@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Axis & Allies Miniatures Set II Previews
need canadian units :)
Those paratrooper pieces are very nice. I think they dropped the ball not making the Japanese version have 5 on defense. They really need some better Japanese units to make them viable in tournaments.
I think your right Djensen, many of my friends were thinking of playing the japanese, but since their units aren’t that good, many turned up to play Germans. Still, we can clearly hope that futur expansion will help somehow those guys out.
Anyway, the paratrooper are still great !
I’m pretty excited about the snipers. Sounds VERY devastating to infantry, especially the Jap sniper’s ability to increase vs. commanders!
More Pics of Set II
Polish Tank? - 7tp
Cromwell IV
M5 Halftrack
PAK 40
T35Can’t wait to see more, stats coming on Friday.
:-) I think that paratroopers should have had a “possiblity of mis-drop”. such as
Identify target drop hex, on a roll of 5 or 6 the paratroop has misdropped. Oppossing player may
relocate target drop hex one hex  ajacent to orginial drop hex.This would similate the many misdrops that occurred  during the war.
Well, another thing about paratroopers is that you shouldn’t be able to drop them just anywhere on the map. If you drop them too close to the enemy (medium range?), they should be able to get defensive fire.
Okay, I updated the links with the new piece previews. Looks like some good stuff and some worthless stuff.
Poland, allies?
Czech, axis? -
:-) I think that paratroopers should have had a “possiblity of mis-drop”. such as
Identify target drop hex, on a roll of 5 or 6 the paratroop has misdropped. Oppossing player may
relocate target drop hex one hex  ajacent to orginial drop hex.This would similate the many misdrops that occurred  during the war.
i think this should be taken a step further, as proven on the Normandy drops many paratroopers landed with out there weapons, or with out ammo. there should be rolls to figure out how well equiped these guys land, and if they land in the right hex or not.
Sounds like a nice rule but part of the charm of this game is that there is not too much record keeping.
true, but it is something i might do personally, i am willing to keep more records and throw more dice to keep it as accurate and realistic as possible. those paratroopers, if used properly could be devasating, so i think it only far to even the odds for the defender. but hey, thats just me.
Sounds like a nice rule but part of the charm of this game is that there is not too much record keeping.
I’m with you. One of my favorite things about this game is the simplicity and how quickly you can get through a game. I do think there are some stuff that may be over-simplified in this game, but it still seems to be well balanced (IMHO). If I really want realism then I’ll pull out Advanced Squad Leader… there’s a game that seems to cover everything in WWII Tactical Combat! It just takes a while to set-up and play…
I added a new link to the top.
Part 4 has been released. Some good stuff and some disapointments. A 12 point Russian tank that is not good against infantry or tanks for 3 points more get the M3 Stuart and be much more effective.
There are some nice units coming out in this next set. I especially like the M5 Half-track… don’t think I’ll be using that Jeep any longer.
The jeep is nice and cheap at 4 pts. You can put a bazooka on a jeep and use it to roll up the flank of a disrupted tank.
Sorry if this is a repeat:
http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/article/ah20051123a -
:-) I think that paratroopers should have had a “possiblity of mis-drop”. such as
Identify target drop hex, on a roll of 5 or 6 the paratroop has misdropped. Oppossing player may
relocate target drop hex one hex  ajacent to orginial drop hex.This would similate the many misdrops that occurred  during the war.
sounds like a good house rule