As for Russia, there’s not much you can do against a good player. Don’t spread yourself thin and don’t let your forces get divided and conquered. For the most part buy inf plus art as needed. In order to maximize Russia’s income (and especially if your opponent declares on G2), think about trying to capture as many +3 NOs (Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia, and there’s 2 more in Africa) as possible. To achieve this, it’s a good idea to buy some additional mech/tanks on Russia 1 and take NW Persia on R2, Iraq on R3, and so on.
Best 18 ipc's spent on land defense
It could be all Inf. or all Tanks, or any combination.
Lets here what you have to say -
In most scenarios, 6 infantry would be my pick for defense.
If I lack aa guns and the enemy is ready with a lot of air, then I might include an aa gun or guns.
If I’m likely retreating from the position (but it won’t fall immediately), then some mech or air might be desirable.
Depends a lot on how serious the threat is.
Pure defense, nothing else considered, 6INF.
But it is of course like Wheatbeer said; depends a lot on the situation…
If defending a not-to-be-given-up location while still have to be building up for counterattacks, might build 3ART + 2INF instead.
Etc. etc.
All infantry - best defense rating for the money and longest staying power due to a greater number of them.