The US tries to rule the world… but chaos seems to follow

  • No, but it could mean you’re responsible for breaking the stalemate in the trenches and ending World War I… :lol:

  • Moderator

    I sayed SHOWED

  • i never do this….but…

    I sayed

    You sayed?

    I cant resist……

    “Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?”


  • Moderator


  • the US is the most generous nation on the earth.

    Hanso didn’t mention the Marshall plan which was millions spent to help rebuild Europe after WW2. We even gave Marshall plan $$ to the Germans and the Japanese. (The Soviets opted not to participate).

    Afghanistan- do you really think it is better to leave the Taliban in charge?

    Vietnam- do you really think Norht Viet nam was a democratic nation?

    Hanso forgets all the time the US has intervened to help Muslim people in the last 10 years. Ethiopia, Somalia, Kuwait, Serbia, Iraq…

    Dude, get it right!

  • “…and now you know the rest of the story.”

    (I love that guy on the radio :D)

  • Moderator

    who are you talking about?

  • thank you sherman, for having the courage to praise the US. and truly, think about it. If an earthquake happens anywhere in the world, the US will be leading the pack to send aid to the nation, whereas if one happens in the US, noone gives a shit. the US does go in and bomb the hell out of every1, but then it rebuilds them, and they become better than they were (Germany, Japan). the generosity of the US is also its stupidity though, as it contributes to the National Debt, and the US government would never think to ask for repayment.

  • That was very kind of you to say so. It is absolutely the truth that the world looks to the United States whenever there is something wrong.
    Why can’t we be PROUD of it? I can think of so many examples:
    here’s one our friends on the left hate - when that centerpeice of Soviet Nuclear technology the Chernobyl Plant melted down we offered to
    send in a team of our Nuclear scientists to help, a team of EPA people to help advise on the clean up immediately offered medical help not to mention the hundreds of private US citizens who took up collections to help. What did the Soviets do? Denied, covered up, insisted that the UNITED NATIONS send inspectors (with out a US person on the inspection team.) once they finally admitted weeks after the fact that something had happened…

    We need to talk about this because Hanso’s version of history is what is being written down, not the truth!

  • Moderator

    Iraq didn’t look to us… and does the world need to look to us giving aid every where… that does sound harsh but let them copy us not depend on us…

  • no one said they should depend on us, but they do. i disagree with the us giving so much foreign aid, but it does.

  • @sherman28:

    the US is the most generous nation on the earth.

    i’d lke to see the numbers on that in a per capita basis. Don’t forget to include credits/debts to the U.N. relative to other countries.

    Hanso didn’t mention the Marshall plan which was millions spent to help rebuild Europe after WW2. We even gave Marshall plan $$ to the Germans and the Japanese. (The Soviets opted not to participate).

    This is one of the shining spots of the war.

    Afghanistan- do you really think it is better to leave the Taliban in charge?

    This was a case in America’s best interests. The Taliban was America’s monster - much as was Frankenstein’s. This is one of the MANY instances of American interference to ward off socialism/communism gone wrong. So eventually the whole thing blows up in their face, 9/11 happens, and America does the only thing it can do - deal with it. This hasn’t been done very effectively yet, and i suspect there was more security (with more freedoms) under the Taliban (which i would suggest was pretty evil).

    Vietnam- do you really think Norht Viet nam was a democratic nation?

    oh, you SO don’t want to go there. America the wise - saving the world from communism. Failing to solve the real problem.
    Question - why was communism such a threat? If it were truth - then why should it not be perpetuated at the will of people. If a lie, then do they think that it would not fizzle on its own as people came to realize its problems?
    And they really did not do anything of any substance in Vietnam - other than snuff out many lives.

    Hanso forgets all the time the US has intervened to help Muslim people in the last 10 years. Ethiopia, Somalia, Kuwait, Serbia, Iraq…

    Dude, get it right!

    These were, with the exception of Iraq (who i’m still not sure that America helped that much) international “group efforts” with many nations pitching in.
    Yes, America appears to have done some good, however much of this is:

    1. a direct result of the need to repair the evil that was done because of previous intervention,
    2. a purely selfish act with superfluously handy side-effects
    3. a good act with severe consequences by nature - a sword of 2 edges, so to speak.

