Just finished our first games wow! great!

  • Hey everybody!  :mrgreen:

    Over the last few days my friends and I played a couple of games of axis and allies we loved It. We all found it amusing that we came to have a network with computers but ended up playing axis and allies for the entire time. The last game we played took a good 12 hours.
    The only problem we had was learning a game from a manual (I might add is badly written) rather than a person. I say this because we got a few rules wrong and then it was like we had just tainted the game but we still had fun. Expect for the last game all 3 games the axis one easily. I found strange as most sites say allies are overpowered.

    I have a few game play questions I would like to ask if someone would not mind clearing them up for my friends and I.
    ( btw we play Axis and Allies revised , the one with this cover http://www.rainydaygames.us/images/Products/WOC86620-458217.jpg)

    Question 1. Germany has a tank in Algeria and it want to attack Egypt, nothing is in Libya but it is controlled by German can they move 1 into Libya then attack the anglo-egypt? Because it is now a adjacent or can you only attack if it is adjacent to you at the beginning of the turn it says both on in the manual.

    Question 2. If a plane on the island, of midway we did not know what its maximum range was or what the Island bases nation ability did but this was our guess
    Without Island bases the plane would move 1 into its own sea square (56) 1 into 57 then because Japan is not an island 1 into 60 to attack the island thus it could not attack Japan from midway because the movement back would be 3 6 all together.
    If you had island bases you could do it because you would not have to move into 56 just move into 57. Or in other way you don’t have to count the square the plane is in when attacking.

    Question 3. Also with planes. If a plan in Germany wanted to attack Britain, does it have to move into 5 then 6 then Britain or can it or once it hits the coast square it is attacking the land and doesn’t move into it
    Question 4: Do AA guns fire into costal squares for instance if a bomber attack Germany and ends up in square if Norway Western Europe and Germany all had an AA gun they could fire at the plane?

    Question 5. We’re can ships be deployed? For instance United Kingdom stars with ships in sea zone 2 but can ships be deployed in and adjacent sea tile? Even tiles which share coast with Western Europe and Norway?

    Question 5: if you buy a man a tank and a transport in the same turn can they come into play on the transport? Or, do you need to move them on?

    Question 6: what is the point of taking Gibraltar? I can understand midway and wake Islands but not Gibraltar
    Question 7: A silly question really but can a plane just attack a man. For example, a plane wants to attack anglo-egypt from Algeria can it do this even if it can’t move in?
    In addition, can the man fire back?

    Question 8
    Japan wants to attack China from Kwangtang and French Indochina with three men from each. He has two bombers in Japan the Chinese has only 3 me. Can the bombers attack the Units withdraw then the men attack so they get there banzi or do all attacks need to be declared at the same time ?

    Question 8 if you have long-range aircraft can a bomber from Western United states attack Japan? Moreover, land back there. Seems like a silly question I know but it seems history very in accurate. You would not need to island hope to even get close to Japan.

    Question 9. Final question whats the difference between The Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR) and the Manual i tried to click on links but none work anymore. I found the manual and it is written the same i don’t want to read 29 pages again! ( we all ready all read the manual 3 times!) The only differences I can see is Japan loose lighting attack and get better battleships.

    Thanks for your help everyone!


  • 2007 AAR League

    Welcome to the world of Axis & Allies, feel free to ask as many questions as you want, there will always be someone here willing to put in their 2 cents.Â

    Here are my answers to your first round of questions.


    Question 1. Germany has a tank in Algeria and it want to attack Egypt, nothing is in Libya but it is controlled by German can they move 1 into Libya then attack the anglo-egypt? Because it is now a adjacent or can you only attack if it is adjacent to you at the beginning of the turn it says both on in the manual.

    Yes.  Tanks can blitz through any unoccupied territory regardless of who owns it.  If the territory is enemy controlled (but completely empty-no AA or IC) you take possesion of that territory on the way to your final destination.

    Question 2. If a plane on the island, of midway we did not know what its maximum range was or what the Island bases nation ability did but this was our guess
    Without Island bases the plane would move 1 into its own sea square (56) 1 into 57 then because Japan is not an island 1 into 60 to attack the island thus it could not attack Japan from midway because the movement back would be 3 6 all together.
    If you had island bases you could do it because you would not have to move into 56 just move into 57. Or in other way you don’t have to count the square the plane is in when attacking.

    Island bases allow you to ignore the seazone your Island base is in.  It has no effect on enemy controlled Islands.  From midway you would count sz57, sz60, & japan for a movement of 3.  You would need a carrier in sz60 to recover the fighter or long-range aircraft so the fighter would have an additional 3 spaces to move.

