I’m posting a link of some images of a great game for the community, worth taking a look.
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
I’m having trouble finding good pictures or blue prints of the Carrier. Please post here what you have or find so I can forward to the Sculptor.
Thanks for your help and your feed back!
FMG, I posted these links above, were these not good enough for your needs?
Here is a link that has a nice drawing of the Enterprise if you wish to view it.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XIUsZVIRkss/SnfakHOnLUI/AAAAAAAABQk/mXJAqE5OljA/s1600-h/cv-6-line.gifAfter 1943 refit. http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/ships/carriers-us/4171/view/uss_cv-6_enterprise/
If you need better quality than this, let me know and I’ll see what else I can dig up for you. I have to leave town for a couple of days in a few hours so it might take me some time.
I did find this by the way, let me know if it works for you.
Best I can find …
Pictures :
Plan and Side view drawings (Yorktown Class CV-6 Enterprise):
WW2 US Navy Ship Silhouettes (size comparisons - just for interest):
I’m having trouble finding good pictures or blue prints of the Carrier. Please post here what you have or find so I can forward to the Sculptor.
Thanks for your help and your feed back!
FMG, I posted these links above, were these not good enough for your needs?
Here is a link that has a nice drawing of the Enterprise if you wish to view it.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XIUsZVIRkss/SnfakHOnLUI/AAAAAAAABQk/mXJAqE5OljA/s1600-h/cv-6-line.gifAfter 1943 refit. http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/ships/carriers-us/4171/view/uss_cv-6_enterprise/
If you need better quality than this, let me know and I’ll see what else I can dig up for you. I have to leave town for a couple of days in a few hours so it might take me some time.
I did find this by the way, let me know if it works for you.
Great work! Thank you very much.
Now I need some detailed images of the NARWHAL class Submarine.
Not sure if this is part of your revision but, it would look really cool to have some of the carrier deck details etched in - like the stripes and elevators.
I thought about this too but didn’t want to push my luck. Also, extra catwalks (walking areas on the edge of the flight deck) along the side of the deck with a bunch of small lines or dots to represent the small AA guns would be icing on the cake.
However, I know redoing molds can become very expensive. So I will be happy with any additional modifications that FMG can do.
Let’s not forget just how small these pieces are, especially the ships. I know one big reason we are into these pieces is because of such great detail, but past a certain point would be near impossible, especially in the case of the naval vessels due to the small scale. “Catwalks”? I think you are asking a bit much.
Now I need some detailed images of the NARWHAL class Submarine.
Not sure if this is part of your revision but, it would look really cool to have some of the carrier deck details etched in - like the stripes and elevators.
I thought about this too but didn’t want to push my luck. Also, extra catwalks (walking areas on the edge of the flight deck) along the side of the deck with a bunch of small lines or dots to represent the small AA guns would be icing on the cake.
However, I know redoing molds can become very expensive. So I will be happy with any additional modifications that FMG can do.
Let’s not forget just how small these pieces are, especially the ships. I know one big reason we are into these pieces is because of such great detail, but past a certain point would be near impossible, especially in the case of the naval vessels due to the small scale. “Catwalks”? I think you are asking a bit much.
Having catwalks and sponsons (These are the mini decks that stick out on the side of the ships. Usually they support larger guns) are not unreasonable at all. If you look at the FMG sample piece of the Enterprise, is has both sponsons & catwalks. It has 4 sponsons that support 2 guns each. The catwalk is represented by the thin lower lip that goes around the flight deck. If FMG wants to add detail for small AA guns, all they would have to do is make a bunch of half circles as part of the catwalk with a little bump or line in it, very similar to the original A&A carrier. Usually, manufactures will allow you one or two revisions free of charge as part of the process. After that is starts to cost you. At least I hope that is the case with FMG. There are always exceptions. Anyway, my ideas are only suggestions. If FMG cam make the changes at little or no cost, great. If it’s going to be too expensive, then it won’t happen and I’m okay with that.
Now I need some detailed images of the NARWHAL class Submarine.
Perfect! Thanks!
Not sure if this is part of your revision but, it would look really cool to have some of the carrier deck details etched in - like the stripes and elevators.
I thought about this too but didn’t want to push my luck. Also, extra catwalks (walking areas on the edge of the flight deck) along the side of the deck with a bunch of small lines or dots to represent the small AA guns would be icing on the cake.
