• first question: when a hex is attacked and some units get one hit they have to retreat but what if they don’t get any hits? do they stay in the hex? because i know there is no defending fire. how can both armies occupy the same hex?

    second: do players retain the supply tokens given by turn even if they don’t use all of them?

    third: what criteria must be met in order for ones line to advance?

    thnx in advance

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Casanova!


    first question: when a hex is attacked and some units get one hit they have to retreat but what if they don’t get any hits? do they stay in the hex? because i know there is no defending fire. how can both armies occupy the same hex?

    Units that aren’t retreated or destroyed stay in the hex.  Both armies don’t occupy the same hex because attacking doesn’t involve moving.  When units from one hex attack another hex, they remain in their original hex.  The only ground unit movement that occurs during the combat phases is the retreating of defending units.


    second: do players retain the supply tokens given by turn even if they don’t use all of them?



    third: what criteria must be met in order for ones line to advance?

    The front line moves only during the Board Upkeep phase.  That movement is based on the positions of units on the board.  Which side has control of any given hex is determined entirely by which side of the front line it’s on.  In other words, even though you have units in a hex, it’s not controlled by you until after the front lines are adjusted.  The movement of the front lines is explained in detail on page 22 of the Operations Manual.

    More information can be found in the FAQ.

  • thanks

  • As usual, spot on Krieghund.


    second: do players retain the supply tokens given by turn even if they don’t use all of them?

    I would just add as to the supply tokens that these don’t have to be moved onto the board as they are added per turn.  for example, as the Axis, you get 9 I believe, and if you only wanted to move 6 of them onboard with trucks, the others would be left off board and could be moved on during your next turn, much the same way that not all of your reinforcements have to move on-board, but could be left off-board.  they still would move on in the order from the chart though.

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