• 1.  No.  No unit can be inviolved in mor ethan 1 combat in a single turn.

    2.  Correct.  AF are prohibited form landing in newly captured territory.  Any land units that participated in the battle MUST remain in the territory.  Other land units that did NOT engage in combat that turn CAN be moved into the newly captured territory in non-combat movement.

    3.  Yes, land units can cross the canals w/o transports

    4.  The phrasing was clarified in later editions of hte rules.  The “adjacent sea zone” means you can’t offload from a SZ that is hostile… you have to win the battle in the SZ before you can offload troops.

    5.  The BB cannot be hit by defender fire.  The BB fires only ONCE at the start of the first round of combat.  The BB can hit ANY unit in the land territory, but the defender chooses what is hit.

    6.  Aircraft are engaging in combat movement on the way TO battle, and of course they are engaged in combat over the territory they are attacking.  Thus on the way in, and for the battle itself, they CAN be hit by AA fire.  But after the battle, they “hover” until all combat is resolved, then in the non-combat phase of movement they fly to their landing area, and for that part of movement the AA guns do NOT fire since there is no combat in the non-combat phase of the move.

    You may want to switch to using the Larry Harris Tournament Rules instead of the Operations Manual that comes with the game.  Many of the things that are unclear (or just plain wrong) in the OM are corrected in LHTR.  You can find tha trule-set here

  • Thanks guys - this makes sense. Just a clarification on Q4 and Q5.

    Apologies - I am not sure if you (ncscswitch) understood exactly what I meant in Q4.

    From Shadowhawks’ answer I understand that as the US I can’t load or offload from Sea Zone 63 to Alaska without destroying the German battleship in Sea Zone 64. (Note that the German battleship is in a different sea Zone to where I am offloading from which I think is the misunderstanding by ncscswitch. Hence I am not undertaking the sea combat portion of an amphibious attack just wanting to know whether I can load/offload).

    Can I conduct an amphibious assault from Sea Zone 63 to Alaska (assuming Alaska is enemy controlled) with a German battleship is Sea Zone 64 or must the German battleship be destroyed first?

    Q5: The reason I asked whether it was land units only that could be hit by battleships during bombardment in an amphibious attack is because this is what it says on page 15 (bottom of right hand column - “If there are no land units present ignore this step and leave the battleships on the board”). Is the firing on aircraft by battleships (in contradiction to this rule) a LHTR modification?

    By the way the link to the LHTR doesn’t seem to be working.


  • That “adjacent SZ” thing is confusing I admit, that is why it was clarified in later rules.

    SZ64 has NOTHING to do with what you do in SZ63, and you can land in either Alaska or WCan form SZ63 without destroying teh BB in SZ64 first.

  • And on the other point… the FIGs ARE land units, as in they are in a LAND territory, thus they CAN be hit by BB shots.

  • I agree with you in all points except 6. which is IMO a logical nonsense if you act as the rules tell you. For Example: There are enemy Bombers flying over Berlin, but the Germans can´t fire at them, because the Bombers have been bombing Rome and are now “just” on their way home. They fliy over hunreds of German AAs, but no one fires, because the fight is already over.  :-D :-o :?
    This would be quite strange, if it occured in WW2.

  • It is a game design issue… and it makes as much (or more) sense than attacking a contested sea zone (one with both enemy and allied ships present) that your alliles are miraculously absent during your attack, even though there ships are right there with you in the same sea zone.  The main argument made against that was that the allied ships are never placed on the Battle Board, and thus cannot participate in the battle.

    Or as much sense that a defender cannot retreat.
    Or that you can’t violate Neutrals
    Or that you can collect income from newly captured territory but can;t land AF there.

  • @ncscswitch:

    It is a game design issue… and it makes as much (or more) sense than attacking a contested sea zone (one with both enemy and allied ships present) that your alliles are miraculously absent during your attack, even though there ships are right there with you in the same sea zone.  The main argument made against that was that the allied ships are never placed on the Battle Board, and thus cannot participate in the battle.

    Or as much sense that a defender cannot retreat.
    Or that you can’t violate Neutrals
    Or that you can collect income from newly captured territory but can;t land AF there.

    Yes but the other things make at least sense, because of the games´ balance.
    But rules are rules.

  • Thanks guys for the help.

    I have just downloaded the LHTR and will read through them.
    It looks like the differences are quite subtle and only applicable to some rules.

    Is it valid to assume that all questions related to A&A (Revised) will be answered according to LHTR?
    Or do most people play by the rules in the rule book that you get with the game?

  • Most people play LHTR, because it clarifies some of the sticky points in the OM rules. :wink:

  • Cool, I’ll stick to LHTR then!  :-D

  • LHTR is far more complete.  But I would not go so far as to say that it will answer ALL of your questions :-)

    And LHTR seems to be pretty much “The” standard for online play, at least from what I have seen.

  • At this stage I am only playing board games (not online).

    Surely LHTR do not cover all the rules - that are there are still parts of the games that the rule book do not clarify which means you have to make things up….

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