However, I know redoing molds can become very expensive. So I will be happy with any additional modifications that FMG can do.
Let’s not forget just how small these pieces are, especially the ships. I know one big reason we are into these pieces is because of such great detail, but past a certain point would be near impossible, especially in the case of the naval vessels due to the small scale. “Catwalks”? I think you are asking a bit much.
Having catwalks and sponsons (These are the mini decks that stick out on the side of the ships. Usually they support larger guns) are not unreasonable at all. If you look at the FMG sample piece of the Enterprise, is has both sponsons & catwalks. It has 4 sponsons that support 2 guns each. The catwalk is represented by the thin lower lip that goes around the flight deck. If FMG wants to add detail for small AA guns, all they would have to do is make a bunch of half circles as part of the catwalk with a little bump or line in it, very similar to the original A&A carrier. Usually, manufactures will allow you one or two revisions free of charge as part of the process. After that is starts to cost you. At least I hope that is the case with FMG. There are always exceptions. Anyway, my ideas are only suggestions. If FMG cam make the changes at little or no cost, great. If it’s going to be too expensive, then it won’t happen and I’m okay with that.
Okay, I see what you are saying now. I stand corrected. When you mentioned catwalks, I guess I was thinking of the small walkways for personnel along the sides of the conning tower.
Hey Jeremy, when are you going to add the new US sculpts to the Project thread? Also, how about the pics of the new Stuka sculpt and the one of the two King Tigers facing down the OOB Panther? Those should be added to the Project thread too.
Hey Jeremy, when are you going to add the new US sculpts to the Project thread? Also, how about the pics of the new Stuka sculpt and the one of the two King Tigers facing down the OOB Panther? Those should be added to the Project thread too.
I will add all the new images to the project thread soon. Once I have the final ITALY images ready.
Not sure if this is part of your revision but, it would look really cool to have some of the carrier deck details etched in - like the stripes and elevators.
I thought about this too but didn’t want to push my luck. Also, extra catwalks (walking areas on the edge of the flight deck) along the side of the deck with a bunch of small lines or dots to represent the small AA guns would be icing on the cake.
However, I know redoing molds can become very expensive. So I will be happy with any additional modifications that FMG can do.
Let’s not forget just how small these pieces are, especially the ships. I know one big reason we are into these pieces is because of such great detail, but past a certain point would be near impossible, especially in the case of the naval vessels due to the small scale. “Catwalks”? I think you are asking a bit much.
Having catwalks and sponsons (These are the mini decks that stick out on the side of the ships. Usually they support larger guns) are not unreasonable at all. If you look at the FMG sample piece of the Enterprise, is has both sponsons & catwalks. It has 4 sponsons that support 2 guns each. The catwalk is represented by the thin lower lip that goes around the flight deck. If FMG wants to add detail for small AA guns, all they would have to do is make a bunch of half circles as part of the catwalk with a little bump or line in it, very similar to the original A&A carrier. Usually, manufactures will allow you one or two revisions free of charge as part of the process. After that is starts to cost you. At least I hope that is the case with FMG. There are always exceptions. Anyway, my ideas are only suggestions. If FMG cam make the changes at little or no cost, great. If it’s going to be too expensive, then it won’t happen and I’m okay with that.
Okay, I see what you are saying now. I stand corrected. When you mentioned catwalks, I guess I was thinking of the small walkways for personnel along the sides of the conning tower.
Well those can be considered catwalks too. Catwalks are narrow walkways with side railing or short side walls. So I can understand the confusion.
On a carrier, when someone mentions a “catwalk” the first reference that come to mind is the walk way around the edge of the flight deck.
Will coachofmany’s pieces (HBG) be scaled and colormatched to the FMG pieces? I hate painting pieces so this is very important to me…
Will coachofmany’s pieces (HBG) be scaled and colormatched to the FMG pieces? I hate painting pieces so this is very important to me…
Yes, we are working together to ensure they are the best match possible. We want them to complement each other.
FMG- will your pieces be scaled to AAA pieces. Will the pennsylvania class BB be scales to the Iowa class? So on and so forth….If I’m not mistaken HBG is doing this!
