A&A.org 2006 Fall two-on-two Revised Tournament?

  • In other threads there has been a fair amount of discussion on a site sanctioned two-on-two Revised Tournament this fall.

    The estimated start date is 1 October, so we are still in the very early planning stages of such a potential Tournament.

    I am looking for feedback and thoughts on such a Tournament, as well as trying to gauge interest level to determine if enough folks would participate to make it viable.  The goal is 8 teams, so 16 players MINIMUM.

    The types of things that I am looking for feedback on (besides interest in participating) are:
    1.  Single or Double ellimination
    2.  Rule Set (OM, LHTR, modified version of either such as no-tech or including national advantages)
    3.  Dice (ADS/“real” dice, Low Luck, or other)
    4.  Anything else y’all think of.

    As the 2006 Revised Tournament winds down, I am also looking for ways to elliminate some of the difficulties we had with that Tournament, in particular gaming burn-out and other factors that led to several participants pulling out during the Tournament.

    Any and all feedback appreciated.

    If interest is sufficient, formal announcement of such a Tournament will be in August and team sign up will commence from there.

  • Do you mean a play by forum tourney? Or a get together and game all day tourney? Either way I would not be intrested in anything that doesn’t let the dice be dice. For good or bad and as disagreeable as dice can be. If by forum I would cetainly be intrested if I can get the maps and dicey things going, if an actual meet your opponents face to face tourney it would of course depend on its date and location.

  • It would be a play-by-forum in the same manner as the 2006 Singles Tournament that is finishing up in the Tournaments sub-board of the Games threads (you can check those out to see how the Tournament has occured).

    I too prefer ADS “real” dice for reasons posted vociferously in other threads elsewhere on the boards.

    An in person face to face gaming would be nearly impossible.  I think the largest number of active gaming folks in one geographic area that we have is 3 people within a half-day drive of each other, and Bebo and I may be the closest (about 30 minutes apart, depend on traffic on the I-40 parking lot).

    As for the map programs, etc.  I am completely unable to use any of the mapping programs on my old PC, so I have my board set up behind me on a table and just post moves to the forum.

  • One area I am looking to make a change on for the 2-on-2 over the current Revised Tournament…

    Allowing unrestricted bids.

    For the 2006 Tournament, we restricted the bid so that no more than half of the bid could be used for immediate placement of units.  For the 2-on-2 I propose that the bid be placed (or saved as IPCs) in whatever method the winning bidder chooses.  If they bid 3 IPC, then let it be an INF pre-placed on the board rather than any bid of 5 or less being required to be taken as IPCs in the bank.

  • It sounds like a great idea!

    I’m putting my votes on:
    1. Single or Double elimination - I really don’t care, single could maybe make the tourney faster and thereby keeping participants more interrested, while double would make the final placements represent the skill levels of the players better.
    2. LHTR with no techs and no NA - Box rules are simply to full of flaws and both NA and Techs both yells “luck” out loud.
    3. ADS - I like a game where it isn’t just math and calculations all the way…
    4. Should the teams be generated at random or should we just team up before we sign in?
    I think it would be better to team up outside the tourney and then sign in as a team. I think the best way to keep everyone happy is by letting people choose their teammate, this could mean that well see some high ranking teams playing against poorer teams but this will keep the games more interesting and the general gameplay better.

    I think the bidding you propose with unrestricted bids sound like a good and fair idea… I don’t know how the bidding went in the last tourney so it could be a bit unfair if a team wins with a 12 ipc bid and is allowed place all units (a sure axis win).
    My idea to make it a bit fair, could be something like this:
    The team agrees on how much to bid (the teamleader always has the last word). We use the DAAK system to get invisible bids. You are then allowed to place 50% of the bid, rest goes to bank, note though that you are always allowed to place at least 3 IPC (1 inf) even if you bid is 5 or lower.


  • Other thoughts after the 06 Revised Tournament…

    To make things flow better, be easier to admin, quicker for participants, clearer, etc.

