How do you plan to invade England when they have 2 fighters, 2, armor, 2 infantry, 1 artillery and 2 bombers + 2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, 1 artillery, 1 armor from America on it?
Keep in mind you have maybe 6 fighters, 1 bomber, 2 transports and 1 battleship to use on Germany 2 and that’s making some assumptions that you did not loose any of those assets prior to your second turn and that you landed all those aircraft in France somehow knowing that England was going to buy a bomber and an IC instead of something else.
How is it that every time I propose a move, that the Allies mysteriously pop up with these shadow forces in the ideal place? That’s why I really dislike Jennifer’s responses. Somehow the Allies always watched to see what Germany would do, and did something that would otherwise be almost retarded to counter Germany’s response. But in that case, Germany can just have done the other thing.
Hmm, possibly because you keep changing what Germany does to fit the actions of England who moves after Germany???
However, I’ve never changed my English strategy. They always end up with 5 fighters, 1 bomber, 2 infantry, armor and artillery + America can land more if Germany appears to be setting up Sea Lion.
Not my fault you’re not capable of seeing the short falls in your own plans. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. You need to pay closer attention to details that are posted instead of assuming.
I presume you assumed England sent her bomber to Egypt, retook Egypt with the SZ 35/India equipment, landed troops in Algeria, leaving their capital with only a few infantry to defend it, huh? Because, unless that’s exactly what England does, Germany hasn’t a chance in hell of taking it on G2 and everyone on the board knows it.