@fasthard thanks for sharing! Interesting idea to use 2 euro cent coins.
B17's up close and personal
I think your examples turned out pretty good Hoffman! If you perhaps weathered your hellcats abit on the blues…maybe some silver chipping exposed, or a light wash to dirty them ever so slightly it would help die down some of the aggressiveness of the powder stains so they don’t pop out as much. Just making the plane look more used and rugged from some pacific sorties!
Thanks guys. But yes, I do agree about dirtying them up a bit. If they were pieces for myself I probably would have done that. I think paint flecks and chips showing the aluminum underneath would be the coolest weathering so I will have to experiment with that.
I think your examples turned out pretty good Hoffman! If you perhaps weathered your hellcats abit on the blues…maybe some silver chipping exposed, or a light wash to dirty them ever so slightly it would help die down some of the aggressiveness of the powder stains so they don’t pop out as much. Just making the plane look more used and rugged from some pacific sorties!
Thanks guys. But yes, I do agree about dirtying them up a bit. If they were pieces for myself I probably would have done that. I think paint flecks and chips showing the aluminum underneath would be the coolest weathering so I will have to experiment with that.
Have you painted anything new in the last while Lhoffman? your own personals or Tall (awol?) Paul commissions ? your work was really good man I enjoyed it.
Have you painted anything new in the last while Lhoffman? your own personals or Tall (awol?) Paul commissions ? your work was really good man I enjoyed it.
Naw man I haven’t. Lost track of it amid other cares in life. However, I have been getting the itch lately. I have a bunch of HBG pieces sitting in boxes waiting for me. Maybe I will again soon. I do still have a few American planes left to finish up for Tall Paul, though that has been on hold for some time.
Have you painted anything new in the last while Lhoffman? your own personals or Tall (awol?) Paul commissions ? your work was really good man I enjoyed it.
Naw man I haven’t. Lost track of it amid other cares in life. However, I have been getting the itch lately. I have a bunch of HBG pieces sitting in boxes waiting for me. Maybe I will again soon. I do still have a few American planes left to finish up for Tall Paul, though that has been on hold for some time.
Yeah that’s understandable. I’m the same too with the bulk of pieces already painted it really takes a new HBG expansion set to get my brushes out again. Or right now my buddy and I are trying out Guadalcanal for the first time. And I noticed the US start out with a generous amount of b17 fortresses so I wanted to repaint some for the game. Well whenever you get inspired again I will look forward to more showcases from you.
Yeah that’s understandable. I’m the same too with the bulk of pieces already painted it really takes a new HBG expansion set to get my brushes out again. Or right now my buddy and I are trying out Guadalcanal for the first time. And I noticed the US start out with a generous amount of b17 fortresses so I wanted to repaint some for the game. Well whenever you get inspired again I will look forward to more showcases from you.
I hope I can get to it… maybe after a few things clear out of my schedule in the coming weeks. I always feel the need to paint when I see the cool stuff you guys are working on.