• I have a rule question that i would like to just clarify i am playing it right.  On the Superior Armor 2 ability.  If on one round you get disrupted face down counter, (from someone matching your defense).  The same round someone matches your defense again. You get a face down damaged counter. Becasue you can’t get disrupted again.  If thats the case what good is the superior armor if they have to beat you by 2 in order to damage you.

    Or does this superior armor only take effect when someone is able to damage you in one shot!

  • @argarus:

    I have a rule question that i would like to just clarify i am playing it right.   On the Superior Armor 2 ability.  If on one round you get disrupted face down counter, (from someone matching your defense).  The same round someone matches your defense again. You get a face down damaged counter. Becasue you can’t get disrupted again.  If thats the case what good is the superior armor if they have to beat you by 2 in order to damage you.Â

    Or does this superior armor only take effect when someone is able to damage you in one shot!

    You answered your own question.  If that first attack were to beat your units defence by one, you would only take a face down disrupted counter and not a face down damaged counter with it.  A unit without Superior Armor 2, you would have both counters from the first attack.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I split the topic since it was about a different rule.

  • sorry maybe i am just not saying it correctly.

    My tank has superior armor 2. and is untouched.  he gets attacked and the attack matches his def. so he gets a face down disrupt counter.  he gets attacked again (in the same phase) and the attack matches his defense again. what happens?  nothing becaue of his superior armor or does he get a damage counter.

    the reason i am confused is because you can not recieve 2 face down disrupt counters.  So if you match the def of the target again, but the target has Superior Armor does nothing happen, or does it get a damage counter.  If it does get a damage counter, then superior armor i find useless.

    thx and i hope i am asking the question in the right wording!

  • Founder TripleA Admin


    sorry maybe i am just not saying it correctly.

    My tank has superior armor 2. and is untouched.  he gets attacked and the attack matches his def. so he gets a face down disrupt counter.  he gets attacked again (in the same phase) and the attack matches his defense again. what happens?  nothing becaue of his superior armor or does he get a damage counter.

    He gets a damaged counter.

    But superior armor is not useless because with the second hit, it will prevent destruction.

    Here’s the scenario:
    First dice roll: defense + 1
    Second dice roll: defense

    With superior armor, there are 2 hits, the unit is damaged.

    Without superior armor, there are 3 hits and the unit is destroyed.

  • ok i see your where your going now.  I am playing it right, i just wanted to make sure.  thank you

  • you have no idea what i suffered with when my cousin came up with the same argument, saying it was impossible to get damaged unless someone hit 2 successes higher.  and he’s very stubborn sometimes.  i almost let his tiger get away without damage.

    almost :P

  • i got into this beef with my buddies too, allthough i was the one that was wrong. :x but they dont need to know that now do they? :evil:

  • Just think of every attack in terms of hits, not “disruption, damage, destroy”, and add up each attack individually.  It states it pretty clearly in the rules.

  • And the unit’s stat card doesn’t say “must score beat defense by two successes to damage it.”  It says “must beat defense by two successes to score two hits against it.”  And again, that’s for each individual throw of the attack dice each faze.

  • @General:

    And the unit’s stat card doesn’t say "must score beat defense by two successes to damage it."  It says "must beat defense by two successes to score two hits against it."  And again, that’s for each individual throw of the attack dice each faze.

    thats fiendishly tricky, i like it :evil:

  • I think im going to make a house rule on this.  If not then superior armor is USELESS.  how hard is it now to match the def 3 times in one phase,  of a tank with the anti tank guns of set2.  not very.  (tried it one game that you could disrupt the tank all game long if you beat the def by 1. but in order to damage it, it had to be 2 no matter what. wasn’t to impressed on how it worked)

    ~If a tank has superior armor, then not only does it have to beat the def by 2 to score 2 hits.  But the tank also gets 2 damage counters then a destroyed.  That way if you drop 70+ points on a tank it can actually take a beating out there on the battlefield.

  • Actually, superior armor is not useless.

    It forces the enemy to fire on a single unit with many of his own units.  I can’t tell you how many times my opponent would have damaged one of my tanks with one throw of the dice (which would bring it one hit away death during that phase) had it not been for superior armor.

    So, as a result, my vehicle received only a face-down disruption marker, instead of disruption and damage.  That forced my opponent to use another heavy tank (if he even had one in his 100 point army) on my vehicle, needing another good role of the dice add on another hit, and a very good role of the dice to score two hits.

    Of course, had he scored two hits with his first attack, he would only need one more hit to send my tank to heaven, with the other tanks that had only normal armor.  SUperior armor has saved me many many times.

  • i guess i can see that with lower point battles.  I usually play 150 points and another 50 of reinfocments halfway through.  So you have a few ‘big guns’ fireing away. it makes short lives of a sspanther with a couple of shermans, or better yet a armor piercing round from the crazy eight

  • Well, the game was designed for fast and furious combat.  Maybe protect your tank with some PAK-38s or PAK-40s on the back edge of your map side.  That may deter a rush.

  • This has been a very informative thread. It has helped me to understand the Superior Armor special rule.

    For example: An unscathed Allied Soviet T-34/76 with a Defense of 5/5, would only take a double hit from a single shot, if there were 7 success dice (with a result of 4+) on the first roll.

    However, if the Axis player, ganged-up on the T34/76 with a minimum of 3 units, that could inflict at least 5 successes per unit, the T34/76 could potentially be eliminated in the casualty phase, of the turn of multiple attacks.

    Superior Armor does have its benefits.  :-D

  • Man… I was totally off in how I was running Superior Armor: I like how it was pointed out that you need to think in terms of hits not damage counters. That really clarified things for me.


    OK, so maybe now that King Tiger won’t we such a game stopper anymore. W00t.



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