    Question 3. Also with planes. If a plan in Germany wanted to attack Britain, does it have to move into 5 then 6 then Britain or can it or once it hits the coast square it is attacking the land and doesn’t move into it

    Planes must move into britain if they want to attack Units there or conduct a Strategic Bombing Raid.

    Question 4: Do AA guns fire into costal squares for instance if a bomber attack Germany and ends up in square if Norway Western Europe and Germany all had an AA gun they could fire at the plane?

    No. AA guns only fire at planes passing over the terrirtory they are in.  In LHTR AA guns only fire during the Combat Move phase.  Planes flying over an AA gun during Non-combat movement get a free pass.

    Question 5. We’re can ships be deployed? For instance United Kingdom stars with ships in sea zone 2 but can ships be deployed in and adjacent sea tile? Even tiles which share coast with Western Europe and Norway?

    Ships can be deployed in any seazone adjacent to a territory with an Industrial Complex.  For the UK that means SZ2, SZ3, SZ6, SZ7, & SZ8 are all legitimate building sites for ships.

    Question 5: if you buy a man a tank and a transport in the same turn can they come into play on the transport? Or, do you need to move them on?

    No. The transport is built in the Seazone and the Infantry in the Land territroy.

    Question 6: what is the point of taking Gibraltar? I can understand midway and wake Islands but not Gibraltar

    Fighters in the UK can attack ships in SZ13 (West Med Seazone) and land in Gibraltar.  If Gibraltar is enemy controlled, SZ13 is out of range of UK fighters (unless they own Algeria or have a Carrier that can move into position to recover the fighter).

    Question 7: A silly question really but can a plane just attack a man. For example, a plane wants to attack anglo-egypt from Algeria can it do this even if it can’t move in?
    In addition, can the man fire back?

    Yes you can attack, and the infantry gets to fire back, but you risk losing a plane that cost $10 to kill a man that cost $3.  There may be times when you will want to do this, for example opening a whole for your partner’s tanks to blitz through.

    Question 8
    Japan wants to attack China from Kwangtang and French Indochina with three men from each. He has two bombers in Japan the Chinese has only 3 me. Can the bombers attack the Units withdraw then the men attack so they get there banzi or do all attacks need to be declared at the same time ?

    No.  The only time fighters may withdraw by themselves is during an amphibious landing, or if they are the only attacking units remaining.

    Question 8 if you have long-range aircraft can a bomber from Western United states attack Japan? Moreover, land back there. Seems like a silly question I know but it seems history very in accurate. You would not need to island hope to even get close to Japan.

    Yes they can attack Japan but could not make it back to W. US.  They would have to land within a 3 space radius of Japan.

    Question 9. Final question whats the difference between The Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR) and the Manual i tried to click on links but none work anymore. I found the manual and it is written the same i don’t want to read 29 pages again! ( we all ready all read the manual 3 times!) The only differences I can see is Japan loose lighting attack and get better battleships.

    LHTR were written by the game designer and clarify most of the ambiguities in the Out of Box (OOB) rules and make some changes that enhance game play.  Most of them deal with Submarines, and Strategic Bombing.  Most people find LHTR better, especially after you have a few games under your belt.

  • Hi!  Glad to see new players enjoying the game, even without someone there to help them understand the complexities.  One suggestion for you:  Definitely try to play the game a few times WITHOUT using the National Advantages.  (NAs)  The NAs add a lot of exceptions to the normal rules that can make things very confusing.  Try a few games without them first so that everyone can really understand the rules and the units.

    Question 1. Germany has a tank in Algeria and it want to attack Egypt, nothing is in Libya but it is controlled by German can they move 1 into Libya then attack the anglo-egypt? Because it is now a adjacent or can you only attack if it is adjacent to you at the beginning of the turn it says both on in the manual.

    Armour (tanks) can move through 1 friendly territory to attack the territory beyond.  So, yes.  They can also “blitz” through an enemy-controlled territory (capturing it enroute) that has NO enemy units in it, and attack the territory beyond.

    Question 2. If a plane on the island, of midway we did not know what its maximum range was or what the Island bases nation ability did but this was our guess
    Without Island bases the plane would move 1 into its own sea square (56) 1 into 57 then because Japan is not an island 1 into 60 to attack the island thus it could not attack Japan from midway because the movement back would be 3 6 all together.  If you had island bases you could do it because you would not have to move into 56 just move into 57. Or in other way you don’t have to count the square the plane is in when attacking.

    Without Island Bases, it takes 8 moves to get an airplane from Midway to Japan and back again.  
    1.  Midway > Seazone (SZ) 56
    2.  SZ 56 > SZ 57
    3.  SZ 57 > SZ 60
    4.  SZ 60 > Japan (Where the combat takes place)
    5.  Japan > SZ 60
    6.  SZ 60 > SZ 57
    7.  SZ 57 > SZ 56
    8.  SZ 56 > Midway.

