Swiss Egyptians Sue Jews for 5000 year old theft…

  • SOURCE :

    thaaat’s right! 5000 years ago those Evil Jew monkeys stole all the gold and jewels in Egypt and the ran away in the middle of the night unbeknowst to the Pharoah.

    1. Isn’t it against the law of all slave owning civilisations for slaves to run away? More charges are pending…

    2. That’s the longest statute of limitations on record… and only if you can read Arabic…or is it 5000 year old Egyptian? Yeah, yeah, that’s it! An even more exclusive club to make it easier to silence the infidels…

    3. Waaaait a minute! Isn’t Pharoah a “living god?” Aren’t gods supposed to be omniscient or does that only apply to the G-D of the Judeo-Christian cultures? Well, the Greek gods were fallable, so I guess…

  • yeah,
    they’ll make THIS one stick.

  • LMAO! thats the stupidest thing Ive heard today

  • Jews, still evil? :roll: :wink:

  • Yeah, you know. The Great Satan(Israel) controlling the Little Satan(USA.)

    Anyone know where in the Quran it mentions “the Great Satan” & “the Li’l Satan?”

    :roll: :) :D :lol:

  • @El:

    SOURCE :

    thaaat’s right! 5000 years ago those Evil Jew monkeys stole all the gold and jewels in Egypt and the ran away in the middle of the night unbeknowst to the Pharoah.

    1. Isn’t it against the law of all slave owning civilisations for slaves to run away? More charges are pending…

    2. That’s the longest statute of limitations on record… and only if you can read Arabic…or is it 5000 year old Egyptian? Yeah, yeah, that’s it! An even more exclusive club to make it easier to silence the infidels…

    3. Waaaait a minute! Isn’t Pharoah a “living god?” Aren’t gods supposed to be omniscient or does that only apply to the G-D of the Judeo-Christian cultures? Well, the Greek gods were fallable, so I guess…

    First of all, there’s no such thing as Judeo-Chrisitan culture or civilization. Secondly, in that case the Jews should be sueing the Vatican for possession of Jewish artifacts that Titus took to Rome when he destryed the Second Temple in 70 CE. The menorah and other valuables are clearly depicted on the Arch of Titus and the Vatican has never denied having them. Jews should probably also be sueing Ethiopia for possession of the Jewish ark of the covenant which is said to still be there.

  • :roll: this really ranks among the stupidest lawsuits, and there are some stupid lawsuits

  • This a joke, right?

  • @Janus1:

    :roll: this really ranks among the stupidest lawsuits, and there are some stupid lawsuits

    The Jews could also counter-sue against the Egyptians that the gold and utensils were payment for their service as slaves. The Jews weren’t paid at all for their work and after 430 years of slavery (not including until modern times) the Egyptians owe compensation to former slaves. Let’s not forget compensation for throwing Jewish males into the Nile. That was mass murder on Pharoah’s part and surely the Egyptians have to pay for that.

  • @El:

    1. Waaaait a minute! Isn’t Pharoah a “living god?” Aren’t gods supposed to be omniscient or does that only apply to the G-D of the Jewish and Christian cultures? Well, the Greek gods were fallable, so I guess…

    Zat good nuff fer ya, EG?

    How bout if Adam sues Eve?
    (Hmm! I’m gonna have to see a lawyer.)
    Then Eve can sue the serpant!

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