Will coachofmany’s pieces (HBG) be scaled and colormatched to the FMG pieces? I hate painting pieces so this is very important to me…
Let’s be clear about this!
I started this project with two distinct goals when making the plastic gaming pieces. The Axis & Allies scale is ideal for any variant game for 1/2400 ships are too big and 1/285 armor varies too much.I have taken the abstract scaling of Axis & Allies pieces (nothing is in scale to one another) and feel that my pieces should seamlessly fit into the scale already set by Axis & Allies pieces as well as my colors should match so you do not have to throw away your current collection to use mine.
I stated that I would also make my sets in the same color of FMG pieces so that they can compliment what he is doing also.
I am at the point where my first two molds are being produced and the factory will need color codes to produce my choice of colors for the Marines and Axis minors. (Marines will be OOB US & OOB Dark green) I have asked many times for FMG to supply me the Pantone codes so I can perfectly match his pieces (Italy & grey German), he has stated to me that the factory has not given them to him and he cannot attain them. I have also asked for his piece sizes so that I can insure that mine do match as close as we can. Again, I am having a hard to getting the information; I did get some, so I am going to have to make some hard choices.Since it is already clear that his armored cars and Heavy tanks are much bigger than my pieces, I can tell that we are not on the same page when it comes to scaling. I am scaling my medium tanks to the Axis and Allies pieces and then dropping down a few millimeters for light tanks and up a few millimeters for heavy. My fighters, Tacs, and Bombers will be scaled to AAA also. My ships will be scaled but the early war battleships will be smaller than the out of box pieces.
I have spent countless hours looking at scaling, placing them on the maps and contrasting the pieces so that the eye does not get confused with the many pieces. I chose the scaling of the new pieces so that when you scan the board, you can easily recognize light, medium and heavy pieces.
I WILL be making OOB colors and scaling of my pieces and hopes that I can get the color codes from FMG, if not, I may have to wait on his colors until I get the codes so I can complement his sets or may to all together dismiss filling the gaps in his sets.I cannot afford to come close on the colors of his and nobody will want them because they do not match, so I am becoming very reluctant to do FMG colors.
I have asked for no money and no pre-orders, but I have already paid many thousands of dollars to this project, I have done many polls, and listened to many of your emails on what you are wanting in new pieces. I hope that I can deliver a great product and also hope that FMG and HBG can come close in our two projects.Thanks for your continual support,
Doug Friend
Thanks Doug.
We are doing two different sets, using two different factories… it would be impossible to match 100%. Our “aim” is to make products that can be used together.
FMG and Coach, just do your best. No One Company or Individual in the past 20 or so years has attempted to do what you are doing for our games. If people do not like what you produce than maybe they need to buy GHQ, Herocis and Ross, NAVWAR and DAVCO SYKTREX Ships, planes, tanks on so on. You should not take any FLAK from pontential purchasers on your projected and forth coming products. I do like being asked my opinion on what I would like to see produced, but I know I am not the one producing the molds or laying down the cash to getem done. Personally I really appreciate the effort, time and money you are investing in this and I will be purchasing what ever products you both produce so I have a greater AA Force pool to game with. Keep up the excellent work. I want to to remind everyone, that anything worth having takes time and a lot of energy and money to produce. So in the end lets all support these gentlemen who have stepped up to the plate to give us the option of owning some excellent units that are more realistic than the AA OOB units to game with. :-D :-D :-D :-D
I recommend followers of this project tune in tomorrow morning.
FMG and Coach, just do your best. No One Company or Individual in the past 20 or so years has attempted to do what you are doing for our games. If people do not like what you produce than maybe they need to buy GHQ, Herocis and Ross, NAVWAR and DAVCO SYKTREX Ships, planes, tanks on so on. You should not take any FLAK from pontential purchasers on your projected and forth coming products. I do like being asked my opinion on what I would like to see produced, but I know I am not the one producing the molds or laying down the cash to getem done. Personally I really appreciate the effort, time and money you are investing in this and I will be purchasing what ever products you both produce so I have a greater AA Force pool to game with. Keep up the excellent work. I want to to remind everyone, that anything worth having takes time and a lot of energy and money to produce. So in the end lets all support these gentlemen who have stepped up to the plate to give us the option of owning some excellent units that are more realistic than the AA OOB units to game with. :-D :-D :-D :-D
Ditto for me.