• I’d like to formally introduce myself and ask all of you to do the same. I am a senior at SUU (1 semester left) where I am currently studying Spanish and Criminal Justice. After I graduate I plan on going to law school. I just took the LSAT, and I didn’t do too shabby. I have been married for 3 years and have a beautiful baby boy. I consider myself a religous conservative, but not nessesarily a Republican. I work the grave yard shift at a private high school, so if I post at wierd hours it is because I sleep in the morning, go to school in the afternoon, and work at night.

    I Have lived and traveled extensively in Europe and South America, and have come to the conclusion that most people are just people. I think the world would be a much better place if everyone would just calm down and stop killing eachother… But sense that is not likely to happen, I do support American intervention from time to time. I am open minded and I like to hear other peoples ideas. I try not to treat anyone with disrepect unless they bring it on themselves by being overly hostile to myself or others. I guess you could say I hate bullies.

    I chose the Nick Name “General William Sherman” because he was my favorite general in the civil war. He knew it was going to be long, and would only be won with a commitment to “total war,” and he said so… The government fired him for his predictions, then begged him to come back after they turned out to be true. He then marched to the sea, and burned Atlanta to the ground. I like it when people “tell it how it is” and then back up their words with actions.

    I have been playing Axis pretty steady for the last 16 years and I thought I was pretty good at it. That is, until I saw some of the really skilled players on this site in action… But it’s like I’ve always said concerning tactics: “I would rather lose and learn, than win the same way twice.”

  • I am a Moderate, though I find myself being forced to back a Liberal stance lately. I am Pro Death Penalty. I am Pro choice with reservations. I support our right to bear arms (with limitations). I am religious in my own way. I have not found a religion that will suit me and the last few years I this has become more and more true. Not sure if I have changed or the tone. Either way I am at peace with it for now.
    I have been married for 11 years I think. My wife remembers things like that for me. ;) We have 3 kids, all of which are wonderful beyond words.
    I am a Graduate of William Jewell College. I am an IS Director for a large group of childrens homes. I am a City Councilman.
    I believe that people need to be involved in their world. Like Gandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Sorry if I butchered the quote.
    War is an ugly thing, but when it’s needed I am all for it. I supported Afganistan for instance. Bush impressed me after 9/11 and in the begining of the Afgan war. Then… well if people don’t know how I feel by now they don’t read my posts. I have voted Republican more than I have voted Democrat. The ONLY time I voted a ticket, it was Republican. Bush has currupted a good party. Sad. Anyway, I am moderate and Indepenant, unless a hatred of one dude can change an entire ideology.
    Oh I am 38.
    Almost forgot. People always ask me about the Lizardbaby name. It came from Warhammer Fantasy. I played the Lizardman faction. One of the guys and I where bantering and somehow being a Lizardbaby came up. I think I said, something about being a true Lizard at heart or something. Anyway, Lizardbaby stuck and I have used it since.
    I am pretty good at Axis I think. I used to play in tourneys etc. Now I just play for fun. I don’t memorize strats. I try and play like a General would. See the battlefield and exploite weaknesses and hide moves. My current group does not play much anymore. The game length is prohibative. I play Warmachine more than anything else.

  • Well, I’ve been posting here for almost 4 years, and I’ve done this at least twice before, but I’ll play again.

    I turned 33 on the 15th of March. I’ve been married for almost 9 years and have two Kids that are smarter, faster, stronger etc. than anyone else’s kids. They are a 5year old boy and a 4-year-old girl. I’m the manager of a CAD department in a fire sprinkler company. I also work for myself doing construction related design at home. Eventually I will get enough business at home to incorporate and start my own company.

    I am conservative in most ways, although I think the illegality of Marijuana is ridiculous since we allow people to smoke and drink alcohol. I’m not a religious person though I like to think that I am spiritual. I do what is right because it’s right not for fear of retribution from a higher power. I think abortion is despicable. I believe there are cases that warrant the death penalty. I think Terri Schiavo should be given food and water and if she isn’t it will be murder. I believe in the unrestricted right of American Citizens to purchase own and bear arms. I think the federal Government should stay out of local politics unless it is to protect the people from the local or foreign governments.

    I am a soldier in the Army National Guard. I have trained to defend my country and it’s interests for over 15 years and will continue to do so until am no longer able to. I believe that we are the most prosperous country in the world because we are able to and do project influence through strength through out the world. I do not believe we should act with disregard to the rest of the world nor should we isolate ourselves if we desire to be the power we are today.

