Take and hold half of China
Take and hold Calcutta
Take, hold and liberate Dutch Islands
…… That should make Japan successful enough.
Japan in a nutshell. Perfect summary.
YouTube video review…
Hello everyone,
I would like to share with you my card deck customization in hopes that it improves your G40 gaming experience. It’s a professionally made deck of 54 cards which are now available through artscow and can be accessed by clicking the following link…
It includes all 37 oob national objectives, all 12 oob research & development breakthroughs, 2 reference info cards, and 3 blowup space cards for large fleets.
Thanks YG! The cards are a nice touch for the game and we enjoy using them. Thanks for all the work you put into making them usable for us.
Thanks YG! The cards are a nice touch for the game and we enjoy using them. Thanks for all the work you put into making them usable for us.
You’re welcome TOBs, I will feel better when I see the deck I ordered, hopefully it turns out well… I will keep you updated.
Hi YG,
Is there a slight possibility that you will someday make NO cards for the Balance mod? Maybe when BM gets more popular for tabletoppers in the future? I love your cards, they give a nice touch to the board.
Hi YG,
Is there a slight possibility that you will someday make NO cards for the Balance mod? Maybe when BM gets more popular for tabletoppers in the future? I love your cards, they give a nice touch to the board.
Thanks Kami,
I will be making a 54 card house rule deck which will include all Balance Mod national objectives, along with my victory objectives and modified R&D cards. This will take some time obviously, but should be available this summer.
FYI… In order to use the upcoming house rule deck, you will also need this deck available now.
Nice, I’m already looking forward to it 8-)
A video review has been added…
Ordered your first deck.
Looking forward to getting them. 😊
Nice work as always! When are you looking to put up the PDF files? Have to do a little change-up before I can go to the printers….
Nice work as always! When are you looking to put up the PDF files? Have to do a little change-up before I can go to the printers….
I should have it finished before the end of this month.
I think half my posts on this forum are just me thanking you for your customization work….
Look forward to the files.
Thank you,
Hi YG,
any news about these PDF files? :)
Hi YG,
any news about these PDF files? :)
WOW, I totally forgot about finishing that file… I’ll be working on it, sorry about that.
Cards look awesome. Definitely awaiting the PDF so I can print before my next game.
Cards look awesome. Definitely awaiting the PDF so I can print before my next game.
When is your next game?
Aug 6th. We’re fairly new to the game, your videos have been an amazing help on rules/strategies. I keep trying to find good customization’s to add.
Aug 6th. We’re fairly new to the game, your videos have been an amazing help on rules/strategies. I keep trying to find good customization’s to add.
Thanks a ton, I will try to get it done by Monday next week.
Very gently and kindly pushing this ;)
Very gently and kindly pushing this ;)
I’ll have time to work on it and provide a file this weekend.
Thanks for the interest.
Got in about 5 hours of work in illustrator on the weekend, however, I’ve still got some work to do… Should be done within a week.