After reading the threads, I figured maybe this way would be best to find an artist who can help. I’m looking for someone to help our monastery finish it’s customization of AA Global 40 and possible help, with what is necessary, on the pieces for Global War 1936…… the more intricate, the more monks like games like this. We have lots of pieces that are donated and pretty interesting. We would be more than willing to give the leftovers away. The “Ratte” Landkreuzer P. 1000 tank is my favorite. We have 3
More painted pieces for consideration
Just wanted too tip my hat too all the patient artists on here pain staking-ly painting all of their pieces too add to the experience of playing A&A. Have some to share myself hope some enjoy. *shout out too “tall paul” your infantry units are spectacular too look at! now time too see if I can get this attachment thing down
tacticals and fighters
Man, these are totally awesome! I am loving that Russian armor. Your color choice for all the pieces is really nice, and it looks realistic and pleasing to the eye. Good work.
Russian snow covered
German/American tanks
stukas and flying pencils
kinda a fun show piece…ju88 wit engine fire
me110’s and the bismark
graf zeppelin, Italian battleship
Italian fighters and their tri motor tacticals
italian ac, and heavy bombers
P51’s, and sbd’s and avengers
mitchells, and American ac’s
didn’t like turning the carrier or battleship on its side to show its damaged, so I made fire damage markers too go on the deck were the aircraft sit. I used magnets too keep them there same as the planes…its always a pain when the planes fall off while you are moving sea zones, or going too the battle strip right??
empire of the rising sun…
rita’s and carriers