F_alk, i may have misheard my source, … until i can contact my grandfather again i will not recant my statements. …
Even then you won’t as you continue to ignore the minor side point i was making.
Drunk Driving is Illegal. Being an a** and shooting someone is illegal.
Owning a gun is NOT illegal. Owning a car is NOT illegal.
Being a dumb@$$ is NOT illegal.
^ that is the fatal factor in either situation.
if everyone sticked to the rules, you would need no guns. Why would you need to defend yourself, when there are no criminals? You just wouldn’t.
So, the argument of you goes like that:
You compare one thing that is illegal (drunk driving) with something that is legal in the US (owning a gun), and ask why we don’t make one of the ingedients for the illegal behavior illegal.
You then ignore accidents (which are not “illegal”, just unwanted) for guns, keeping the drunk driving (which is illegal because it massively increases the probability for unwanted accidents with cars) argument.
You don’t come to the point that allowing only small calibres for example could be related to speed limits. Both limit “your freedom” to make live safer for the others, both try to reduce the “messyness” of potential accidents. Speed limits also reduce the probability for accidents.
So, you keep comparing something illegal, where in both needed (and standing alone each legal) ingredients a lot of effort has been done to reduce the chance of accidents and increase the personal sefaty… to something legal, where not that much effort is made, or where you don’t even seem to want the bit of effort yet done to be kept (or do you think that the restrictions concerning fully and semi-automatic weapons are useful?).
You ignore that cars are very rarely used as weapons, but lead to death by accidents which have a increased chance to occur when the driver has drunk.
You do this comparison in a rhetoric question why we don’t ban cars or alcohol, with the side note that we can’t ban cars and that trying to outlaw alcohol had been tried and failed. This is done in attempt to make the proposal look silly, just as the proposal of banning cars or alcohol looks silly.
I still say, the comparison is invalid, for the above reasons.
Weapons to be used with crimes are most likely to be illegal. You said it. That proves that the average good guy with a gun will not commit a crime with it. That point we can both agree on.
There is no “average guy” with a gun. The “average guy with a gun” has a illegal weapon. (As you use information from that side point, i have to keep to that). Thus, the “average guy with a gun” is a commiting a crime by possessing it.
Collectors removing the bolt could be done, but i dont see the need for it.
I don’t see the need for brakes and indicators and lights at my car.
The reason is: Safety, less accidents. The point you quite ignored of my last post.
Before my rights to own a “death spitter” are violated, there are some things that should go first. Worried about the lives of the citizens? ban cigarettes and other tobacco products; theyre far more dangerous.
smoking in public places is continually more and more banned. Otherwise: smoking harms yourself, and only yourself (once the above rules concerning passive smoking are active).
Noone here objects when you get a gun to shoot yourself. Your life, your decision to mess it up for yourself, but don’t harm others.
And as you said before, most guns that are used improperly are illegally obtained. You cant teach those people unless you teach all people. And many firearms come with a care and matenance, manual, wether from the dealer or manufacturer im not certain. that explains safety ETC.
Safety is when a kid cannot misuse it. Safety is, when a drunk person can not misuse it. Maintenance is not related at all to this, care is not related to this. Safety is something that prevents accidents and misuse. Having a glass cabinet to display all your guns is not safe. Not removing bolts of collectors weapons (that probably are on display as well) is not safe. I hope that are enough examples.
And as i said before, most weapons are illegally obtained. Even in your country i guess that the most spectacular cases of improper use are done by legal weapons.
Cars have all these protective devices, and are improved on safety issues from decade to decade.
Has anything happened to make guns “safer” and kill less people? I don’t think that you can give me any example for that. Regardless wether it is for accidents (where you ahve to address the point made by CC) or on purpose, where the comparison with cars fails completely as cars are rarley used as murder instruments.
QUESTION: Do any of you mind if i print out this topic to use for my debate team?
Maybe, not sure yet. You might not want to do it.
To add to CCs answer:
I feel free, not having the right to own a gun.
And i second his other notions: if owning a gun was illegal in the US, you wouldn’t have to go for some minor crimes (like tax evasion for Al Capone in those days), but have quicker and better reasons to lock them up.
AS you don’t want tighter gun control, then you must now give an alternative of how to reduce all the lethal “accidents” that happen, and just do not have to happen at all. Tell me one other way, of how to prevent the examples CC gave in the last post. And, a way that works as good as or better than outlawing the guns, thus taking them out of reach for many people.