The recent DK’s and Narvik’s thread makes me think about another way to simulate inside the regular combat phase air-to-air combat. No special air phase is needed. The aircraft carrier stay the same and hold only 2 aicraft units.
See also my most recent thread for more planes in game with 3 planes aircraft carriers.
The principles I used as an historical guidelines are…
Fgs and TcBs must have their own capacities:
Fighter being cheaper, smaller, faster, weaker against ground targets but always have the better hand in dogfight against any bombers (TcB or StB).
Tactical Bomber being a costlier, bigger, slower and heavier hitter against ground targets but clumsier against Fighters in air-to-air combat.
In addition, attacking Fighters should be less effective than defending ones. At least, in some specific situations, such as similar to Battle of Britain.
And this principle, I think, should be maintain for TcB: at least a defending TcB should not be more effective than an attacking one.
Because, the same reasoning applied to TcBs and pilots about distant targets, less fuel, less time in the air above targets, more tired pilots, less accurate bombing, etc.
Here are the aircraft units combat values and cost:
Attack 2-3
Defense 3-4
Move 4
Cost 8
Air combat unit: All hits are allocated to aircraft units first, if any available
Air Supremacy bonus: +1 Attack/Defense when no enemy’s aircraft
Air Superiority bonus:EDIT: +1 Attack/Defense when fighting against only enemy’s aircrafts.
Combined Arms bonus: gives +1 Attack when paired 1:1 with 1 Tactical Bomber unit, if TcB is able to attack Ground or Naval units or defend against them. EDIT: See edit below.
SBR escort mission: Attack @2
Can intercept in SBR: Defense @3.
Carrier operation: up to two units can be on board a fleet Carrier (max.: 2 units of any kind per fleet Carrier)
1 Fighter unit can land on a newly captured territory, if there is still 1 movement point left. (Max: 1 Fg or 1 TcB)
Tactical Bomber
Attack 3-4
Defense 3-4
Move 4
Cost 9
Combined Arms bonus: +1 Attack when paired 1:1 with a Fighter and, also, attacking or defending against any Ground or Naval units.
Said otherwise: if there is only enemy’s aircrafts units remaining in a SZ or a Territory, Combined Arms bonus doesn’t apply.
EDIT: this is too confusing during combat rounds and allocations of casualty. A regular combined arms is already enough.
Air supremacy bonus: +1 Attack / +1 Defense when no enemy’s aircraft
Combined Arms Bonus in Tank support, Tactical Bomber as a “Tank Buster”:
**_Gives +1 Attack / +1 Defense to any Tank paired 1:1 with, if it is also attacking or defending against any Ground units.
But, said otherwise: if there is only enemy’s aircrafts units remaining in a Territory, this Combined Arms bonus no more apply.
Air Supremacy bonus can be added to this combined Arms Bonus.
In this case, a lone Tactical Bomber reach Attack @4 or Defense @4 while the paired Tank reach also Attack @4 or Defense @4.
However, as 1:1 imply, it is not possible to pair TcB to both Fighter and Tank.
But, if Tactical Bomber is alone and didn’t have Air Supremacy, it can still be paired with Tank, giving a +1 bonus to Tank.
Tactical Bombing Raid: Attack @2
TBR damage: 1D6 on Air Base or Naval Base
On SBR can also do escort mission: Attack @2
Carrier operation: up to two units can be on board a fleet Carrier (max.: 2 units of any kind per fleet Carrier)
1 TacB unit can land on a newly captured territory, if there is still 1 movement point left. (Max: 1 TcB or 1 Fg)
Strategical Bomber
Attack 4 or 1
Defense 1
Move 6
Cost 10
Naval combat restriction against aircrafts: when no more enemy’s warships, combat value get down to Attack 1
Said otherwise: if there is only enemy’s aircrafts units remaining in a SZ, then Attack factor is reduced to @1.
Strategical Bombing Raid: Attack @1
SBR damage: 1D6+2 on Industrial Complex, Air Base or Naval Base
The Naval combat restriction will limit somehow the aberration of Bombers doing high Attack @4 against Fighters above a Sea-Zone.
