Oh shoot, sorry, you’re right, I read it wrong.
How long has this defective game been out & still no definitive Rules changes?
Still Waiting.
Just saying.
Still waiting.
For your test report of the proposed tournament rules.
Just saying.
A rule set that receives too little playtesting and a game that comes with too few parts are two separate issues.
The first is under the control of the game designer while the second is under the control of the game manufacturer.
And having worked with Larry on other A&A games, even the first issue can be seriously affected by the game manufacturer and its deadlines.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am unhappy with the amount on work that seems to be going on after the fact on games like AA1914 (and AA40 for that matter). But at least there is work going on after the fact. Larry could have just washed his hands of the situation and moved on.
The best thing to do is actually be a constructive part of the discussion instead of bitching. Make your displeasure know and then more forward with helping out. Otherwise people are just going to tune you out.
Larry is stubborn enough as it is. You pull this act over on his site, in his face, and see what you get. Won’t be pretty. :-o
I don’t agree with Shakespeare’s point but I definitely agree that these games are leaving a lot to be desired. Not just from a rules perspective but from a piece perspective. Battle board is tiny. No money and lack of German infantry and chips for both sides. I have played with the new tournament rules however and do love them. If you have the game Shakespeare give them a shot I really like them. I think you will too.