@Steiner This board is so cool! I love the colors and how 3D it is. I’d love to see photos with all the units setup!
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
US Infantry coming later tonight… Finishing up the roundels. Stay tuned.
I would think that the roundels would be the longest part of the paint job.
US Infantry coming later tonight… Finishing up the roundels. Stay tuned.
I would think that the roundels would be the longest part of the paint job.
Yet, he seems to pull it off almost flawlessly.
Update (with surprises!):
United States Infantry
European Drab Infantry (x15)
European Camo Infantry (x5)
Airborne Infantry (x5)
Pacific Marine Infantry (x10)
Pacific Marine Camo Infantry (x5)
United States Infantry
US Infantry coming later tonight… Finishing up the roundels. Stay tuned.
I would think that the roundels would be the longest part of the paint job.
It’s about a third of the total paint time.
Nice marine camo!
You painted the metal cap on the canteen… You’re INSANE man!
You painted the metal cap on the canteen… You’re INSANE man!
Dehydration is a soldier’s worst enemy.
I hate to say it, but I expected nothing less than perfection and you never disappoint. Simply awesome.
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
I third that.
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
Yes. Thanks!
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
Yes. Thanks!
I third that.
these are perfect! simply amazing are you doing the rest of america?
Yes. Thanks!
I know you’ve probably got enough things to do….
But i’m thinking of trying to paint my own in a similar but to a cleary inferior standard given a) i’m shit at art b) i’ve only painted giant airfix planes before and c) well i doubt there’s anyone out there that has done a better job.
Well i was hoping you could post a list of shades and equipment needed?
I understand if its trade secrets and all - given you’re going to do other peoples.
Well thanks to AllWork’s beautiful stuff, I decided to stop staring, drooling, and wanting; and decided to do something about it. So, I’ve started my own project. Not as ambitious as his, I’m painting my Guadalcanal set. Starting with Japanese bombers and transports, here’s the first of it. Just wanted to say thanks to AllWork for doing all the historical research. I’m using his stuff as a guide.
Also included is my set of Home Factories inspired by Virococchas’s work. Enjoy all-
Very nice Variable, you should keep it up.
Sweetness Variable! Especially like those factories!!!
Great job Variable, if you need more practice, you can always paint mine.
mine first thouge cause im spesal and hade a horrible B-Day last year
Allow me to translate:
“Mine first though, because I’m special, and I had a horrible birthday last year.”
I think that you should have a spelling contest and paint a set for the winner.
Actually allworkandnoclay, I have question for you.
Any particular books you can recommend, you know, for references and illustrations regarding unit camos/colors, etc?