    1.  Fixed Tournament Size.  In this case, 8 teams, 16 players. 
    2.  Single Ellimination, 3 games determines Tournament Champions
    3.  3 week game limit, fixed, no extensions.
    4.  1 week off between games
    5.  If 1 team member resigns from Tournament, remaining player can choose a new partner, or conceed.
    6.  If a team resigns, their current oppoents move forward.  In the case of the final match, they win.
    7.  If 1 member of a team is temporarilly unavailable, the other team member may make ONE move for their team mate’s Nation to keep game play continuing.  ALL players in the current game must know in advance of the absence and that the other team mate will be making their move (to prevent issues with #9 below)
    8.  Moves must be posted within 24 hours of the previous move.  US and USSR MUST be done together.
    9.  Team defaults after 48 hours.
    10.  Delay warning issued if 24 hour time line is exceeded.  Multiple warnings in the same game is default.

    I also recommend that the Tournament begin September 1 rather than October 1.  The reason for this is that, even with the strict time table above, it will still take 3 MONTHS to play a single ellimination Tournament.  Based on the attirion rate of the Spring Tournament, and with the Holidays starting in late November, we need to complete the Tournament before Thanksgiving.

    Thoughts?  Feedback?  Comments?

  • @ncscswitch:

    It would be a play-by-forum in the same manner as the 2006 Singles Tournament that is finishing up in the Tournaments sub-board of the Games threads (you can check those out to see how the Tournament has occured).

    I too prefer ADS “real” dice for reasons posted vociferously in other threads elsewhere on the boards.

    An in person face to face gaming would be nearly impossible.  I think the largest number of active gaming folks in one geographic area that we have is 3 people within a half-day drive of each other, and Bebo and I may be the closest (about 30 minutes apart, depend on traffic on the I-40 parking lot).

    As for the map programs, etc.  I am completely unable to use any of the mapping programs on my old PC, so I have my board set up behind me on a table and just post moves to the forum.

    One of the issues I always had with map programs is the typing of moves. Triple A took care of all that.

    I might be interested, even though I dont play any online organized A&A anymore. Provided that I could use Triple A. I just dont see wasting 20 minutes on something that takes no time with another program.


  • 2007 AAR League

    I have been haunting this board for well over a year now and I am very interested in participating in this tournament, which is why I finally got around to registering.

    I do have an opinion about the burnout issue, though. I believe that the burnout and turnover rates of the singles tourney was primarily a result of the time limit. I noticed that many of the games had warnings issued and a few of the games were defaulted out because life got in the way of the time limits for some of the paticipants. Nobody can guarantee that they will be available every other day for three months and it shouldn’t be expected of anyone.  Although, with teams it should be less demanding because now there will be three players moving before anybody has to post a new move. Also, I can understand imposing a strict time limit for this tourney if the intention is to finish it before the end of the year so that the 2007 Tournament season can be given a longer lifespan and allow for a greater number of entrants. Now, I’m not saying that a relaxed time limit will fix the burnout issue but it might be worth a try if you run into the same problems as the singles tourney.

    Note- this is not a dig on the way the other tournament was run because you guys were more than lenient on the time infractions and nobody seemed to get too twisted about it. I was just saying.

    Like I said, if the intent is to finish quickly so the 2007 season can have a whole year to play then Switch’s suggestion seems equitable.

    Otherwise, I would prefer a double elim to keep a team from getting kicked out because they got hosed by the dice, especially if it’s early. My suggestion would be a best 2 out of 3 with the first 2 games being run similar to the triple-a style. Each team will play one game as the axis and one as the allies running at the same time. The teams playing will negotiate the bid with the knowledge that whatever they will be getting as the axis they will also be giving as the allies so that should keep the bids from getting out of hand. In case of ties, the third game would be an auction bid with the starting point being the bid from the first two games and going from there. I prefer this way because if we are going to declare a team A&A champion, they will have to show their prowess on both sides of the board and it will prevent teams from riding their preferred side all the way to the champoinship. In order to allow for the extra games you should probably start the tournament as soon as 8 teams sign up.

    I also like the week off between games. That should help with the burnout.

    ADS and LHTR definitely.

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