Descent: Journeys Into the Dark’ set.
I gave you the idea for that! Russians look great btw.
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
yo bob when r u going to do the Canadian corps?
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
I’m probably going to do some neutral armies… Not sure how many or what molds yet though.
When are you going to paint the neutral armies? :wink:
I’m probably going to do some neutral armies… Not sure how many or what molds yet though.
Haha, I was joking, but that’s awesome. Some Winter War Finnish troops could be cool. Maybe the Greeks too.
hahahahahaha! really? ha! for real, will you paint a set for them then see where they kick as?
hahahahahaha! really? ha! for real, will you paint a set for them then see where they kick as?
At most, I’ll do the same as I’m doing for the Union Jack UK and neutrals… Maybe 5-10 infantry. Nunca mas.
maby a tank for the open setup?
maby a tank for the open setup?
Ah, if only I had a camera high-res enough to do them justice, I’d show you guys my Canadians.
I painted 2 infantry and a tank for the initial setup, and I think that’ll be good for the sake of simplicity. The maple leaf is no harder than the ANZAC crown.
Just a British infantry with the Canadian roundel at the base, the tank is just a British tank in camo with the Canadian roundel on the back.
I also did a Yugoslav infantry (russian mold, painted differently with the red, white, and blue roundel at the base) and a Greek infantry (british mold with a grey uniform and a blue base with a white cross ala War At Sea Greek roundel).
I think I’ll do an Iraqi infantry next after I finish my UK units. -
maby a tank for the open setup?
Ah, if only I had a camera high-res enough to do them justice, I’d show you guys my Canadians.
I painted 2 infantry and a tank for the initial setup, and I think that’ll be good for the sake of simplicity. The maple leaf is no harder than the ANZAC crown.
Just a British infantry with the Canadian roundel at the base, the tank is just a British tank in camo with the Canadian roundel on the back.
I also did a Yugoslav infantry (russian mold, painted differently with the red, white, and blue roundel at the base) and a Greek infantry (british mold with a grey uniform and a blue base with a white cross ala War At Sea Greek roundel).
I think I’ll do an Iraqi infantry next after I finish my UK units.You need some finnish units to.
I’m not going to do any more nation specific units. Sorry guys - this project is already insane enough as it is, and I want to move on to some other things (like the custom cabinet box I’m going to make to store them).
Tell me what you guys think of this… I altered a Japanese mold tank for the Italian tanks… I’m not quite sold on it yet… If nothing else, I may just make a mold of the A&A:50th Italian tank and cast them.
Japanese Mold (front) and my altered version
Altered Tank vs A&A:50th Mold
Front & Back
maby a tank for the open setup?
Ah, if only I had a camera high-res enough to do them justice, I’d show you guys my Canadians.
I painted 2 infantry and a tank for the initial setup, and I think that’ll be good for the sake of simplicity. The maple leaf is no harder than the ANZAC crown.
Just a British infantry with the Canadian roundel at the base, the tank is just a British tank in camo with the Canadian roundel on the back.
I also did a Yugoslav infantry (russian mold, painted differently with the red, white, and blue roundel at the base) and a Greek infantry (british mold with a grey uniform and a blue base with a white cross ala War At Sea Greek roundel).
I think I’ll do an Iraqi infantry next after I finish my UK units.The ANZAC crown was the bane of my existence for four hours…