Greetings YG, here’s what I think you can do with Germany and Japan if your allied group comes at your Germany like you described:
Long story short: the axis can play an economic game.
Japan: Can do what it wants. Grow as fast and as hard as possible. Aim to get their income to >>90IPCs per turn while the USA is paying less attention to you. You don’t need to capture 6VC’s, but you should do if you can. Main priorities are to increase your economy + kill allied economy (i.e. kill China, Isolate/take Calcutta, take everything east and north of Calcutta (including Russian territories), don’t build too much mIC in Asia, deny ANZAC NO’s and convoy ANZAC base income). Depending on how and when the USA turns its attention back towards you, Japan should either play to take Hawaii/Sydney or ME/South Africa (and up from there) or simply to deny the allies to take back what you took.
Germany: Play to hold out against the USA + UK, while ever (but slowly) increasing your economy by destroying Russia’s completely (work together with Japan and be aware it means ~12 turns of play to get there). Leave the allied fleet be and position a very strong counterattack force in West Germany and another one in Finland. Axis Luftwaffe should be based so that it can reach Norway, Normandy, Southern France, etc. All the places the Wallies could invade…
Germany must build a LOT of land units to be able to do this but it is possible to ever grow the German economy while destroying the Russian and hold out against the Wallies.
With this strategy, it is very easy for the USA to overdo its attempt to kill Germany, making it impossible for the allies to stop Japan from taking Hawaii. If the USA however recognizes the Japanese threat, they are forced to let their investments into Europe run dry and turn their attention back towards Japan. That is what Germany has been waiting for: now they can once again focus on Russia and without any further possible (meaningful) USA investments in Europe, Staling will have to flee Moscow.
The axis will have a very good chance to get their economy stronger than that of the allies while also denying them an opportunity to restore balance. After the first ~12 turns or so, the axis partner that gets the least resistance should move slowly towards even more economic gain or the winning VC (Moscow for Germany, outer defense perimeter/Alaska/ME/SA/Hawaii/Sydney for Japan).
An alternative is to march the German army into Calcutta and use the full Japanese economic might to usurp Hawaii at the same time (close coordination with Germany taking Calcutta). Japan must still isolate India Asap for this.
Alas if your buddy Japan cannot hold out if the USA has first focussed on Europe first 4 rounds…
Great advise, conservative aggression right?.. what round should I start taking away Russian territories… G2?..G3?