    I came up with my name when I was registering at one of the online clubs years ago. I wanted DezertRat, because it is a common term for someone from the area I live in. It was taken so I just started plugging in different animals and spellings until one was taken. I’ve used it and DezertRed since.

    I’ started playing Axis and allies shortly after it came out in the mid eighties, when I was in Jr. high/high school. I stopped playing after college for lack of players. I started trying to find local people to play on line four years ago, and almost immediately found enough local guys to start a group and I have been playing different versions since. I consider myself a good strategist in general whether it is paintball, hunting or Hearts of Iron, though people on line and occasionally on a board have spanked me in A&A.

    I’ll stop now so I can save some for the autobiography.

  • Thanks to those who have responded so far! (Just wanted to bring the thread back to the top of the list) :wink:

  • I’m a moderate. I have voted Liberal, Conservative, and even Green.
    I’m pro-life. That is, i am anti-death penalty, anti-euthanasia, and pro-life. Having said that, i disagree w/ DF regarding Terry Shiavo - i think that forcing her to eat in order to keep her alive against her express wishes is assault, and i would have little trouble removing the feeding/breathing tube in her case. At the same time, i agree w/ DF regarding Marijuana - it should be decriminalized.
    Oh yeah - i’m a doctor (a resident right now) studying family medicine. I hope to spend time in 3rd world nations serving people who actually really need help (unlike about 90% of the patients i see every day).
    I’m swingin’ single with no kids. I also love to travel, spending up to a month at a time outside of the country every year (i studied in Portugal for a month, practiced in Belize for a month, and packed around Cuba for 3.5 weeks).
    I’m a Christian - a Mennonite by background and faith, however currently i’m a “non-denominationalist” (which is very similar). My beliefs in the religious-spiritual sense i believe are “moderate to progressive”, however I put Jesus’ teachings above all other teachings and beliefs.
    With regard to A&A, i love playing Japan, but i can enjoy any side pretty much.
    Finally, i’m a Canadian. Like everyone else in the world, i believe that mine is the greatest nation in the world. At the same time, i can identify problems and things that need to be changed, and one day i will effect some of these changes.

  • Supports gun ownership, death penalty, and free enterprise.

    Still a liberal though.

  • I am the only one who put moderate on the poll?! Not what I expected.

  • @Lizardbaby:

    I am the only one who put moderate on the poll?! Not what I expected.

    i forgot
    now you’re not alone L-baby!!

  • I’m a moderate too!!! :wink: :D

  • Huzzah! I am part of a group again!

  • I consider myself to be a moderate…but I’m not going to get into my personal life…

  • “but I’m not going to get into my personal life…”
    How can we have a club if we don’t know anything about you? Are you sure your not a Conservative just trying to find out our secret plans? I been reading allot about the department of homeland security doing stuff like that. Are you really a narc!?

  • @Lizardbaby:

    “but I’m not going to get into my personal life…”
    How can we have a club if we don’t know anything about you? Are you sure your not a Conservative just trying to find out our secret plans? I been reading allot about the department of homeland security doing stuff like that. Are you really a narc!?

    Lizard…you forgot to hit the sarcasm button…

  • I never turned it off before. Plus I have comepletly lost my mind. I plan to drink heavily tonight. Stress at work has beat me down.

  • We need a Beer! Stat!

  • @Lizardbaby:

    I never turned it off before. Plus I have comepletly lost my mind. I plan to drink heavily tonight. Stress at work has beat me down.

    Have fun feeling like Sh*t the next day…smoking doesn’t do that to you…not that I would know… :o

  • Naw. I drink Wisky and I am a wuss. My version of drink heavily probablly would not even get Dzrt started. Put the kids to bed then pull out the bottle. Only thing I will get is a decent nights sleep. CC could tell us why that’s bad. Whatever, I need sleep!!!

  • my friend is obsessed with whiskey…it’s disgusting in my opinion…

  • Well I really like the hard stuff. I kinda wish I had never tasted really good booze. I am a poor boy. Wife gets me the stuff you can either drink or clean lime deposits off your shower. Bright side is, if I pass out in the John what I spill will clean the floor really good. Just don’t get any on your shirt. It’s like that scene in Aliens when he gets the acid blood on him. Cheers! See you all tomorrow! Or maybe later. Don’t expect me to be up to these high standards though.

  • Funny you should say that, I played a Game of revised this weekend I was Russia and the UK in a 4 PLayer game. I drank about 3/4 of a fifth of Jamison and still pulled off a resounding victory. Muhahaha….

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