Transport capacity and the dissappearing artillery

  • do any of you think that with the ability to haul a tank with the infantry on a transport has discouraged the purchase of artillery for the naval powers?

  • I just cant see spending a whole lot on artillery in the first place.  Its not that great of a unit.  I’d rather have tanks no matter what.

  • I don’t spend much on artillery. Mabey a handfull, just enough to give my inf. a little teeth. I voted for makes no difference

  • When money is tight, and TRN’s need to be loaded, ART/INF can increase your number of units to fill the trannies instead of transporting empty space.

    Also, IPC for IPC, INF/ART is actually superior to INF/ARM.  ARM/INF comes out ahead on defense, and of course ARM can move faster.

    BUT… in a knock-down, drag out, where your trannies HAVE to be full to have as many units landing as possible, ART/INF can be a life saver.

    The math for INF/ART vs INF/ARM:

    For ease of calculation:  56 IPC’s spent total (over 2 rounds)

    Buying INF/ART pairs:
    8 pairs, 16 total units.

    Buying INF/ARM pairs:
    7 pairs, 14 total units.

    Offensive punch: 
    8 pairs ART:  32
    7 pairs ARM:  28

    Defensive Power:
    8 pairs ART:  32
    7 pairs ARM:  35

    So, if you are on offense, and need unit numbers, go ART/INF.
    If likely to be on defense, or need speed, go ARM/INF to fill your trannies.

  • how much art do you buy switch?

    the thing to look at is on the second and subsequent rounds of combat where the tanks continue to have the 3 attack don’t you think?

    your art/inf stays at a 2 average but as you lose inf with your armor the avg would actually go up wouldn’t it?

    i agree that it is a matter of filling boats, period.
    i am just wondering if the art is not bought if the tank can be?

    in pac and euro with the trannie going 1 tank or 1inf/1art i would think LOTS of atrillery would be purchased
    we will be playing our first game of pacific soon and i am looking forward to the change of pace

  • Well, the thing is, you do not build even pairs.  You still send solo INF as screening forces.

    But if things go badly, you don;t start losing ARM, you start losing Supported INF… Yes, your attack drops by 2, but still only INF losses to be bought to replace, not tanks.

    The short version…
    Use FIGs as aerial tanks (and CONSERVE them)
    Use INF as cannon fodder
    Use ART and Supported INF for your massed attacks
    And ARM for additional punch, speed and holding power.

    It is a little slower, but once established, it is tough to beat.

  • In another thread somewhere on the forum, I stated the same opinion as ncscswitch

    I buy artillery and ship them as well as arms…
    if I have 4 trannies waiting?
    probably I’ll try to have them filled with 4 inf, 2 art, 2 arms…
    my opinion is: you need some of all!

  • ART is also a very cost effective way of trading territories… ESPECIALLY if you are short on Air Force, or are trading an AA protected area.

    The ART are cheaper than tanks, so when the enemy counter attacks you lose 4 IPC units instead of 5.  And the ART pumps up your INF to 2’s going in… so as good on attack as on defense.

    So…  if you are taking a territory that you cannot (or do not want to) mass enough forces in to HOLD, then use ART for your offensive punch (if you can’t use AF) to reduce your loses on the counter… and save your ARM for REAL offensive to take and HOLD.

  • Before, transporting a tank was a joke, something you didn’t do unless you had extra transports.  It was a 3-2 unit, so a 2-2, 2-2 artillery infantry combination was better.  Now, tanks are on par; amphibious invasions are much more like land attacks.  So the end result of the increased defense and transport ease is that the artillery is what it should be: a supplement unit both amphibiously and not.  I applaud avalon hill’s new rules on land units because it is both realistic and feasible.  I don’t really see that one of the poll options adaquately shows my view.  I would say “it’s all about the money”, but when in this game is it not always about the money?

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