Need Help from Experienced German Player

  • Hey Guys,  I have my first game next week.  I will be Germany.  Played the original game many times from late 80’s thru late 90’s, pretty good competitor.  I am playing with similiar Japanese player against two Allies (splitting Russia, which our group always felt was the best way to play), both are VG gamers but little A&A experience.  None of us has played the Revised yet.    So:  any suggestions on great opening moves or other German strategy greatly appreciated.  Thanks……

  • There are quite a few ways to go-

    The first question is, do you want to protect your Baltic fleet? If so you should invest in navy on the first turn. Whether that’s a carrier, or two transports is up to you, but those are widely regarded as the two best naval purchases. The two transports means you’re probably going to have to buy a carrier on round 2.

    A non-naval purchase is best, in my opinion, if centered around infantry. 10 of them is pretty solid, along with 2 armor, or a fighter etc.

    In a non-bid game, it’s incredibly important to take out Egypt early on (important in a bid game as well, just a different way to accomplish). Take an infantry and armor from S Europe, and drop them off in Egypt. Your Battleship will have to take care of the destroyer parked there. Bring a bomber and fighter as well, and the forces from Libya. You should take it with 2 armor remaining.

    Take your sub in SZ 8 and hit the British Battleship near Gibraltar, along with 3-4 fighters (the more the better). You can land them all in France to hold down your flank, along with 3-4 infantry and an AA gun, maybe an armor.

    On the Eastern Front with Russia, you’ll have to respond to what Russia has done to you. Gaining the initiative on the front is a huge factor. Karelia is a key spot, but so is W Russia (for Russia). Whoever gains the upper hand and can stack in those territories will have an edge in the economic battle. Be careful about being too aggressive unless you can take out alot of Russian hardware- you can rebuild tanks and artillery more quickly than Russia can.

    As a general rule, try to keep your airforce where it can threaten the land and sea in as wide an arc as possible. German fighters are extremely important, so try not to use them up unless a great opportunity comes to devastate allied shipping.

    Be careful about dumping large amounts of economy in Africa. Try to keep in mind how many IPCs you’re gaining vs. how many you’re spending to keep it. The ebb and flow of most games with experienced players sees a surge in Africa for Germany followed by a quick (3-4 round) cleanup by the allies, sooner if they’re determined to get you out. You can coordinate with Japan to have them take over the as the muscle in Africa as soon as they can marshal the forces to swing in that direction.

    If the allies all come after Germany then infantry will be your best friend. You can buy 10 per round deep into the game, and if your opponents are buying more expensive units you’ll eventually see an opportunity emerge. Your job in that case will be to hold down the fort and threaten Russia just enough to allow Japan to do the dirty work.

    I might be preaching to the choir, since you have experience in the original, but I hope this gets you thinking a little bit. Above all else, have fun and try things out.

  • 88,  Really appreciate the time you put into the suggestions!    Will look over the board tonight, check starting locales and compare to the strategies you suggest.  Will post final result in 10 days!    Cheers.

  • Instead of a carrier or two transports, would a destroyer work as well?  I would like to offer some protection to my baltic fleet but don’t want to spend too much money for fear of getting wacked hard by the russians and being unable to recover b/c i didn’t have enough troops on the ground.  So, any thoughts overall about buying the destroyer?

  • I prefer the 1 AC, and the balance INF for G1.  Then in G2, start with 1 FIG a round…

  • If you see the German player build Navy in the North on turn 1, then wouldn’t it be imperative for England to step in with all available ships and planes on it’s first turn to eliminate the Carrier force?  Assuming fair die rolls, I would have thought G will lose the fleet and usually come out on the short side, no?

  • UK can’t kill a carrier-reinforced Baltic force on its first turn. Its navy is out of range, and its airforce is highly insufficient.

  • I sent the 2 subs and 1 DD from the Baltic to SZ3.  I left the Sub in SZ8.  I call it the “Naval Cock-Block” because it prevents England from hitting Norway or Western Europe on the first turn.  I transported 2 infantry from Western Europe to Eastern Europe (but can also get to Karelia).  The 3 Infantry in Norway go to Karelia.  For me, I am typically at an infantry shortage due to the way I play and this brings more infantry safely to the front lines of Russia without England interferring (and they are a pesky bunch!)

