@ponef that’s okay, not an issue anymore. I’ll delete the post
Best National Advantages
Accuracy wise, ussr is the best, but there the best in all the games! :wink:
Russia I believe has the most good NA’s.
I definitely feel that Severe Winter makes Germany stop dead in their tracks. That one turn alone has the ability to turn the tide of the game. I mean, COME ON :o , inf defending at a 3? for the entire round? Any vet German player knows he won’t being heading east that turn and that can foil some serous plans for a quick victory over Russia.
It does have a pretty powerful effect. So does Enigma Decoded for the Brits.
i never did say thanks for the tips wardog42 they did worked for a while but my enemy just didn’t want to follow it.
The best thing to do with America’s Superfortresses is to land your bomber in Anglo and then get free bombing raids on Southern Europe.
I’m not sure I know what you mean by free bombing raids man? How is it any different than bombing Germany? Just curious.
Well, Superfortresses gives U.S. bombers immunity against AA guns. So if you land in Anglo you can sink money for free to Southern Europe or land in England and get it from Germany’s capitol.
why hasn’t anyone voted US, hello, superfortreses!!! :lol:
But that is just one. Their Chinese Divisions is okay, but I always forget to give them that extra inf.
if the americans have superfortreses and hevy bombers, then the krauts can kiss their money good bye! this is definantly either the best or second best advantage.( colonial garison is really sweet for the brits) 8)
My friend got heavy bombers and long-range with the Superfortresses. Talk about a force to be reckoned with.
Why land it in anglo, when you can land it in GB?
It would be much safer there! :roll: -
land what, a bomber?
Britian and us have the best NAs no question.
they should, they had significant technological advantages at the start of the war.
But the germans were the first with rocket technology. they should get something better.
US should have gotten an A-Bomb NA. Although it might be too powerful.
I agree. The A-bomb would be a fun idea, but it would be too strong and everyone would want to be the U.S.
to start with, the germans were not very developed. not until they started getting beat did they start creating new technology. (necesity is the mother of invention)
i think that japan has 1 great advantage, Bonzi Soldiers. have any of you faced 15 japanese infanty men on the eastern frount with america concentration soley on germany? its a scary sight. just my thought.