• Remember that when you use transport ships to Norway or Sweden however that the tanks don’t absorb a hit. You would have to take the longer route if you were the Centrals or SM like a muther trucker

  • The tanks don’t absorb a hit from the enemy artillery’s “first fire” against an amphibious landing.  As Norway/Sweden are neutrals, they will only mobilize 1 artillery each, so there will only be one such shot.

    The tanks do absorb a hit in the round of combat that follows.

  • @Texas:


    Does taking Swe and Nor pays itself back?

    If you use 4 tanks, you will hardly have any losses, so yes. 8 IPCs per turn adds up pretty quick.

    But then only from round five and up at the earliest. And the investment in four trannies. And come round five few Germany players are having the luxury of using eight units ( at least) on something else then killing French and Russian troops.

  • @Tavenier:



    Does taking Swe and Nor pays itself back?

    If you use 4 tanks, you will hardly have any losses, so yes. 8 IPCs per turn adds up pretty quick.

    But then only from round five and up at the earliest. And the investment in four trannies. And come round five few Germany players are having the luxury of using eight units ( at least) on something else then killing French and Russian troops.

    Yes, they are mutually exclusive strategies.  You can’t use an kill France fast or kill Russian fast strat and use this strategy.  I feel those strats have a slim chance of resulting in a CP victory, so I never use them anyway.

  • TH, I would so love to see a game report from you. Not like every single inf moved around, but just globally, like G1 Holland taken, F1 Belgium reinforced, or whatever.
    Maybe its my limited imagination, but I an’t see how you can survive as Germany without going Russia or France. Sure you can take quite some IPC from Den and Hol etc, but still.

  • @Tavenier:

    TH, I would so love to see a game report from you. Not like every single inf moved around, but just globally, like G1 Holland taken, F1 Belgium reinforced, or whatever.
    Maybe its my limited imagination, but I an’t see how you can survive as Germany without going Russia or France. Sure you can take quite some IPC from Den and Hol etc, but still.

    I am still in the planning process and haven’t had the chance to execute.  It is part of a larger plan to assault the UK directly and figured since the transports are there, might as well use them for taking Norway and Sweden.

  • I see. I know transports can be handy for Germany. Forcing England to keep an eye on an invasion, invading Russia, invading Scandinavia and fast move your units. But still it seems like a too big of an investment that you just can’t spare.
    I hope you can get the time to write about it!

  • @Tavenier:

    I see. I know transports can be handy for Germany. Forcing England to keep an eye on an invasion, invading Russia, invading Scandinavia and fast move your units. But still it seems like a too big of an investment that you just can’t spare.
    I hope you can get the time to write about it!

    Yeah, the cost is a big issue and taking the neutrals helps with that.

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