Yes, it seems to give the sub a similar treatment to AA guns. Every time a tpt goes by, it get a shot. Just like every time an AA is attacked by air, it shoots. Theoretically, a sub could fire numerous times in one complete round of play.
If it does work like AA guns- two things bother me
- you can no longer fire AA in noncombat
- only one AA gun can fire in a tt
Thanks, Ryx.
The wording of the FAQ answer leads me to believe that each group of transports that moves through the sea zone unescorted may be fired upon. Anybody else see that?
If it does work more like AA guns then,
Ok I see each sub could get multiple shots in each phase. Not sure why you emphasized each group though. It almost makes it sound like if you bring in a group of unescorted tpt’s (3) together, you might only get one shot at the group as a whole, instead of at each tpt in the group (which I think is the intent).
Some things that may help:
Swap out a few words in the orig rule:
There is an exception to this rule, however. A sub can attack any transport that moves into or through its sz unaccompanied by surface war ships, in either combat or noncombat movement. Each sub fires once (using its attack value of 2) at the transport(s), and one transport must be removed by the moving player for each hit scored. Any undestroyed transports can continue their planned movement."
There is an exception to this rule, however. A sub can attack any transport that moves into or through its sz unaccompanied by surface war ships, in both combat and noncombat movement. Each sub fires once (using its attack value of 2) at each unescorted transport(s), and one transport must be removed by the moving player for each hit scored. Any undestroyed transports can continue their planned movement."
I think we now understand when a tpt is considered to be escorted or not (although I still think many people may miss part of this).
Now we are starting to see the intent is for a sub to be able to fire multiple shots in the 2 move phases. I know its a pain to go back in and swap out a few words in the orig rules text, but it would make it easier to get the full intent of the rule.