    Long term implications: unclear, I am trying it for the first time but so far I am pleased.

  • From what I can tell, the new Revised edition does have more opening options and strategys than the original.

  • true, the new game has more granularity than the original, but the theme is just the same for Germany.

    Deal with Russia (as you see fit) while entertaining the Atlantic allies and keeping them from reaching their most heinous objective.

  • I left the Sub in SZ8.  I call it the “Naval Cock-Block” because it prevents England from hitting Norway or Western Europe on the first turn.

    Cant UK take out the sub and then do an amf ass in the same round? If so, why leave the sub and weaken your G fleet?

  • @Octopus:

    I sent the 2 subs and 1 DD from the Baltic to SZ3.  I left the Sub in SZ8.  I call it the “Naval Cock-Block” because it prevents England from hitting Norway or Western Europe on the first turn.  I transported 2 infantry from Western Europe to Eastern Europe (but can also get to Karelia).  The 3 Infantry in Norway go to Karelia.  For me, I am typically at an infantry shortage due to the way I play and this brings more infantry safely to the front lines of Russia without England interferring (and they are a pesky bunch!)

    Long term implications: unclear, I am trying it for the first time but so far I am pleased.

    But Octo… you can NOT count on 1 in 200 odds for the survival of that fleet in EVERY game like you got in this one.

    Also, we are just now in G3, and the fleet is dead (1 sub to get blown way by US, and the sub CAN’T even take anything with it, no matter what).

    You did not slow the shuck, and only preserved Norway for 1 round…

    Not much ROI on that $36 IPC’s of equipment…

  • @elias:

    Cant UK take out the sub and then do an amf a** in the same round? If so, why leave the sub and weaken your G fleet?

    The submarine in SZ8 is in the ocean.  No amphibious assault is possible.  If the British wait to clear the zone (either killing the sub or having it submerge) any further movement through the zone is a non-combat move, and therefore cannot continue with an amphibious assault.

    As for SZ3, I guess you could enter a transport with troops on it into the seazone against 2 subs and 1 DD, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

  • No, this move effectively protects Germany’s holding for Turn 1.

    The trouble is that with normal, average dice, and no reinforcement of the Baltic, that is ALL it protects you for.  Afterthat, the Baltic fleet is gone, and your defense against naval forces is your AF (costly), massed coatal troops, or in Octo’s case… a massive stack of Armor that runs all over Europe blasting away Allied forces after they land :-)

  • I left the Sub in SZ8.  I call it the “Naval Cock-Block” because it prevents England from hitting Norway or Western Europe on the first turn.

    Are you really happy that you let the UK battleship survive in SZ13? I’m not sure at all that it was worth it. The UK is commonly denied landing in Norway/Western Europe for the first turn or so anyways since they are worried about Africa and getting fleet protection.

  • I am also confused with Octo’s “blocking” strategy.  Why can’t a UK plane and tranny enter the Seazone, sink or submerge the sub, and then assault Norway?

  • Since it is all combat movement, the trannies would be present in the sea zone while the sub was attacked, and thus could be hit by the defense roll of the sub.  The trannies can;t go AFTER the FIGs do their job.

  • What if UK brought in the BB from SZ 2?  I know it couldn’t bombard, but it could take the hit if the sub scores, and the tranny would survive to offload into Norway?

  • Oh, you can still attack Norway even with the block, if that is all you want to do in UK1.

    But if you also want to get troops to Africa, raise a little havoc with the majority of the German fleet, and do a conservative build-up for a full-scale assault a few rounds later, you just delay Norway a round :-)

    In all seriousness though, the problem is not getting THROUGH the SZ3 fleet to attack Norway…
    It is the counter-attack of your UK fleet that you will get un UK2 with the FIGs from Western, the Bomber from Germany… all of which can reach SZ3.

    And if Germany stagged 4 FIGs to Western in G1…

  • Ahh, yes, I see.  Perhaps an AC build in SZ 3 for UK prevents the counter, but yeah that keeps UK and USA from merging in SZ 12.

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