@black_elk Rock On !!!.png
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Wow, Shakespeare… lay off a bit.
As knp stated, there are only THREE units that are not in the OOB games – if you don’t like them, don’t use them. Those three units aren’t adding significant amounts to the project, and they do add something to the vast amount of players that use house rules.
Personally, I would be happy to use the new Italian Truck peice as either Motorised Infantry (house rules) or Mechanised Infantry (OOB). I know that the two can hardly be compared, but at the end of the day, it’s still mobile infantry we’re talking about here - armoured or not. I believe that all powers in the game should have the same/uniform representation of units.
I’m not too keen on an Armoured Car unit representing Mech Inf, but we will have to wait and see what FMG comes up with. If it’s the best they can do though, then I’m still happy with it because at least the Mechanised Infantry unit will still have been realised/delivered.
Hmmm yeah I might be tempted to use the truck as I can’t see any other use for the trucks at this stage….
Exactly! :-)
You will have the option! Use the Truck or the Armored car.
It is just a piece than REPRESENTS a Mech Inf division. In reality the division used Armored cars / Half tracks and Trucks. Using a Halftrack for all nations is not realistic. The Japanese did not develop and use halftracks until 1945 (and crappy ones at that). The Italian Motorized divisions used Trucks and Armored cars EXTENSIVELY. The British used the Bren Carrier and lorries… get my point?
Just because the USA,USSR and Germany used Halftracks does not mean that every nation should have them (There are now 9 “nations” in the game). Even Germany had over 30 vehicles they used in different types of Mech Inf divisions.
Here is the collection of ARMY vehicles we have currently
I think the Autoblinda AB 41 was produced in much greater numbers than the 43. FMG?
You are correct
Nice! :D One question: Are you creating French and Chinese units too? As these armies were more “limited” you could join them with some canadian or australian units (and maybe neutrals) and sell them alltogether as you sell the italian pieces…
I guess I have another question: which units are next?
It is just a piece than REPRESENTS a Mech Inf division. In reality the division used Armored cars / Half tracks and Trucks…. get my point?
Trucks were ubiquitous. So ubiquitous that the piece doesn’t seem to have a niche.
But it’s not a question of what kit was in what unit. At a Divisional level (or even platoon level with trucks) it becomes rather nonsensical.
The question, I believe, is what conjures up the appropriate unit in the player’s mind. While I agree that an Italian halftrack is off the mark, an Italian Armoured car, as I said, doesn’t work for me.My tough luck, I know.
Luckily, I don’t see a pressing need to bring out trucks for all nations and so I can point to the Italian truck and the German halftrack and say they are the same.
Are you creating French and Chinese units too? As these armies were more “limited” you could join them with some canadian units
great idea!!! :-D :-D
Hmmm I’d think it would be easier to just crank out more UK units just in a different shade for the Cdns.
Here is the collection of ARMY vehicles we have currently
OK I’m losing track… what do you have left?
The submarine.What else?
I totally agree with FMG on this – Mechanized Infantry means mechanized infantry… It doesn’t mean “half-tracks”.
I love the Autoblinda Model 41 sculpt – I can’t wait for this set!
I totally agree with FMG on this – Mechanized Infantry means mechanized infantry… It doesn’t mean “half-tracks”.
Well I don’t know exactly who you think you’re disagreeing with.
I don’t think anyone said it did mean half-tracks.For your peace of mind, rest assured mechanized infantry is firmly in my vocabulary.
Hey now if the point you were trying to make was that when you see an armoured car sculpt on the mapboard you think mech inf.
Well good for you.
Here is the collection of ARMY vehicles we have currently
OK I’m losing track… what do you have left?
The submarine.What else?
With some modifications to the original list (which I don’t think totally applies any more), I think we’re just waiting on Subs, yes.
And after this, I really really think FMG needs to crack the whip on the manufacturer for the next nations … I would go so far as to say they need to set a concrete, and not too extended deadline for them to receive samples for approval.
Here is the collection of ARMY vehicles we have currently
OK I’m losing track… what do you have left?
The submarine.What else?
And the SM79 bomber.
FMG has made the decision to make German units next.
Thanks Jeremy. Keep pressing on.
Fmg can show the Italian pieces in there real colour of Italian units.
the Autoblinda Model 41 sculpt – I can’t wait for this set!
My thoughts exactly. Excellentchoice. Can’t wait to display my new Italian sculpts in AAE40.
Thanks Jeremy
so is he saying the inf are the final colour?
No … final color will match the FMG Combat Dice.
Rorsach, I think Jeremy has stated that pieces will match OOB colors.