Being beaten by dice SUCKS. No other way to put it.
But I also will never give up my dice. They are too integral to the game. And to be honest, those players who can “think on the fly” and can compensate for bad dice, really deserver major kudos. To my thinking, those falks are the BEST gamers out there, and certainly far better than some folks who used to frequent these boards who simply had worked through the sims so many times that they had memorized the possibilities, run them all thorugh a sim, and had a “canned answer” to ever move and relied on “low luck” to make sure that the game stayed within “pre-set parameters”
JSP is one of those players that I think highly of.
Darth is another I place in that category.
Others here are as well I am sure, but I have not had a chance to see or play many of the newer board members.
Against two very balanced players, the game is often decided by two factors:
Who makes the most mistakes loses (the most critical factor)
Who gets the best luck early (not as critical, but if the shift in luck is large enough, it can be devastating, especially early in the game).
Now, as for MUSIC…
Ride of the Valkeries is great, but only if you are playing Germany.
As UK though too often I find myself more along the “Bridge on teh River Kwai” motif… whistling merrily along as my forces die :evil: