ok, my mistake, but one did die.
CC: you seem to think that what i had said was fact, it was an opinion of mine, which you and i both pointed out.
1)its not so much an abscence of god, as simply no-god. an abscense (sp) would imply that one does or did exist, but isnt present, or is missing or something, whereas i believe there is no god, there never was a god, there never will be a god.
2)people may disagree with what i have to say, but i will say it anyway, because i truly believe it. it is not an inherently bad thing itself, and it does cause alot of good. but in my opinion, it causes enough evil, and is so unnecessary, that it is not worth it to have it
4) well, ideally, i would not have to argue politics, because there would be none to argue. however, as long as i live in America, or any society where politics exists, i will discuss it. also, politics is different from religion. arguing and discussing politics is something that almost has to be done, by the very nature of it. religion however, no matter your stance on it, does not have to be publicly discussed, some people just choose to.