    With Island Bases, it takes 6 moves.  Basically, planes “skip” the seazone that surrounds the island they are taking off from or landing on.  (and ONLY if the island is friendly.)

    Question 3. Also with planes. If a plan in Germany wanted to attack Britain, does it have to move into 5 then 6 then Britain or can it or once it hits the coast square it is attacking the land and doesn’t move into it

    A plane must move INTO a land territory in order to attack it.  The only unit that can attack a land-territory from a seazone is a Battleship (or destroyer if you have successfully researched Combined Bombardment technology) conducting Shore Bombardment during the first cycle of combat in an amphibious assault.

    Question 4: Do AA guns fire into costal squares for instance if a bomber attack Germany and ends up in square if Norway Western Europe and Germany all had an AA gun they could fire at the plane?

    Nope.  AA Guns only fire at enemy planes in their territory.

    Question 5. We’re can ships be deployed? For instance United Kingdom stars with ships in sea zone 2 but can ships be deployed in and adjacent sea tile? Even tiles which share coast with Western Europe and Norway?

    Ships can be deployed into any SZ that is adjacent to the territory that contains the Industrial Complex.  So, for example, Ships built by the UK could be deployed into any of the 5 SZs that surround Britain.

    Question 5: if you buy a man a tank and a transport in the same turn can they come into play on the transport? Or, do you need to move them on?

    You need to load them in a later turn.

    Question 6: what is the point of taking Gibraltar? I can understand midway and wake Islands but not Gibraltar

    Taking Gibraltar could be useful in some rare situations…  More play will allow you to discover the WHYs of various tactics!

    Question 7: A silly question really but can a plane just attack a man. For example, a plane wants to attack anglo-egypt from Algeria can it do this even if it can’t move in?
    In addition, can the man fire back?

    Yes, to both.  You can attack a territory without the intention of conquering it.  The Infantry (Inf) can fire back.  It is a normal land combat, just that the territory will not change hands even if the Inf is destroyed.

    Question 8
    Japan wants to attack China from Kwangtang and French Indochina with three men from each. He has two bombers in Japan the Chinese has only 3 me. Can the bombers attack the Units withdraw then the men attack so they get there banzi or do all attacks need to be declared at the same time ?

    All of your Combat Movement is done at the same time, THEN all Combats are resolved.  During Combat Movement, you move all units you intend to attack any enemy territories with into those territories, all across the globe.  Once you are done that, then you enter the Conduct Combat phase and resolve each combat in the order you choose until they are all complete.

    Question 8 if you have long-range aircraft can a bomber from Western United states attack Japan? Moreover, land back there. Seems like a silly question I know but it seems history very in accurate. You would not need to island hope to even get close to Japan.

    It takes 5 moves to get from the Western US to Japan, then at least 2 more to get to any landing-space.  See my breakdown to Question 2 above to understand how to count seazones when moving.  With Long-Rang Aircraft (bomber flight-range 8 ) you could pull off a bombing-run from Western US to Japan and still have 3 moves remaining to get to a safe landing-spot in your Noncombat Move phase.  Wesern US to Japan and back again is impossible in a single turn.  It would take 10 moves, and no combination of Tech and NAs in the game allow that.

    Question 9. Final question whats the difference between The Larry Harris Tournament Rules (LHTR) and the Manual i tried to click on links but none work anymore. I found the manual and it is written the same i don’t want to read 29 pages again! ( we all ready all read the manual 3 times!) The only differences I can see is Japan loose lighting attack and get better battleships.

    There are a few differences, many of which are focussed on the National Advantages.  There are some changes to the Weapons Developments as well, and a few other subtle changes to other rules, notably Submarines and Strategic Bombing Runs.  I highly recommend that you learn to play with LHTR.

    Thanks for your help everyone!

    No problem!  Hope this helps!


  • Hey thanks for all your help everybody we were doing alot wrong,

    lol both me and my friend as germany and japan were getting bombed from east and west germany respectivley lol

  • No worries  :-D

    When I first started playing, I got taught some horribly wrong rules, and it took me forever to bend my thinking into proper shape.  Try to get it right soon, even if it feels wrong compared to what you already know.  Playing it correctly will provide the best-balanced experience in the long run, and will allow you to easily start games with people separate from your group.

    Good luck!


  • doubt that i live in littlehampton, i would say the 80% of the people who live in this town fought in the first world war , thats right folks the FIRST one!

  • @icemanjsg:

    doubt that i live in littlehampton, i would say the 80% of the people who live in this town fought in the first world war , thats right folks the FIRST one!

    Well, you can’t just leave it at that. What’s the rest of the story?

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