Now in such situations, aircrafts will be fighting each others with more logical values, same as SBR:
Fighter: Attack 2 Defense 3
Tactical Bomber: Attack 2 Defense 0
Strategic Bomber: Attack 1 Defense 0
DEFENSIVE MANEUVERS allowed for all 3 types of aircraft:
Aerial Retreat for attacking planes (all aircrafts can retreat while letting ground units pursuing battle),
Limited Aerial Withdrawal of 1 space in a friendly territory after first combat round for one defending plane up to 1 StB or 1 TcB or 1 Fighter.
Another point, Carrier operations combat values will be similar to OOB situations ranging between A6 D8, A7 D7 and A6 D6:
2 Fighters: A4-6 D6-8 but always target planes, can reach A6 D8 in Air Supremacy conditions
1 Fighter & 1 TacB: A2-3 D3-4 + A3-4 D3-4 = A6-7 D6-8
2 TacBs: A6-8 D6-8, can reach A8 or D8 in Air Supremacy conditions.
As you can see, all the Combined Arms and Air Supremacy rules were necessary to keep up with the high value of OOB Fg and TacB units.
Now this can rise the debate about such high SBR values, does an increased risk to loose valuable 12 IPCs unit still worth doing SBR?
Does Fighters and Tactical Bombers at 8 IPCs is cheap enough to compensate the higher attrition rate coming with such high combat values of Fighter units always targeting planes first?
With a Fighter unit with such a high defense @3 against all aircrafts, is this too overpowered for regular combat over land territories?
I think so, after a few calculations.
All bombers will be very vulnerable against Fighters in regular combat.
Any SBR against such foe, on a 1 StB vs 1 Fg even in this modified situation (2D6 damage, 10 IPCs) gives odds of losing for the attacker (-1.583 IPCs damage /StB making a raid) while the OOB G40 SBR is clearly positive toward attacker (+ 1.18 IPCs damage/StB making a raid).
I decided to lower by 2 IPCs the cost of StB (as it is the cases for Fg, and TcBs)
And also because in this game, there will be more air units destruction.
I kept the usual OOB damage because IC, AB and NB with no air cover will still be as vulnerable as OOB.
1/6 of crashing StB * 12 IPCs= - 2 IPCs
5/6 of making 5.5 IPCs damage = + 4.583 IPCs
Results: + 2.583 IPCs / SBR run.
1/6 killing 1 Fg at 10 IPCs= + 1.667 IPCs
Sum: + 2.583 + 1.667 = + 4.25 IPCs/ SBR run
In this situation, the odds are better for attacker (OOB odds: 2.583 IPCs/SBR run) :
1/6 of crashing StB * 10 IPCs= - 1.667 IPCs
5/6 of making 5.5 IPCs damage = + 4.583 IPCs
Results: + 2.916 IPCs / SBR run.
1/6 killing 1 Fg at 8 IPCs= + 1.333 IPCs
Sum: + 2.916 + 1.333 = + 4.25 IPCs/ SBR run
15/36 (3/6 *5/6) of bombing IC at 7 IPCs average (2D6 damage) = +2.917 IPCs
of bombing IC at 5.5 IPCs average (1D6+2 damage) = +2.292 IPCs
21/36 (3/6 * 6/6 + 3/6*1/6) of crashing StBs at 10 IPCs = - 5.833 IPCs
Same odds of crashing StBs at 12 IPCs = - 7 IPCs
Results for 12 IPCs StB at 2D6 dmg (vs 10 IPCs Fg): (Sum: + 2.583 + 1.667 = + 4.25)
- 4.25 IPCs - 7 IPCs = -2.75 IPCs/ SBR run.
Results for 10 IPCs StB at 2D6 dmg (vs 8 IPCs Fg): (+2.917 IPCs + 1.333 IPCs = + 4.25)
- 4.25 IPCs - 5.833 IPCs = -1.583 IPCs/ SBR run.
Results for 12 IPCs StB damage 1D6+2 (5.5 avg) = (+2.292 IPCs + 1.667 IPCs = + 3.959)
- 3.959 IPCs - 7 IPCs = -3.041 IPCs/ SBR run.
Results for 10 IPCs StB damage 1D6+2 (5.5 avg) = (+2.292 IPCs + 1.333 IPCs = + 3.625)
- 3.625 IPCs - 5.833 IPCs = -2.208 IPCs/ SBR run._**