Amphibious Assault + Game Board High Resolution Photo Request

  • If I’m launching amphibious assaults from Germany to the UK (say I have three transports, three infantry, three artillery, and six battleships in zone 5), and I offload into the UK from zone 6, which is devoid of any sea units, and the UK mobilizes a cruiser in zone 6 at the

    Let’s say I do the following:

    1. It’s the start of Germany’s turn. I have three transports and six battleships in zone 5. I load the three transports with three infantry and three artillery from Germany.
    2. During the combat move phase, I launch an amphibious assault against the UK from zone 6. I get a few hits, but all three of my transports are destroyed in the land combat phase, along with my three offloading infantry and artillery. The six battleships stay in zone 6. (By the way, they can’t move anymore because they’ve engaged in combat already, right? In general, pieces can’t move once they’ve been in combat, regardless of whether they are air, sea, or land units, correct?)
    3. At the end of Germany’s turn, I mobilize three more transports in zone 5, and mobilize three infantry and three artillery in Germany again (this is assuming Germany had enough IPC at the beginning of its turn, which would be 42 for these purchases).
    4. Fast forward to the end of UK’s turn. The UK spends most of its IPC on infantry to defend the capital, but spends 8 on a destroyer, which it places in zone 6, which is currently occupied by my six battleships.

    Does this mean that I can’t get any of the one-offs from my battleships? If the UK mobilized one submarine in zone 6 the rulebook explicitly says something like ‘The attacker can ignore submarines when offloading and conducting offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault.’ But, if there’s any enemy surface warship present, can I have five battleships retreat at the beginning of my turn, hopefully have the last remaining one destroy the UK destroyer in zone 6, and then launch an amphibious assault in zone 6 with my remaining battleships and still get five rolls from the battleships? Or, can none of them attack at all, since a battle already occurred in sea zone 6 and all battles occur simultaneously? (I’m not sure if I completely understand that rule, yet.) If I can’t get any offshore bombardment from the battleships, regardless of which sea zone I launch the amphibious assault from, then would it be best for Germany to spend its IPC on land units this turn, and save its transports for an amphibious assault on another turn, where it could get additional hits from offshore bombardment?

    If it’s the case that a UK destroyer in zone 6 negates any offshore bombardment that I could do with my six battleships, is there anything I could do to circumvent this defense? For example, if I let one battleship stay behind to take care of the destroyer, could the remaining battleships and transports move to zone 7 or 3 to conduct an amphibious assault, assuming that I was able to neutralize the ship in zone 6?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    By the way, does anyone have an ultra high resolution photo of the original Axis and Allies Spring 1942 game board, preferably in a high brightness setting, that you could post here? The axis and allies website has one, but theirs is a low resolution. I took a picture of the board with my iPhone, which apparently captured the board in roughly 3219 x 1982 pixels and 3183 x 1933 pixels, but it’s still not quite the clarity or sharpness that I would like, since when I zoom in to Karelia S.S.R., I can’t see the name of the city that’s located in that territory. My cousin has the board and game itself at his house, but I wanted to strategize and have a copy of the map in high resolution on my own computer so that I could plan my moves ahead of time.

    I’ll post links to the maps that I do have, so that anyone who wants to take a look at reasonably high-quality photos of the Spring 1942 game board can do so. (The file sizes are too large for me to include them as attachments to this forum post. Also, I don’t think I can post links, but appending /a/UypZd?reg to the URL of imgur will get you my photos of the original Axis and Allies Spring 1942 game board.)

    If anyone could offer any assistance, I would appreciate it.

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Iniand!


    2. During the combat move phase, I launch an amphibious assault against the UK from zone 6. I get a few hits, but all three of my transports are destroyed in the land combat phase, along with my three offloading infantry and artillery.

    The transports cannot be destroyed in land combat, as land units cannot hit sea units.


    The six battleships stay in zone 6. (By the way, they can’t move anymore because they’ve engaged in combat already, right? In general, pieces can’t move once they’ve been in combat, regardless of whether they are air, sea, or land units, correct?)

    That’s mostly true.  Only air units can move in both combat and noncombat movement.


    3. At the end of Germany’s turn, I mobilize three more transports in zone 5, and mobilize three infantry and three artillery in Germany again (this is assuming Germany had enough IPC at the beginning of its turn, which would be 42 for these purchases).
    4. Fast forward to the end of UK’s turn. The UK spends most of its IPC on infantry to defend the capital, but spends 8 on a destroyer, which it places in zone 6, which is currently occupied by my six battleships.

    Does this mean that I can’t get any of the one-offs from my battleships?

    Yes, that’s what it means.


    If the UK mobilized one submarine in zone 6 the rulebook explicitly says something like ‘The attacker can ignore submarines when offloading and conducting offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault.’ But, if there’s any enemy surface warship present, can I have five battleships retreat at the beginning of my turn, hopefully have the last remaining one destroy the UK destroyer in zone 6, and then launch an amphibious assault in zone 6 with my remaining battleships and still get five rolls from the battleships? Or, can none of them attack at all, since a battle already occurred in sea zone 6 and all battles occur simultaneously? (I’m not sure if I completely understand that rule, yet.)

    All combat movement must be completed before any combat is resolved (with the sole exception of amphibious land units offloading after a sea battle).  Also, when combat occurs in a space, all units present are involved.  As a result, the lone defending unit engages all of the attacking battleships, preventing any bombardment after the sea battle.


    If I can’t get any offshore bombardment from the battleships, regardless of which sea zone I launch the amphibious assault from, then would it be best for Germany to spend its IPC on land units this turn, and save its transports for an amphibious assault on another turn, where it could get additional hits from offshore bombardment?

    That depends entirely upon the overall strategic situation.


    If it’s the case that a UK destroyer in zone 6 negates any offshore bombardment that I could do with my six battleships, is there anything I could do to circumvent this defense? For example, if I let one battleship stay behind to take care of the destroyer, could the remaining battleships and transports move to zone 7 or 3 to conduct an amphibious assault, assuming that I was able to neutralize the ship in zone 6?

    Not in your example.  Since all combat movement must be completed before any combat is resolved, the destroyer prevents the transports from passing through sea zone 6 to sea zone 7.  Any or all of the battleships could move to sea zone 7, but there would be no amphibious assault there to support.

    However, if there were another, friendly accessible sea zone from which to launch the amphibious assault, there would be nothing to stop you from moving some or all of the battleships to that sea zone along with the transports to support the assault there, leaving the UK destroyer behind.

  • Hello, Krieghund!

    I didn’t realize that transports couldn’t be destroyed in amphibious assaults with no sea combat. That information actually saves me a lot of IPC each turn, since I thought I needed to buy three new transports every turn when offloading units from the transport during an amphibious assault in the previous turn.

    Thanks for all of the detailed information. This should help make the next game I have with my cousins more challenging for them!

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