  • oh, you SO don’t want to go there. America the wise - saving the world from communism. Failing to solve the real problem.
    Question - why was communism such a threat? If it were truth - then why should it not be perpetuated at the will of people. If a lie, then do they think that it would not fizzle on its own as people came to realize its problems?
    And they really did not do anything of any substance in Vietnam - other than snuff out many lives.

    neither do you CC, you dont want to get into an ideology debate where you are in any way praising communism. Mike will cut off your head with his katana, and I would too (if i had one :cry: )

  • “… that guy…” is Paul Harvey, the living dude with longest running news commentary in broadcast syndication history(30 years plus.) NOTE: He was doing the comment/pause long before Glenn Beck. Everyone who knows PH knows his style and overlooks the PAUSE, but GB gets grief for it because he takes a coulpa secs longa. Peopleinnewyorkandlawhotalkfastdon’tlikeitbecauseitgivesthemtimetothink!

    As for who started it(approximately in chronological order)…
    The guy who picked up the first rock started it…
    or was it the guy who picked up the first stick and clubbed his opponent…
    or was it the guy who chipped the first knife out of flint…
    who swung the first axe…
    who threw the first spear…
    who slungshot the first rock…
    who shot the first arrow…
    who threw the first bolo…
    who rode the first horse…
    who decided to attack in season…
    who drew the first sword…
    who sailed the first warship…
    who used the first gunpowder…
    who used the first catapult…
    Who carried the first pike
    who carried the first lance…
    who shot the first cannon…
    who shot the first blunderbust…
    who shot the first pistol…
    who sailed the first ironclad
    who used the first mustard gas…
    who drove the first tank…
    who developed the first rocket…
    who developed the first A-bomb…
    who developed the first biological agent…

    Some have been left out, but the point is…
    well, nobody started itand
    they didn’t have to respond
    the way they chose to respond.


    Iraq didn’t look to us… and does the world need to look to us giving aid every where… that does sound harsh but let them copy us not depend on us…

    Oh, but the people did back in 1991/1992 and GHW Bush went along with the UN and IT GOT THE PEOPLE KILLED!
    and NO they don’t need to look to us giving aid everywhere.

    What I REALLY enjoy is the “we give more” argument. The US gives more $wise, but the detractors say"X gives a bigger percentage."

  • good list, the not really in chronological order

  • @Janus1:

    good list, the not really in chronological order

    Do you mean “…though not in…”. or is that the generic title for the list or would you care to straighten it out…

    No arguments from me…just took a few wild guesses when a weapon came to mind.

    (I hear another topic brewing.)

  • @El:

    (I hear another topic brewing.)

    Me too! But we’ll need to sort the weapons by type, as well. 8)

  • I really don’t think that the United Nations is a measure of generosity.
    Pleas don’t give me that the US hasn’t paid its dues (which IS true).
    US foreign aid makes up a goodly chunk of the Federal budget.
    I would like to know who you feel contributes more. I can tell you
    US $$ aid to help defeat AIDS in Africa is MORE than the rest of the world combined. That seems pretty generous.

    Viet Nam I WILL go there my friend. This is a topic I am not afraid to defend. You did not answer the question. Which was “do you really beleive that the Gov’t of Nvn was democratic.”
    The morality of communism is a different issue but I am happy also to
    discuss it.

    Somalia- there was a small UN releif force there that was shot at and bullied around by warlords until the US Marines went there to sort it out!
    Where is the selfishness?

    Ethiopia- the US took control of a crumbling UN releifg effort in 1987.
    the people stopped starving where is the self interest?

    Kuwait- We liberated their county and haven’t (as usual) asked for payment
    where is the selfishness?

    Serbia- The US took command of a weak Nato comiittment and in 80 days of air and missle strikes toppled Milosevic and insured the World Court would try him for War crimes. Where is the selfishness?

    Iraq-Hey we finished the job that we should have finished a while ago.
    The Mass graves un covered made me think back to WW2 and conjured up names like Belsen, Auschwitz Buchenwald. You can go there and
    if you don’t understand the meaning of “all that is necesarry for Evil to triumph is for Good Men to do nothing” then you have no heart.

  • Somalia- there was a small UN releif force there that was shot at and bullied around by warlords until the US Marines went there to sort it out!
    Where is the selfishness?

    Um, werent they Army Rangers and Delta Force?

  • You are thinking of the delta teams and task force Ranger which were in Somalia in the Fall of 1993 hunting down Warlord Aidid. See Mark Bowden’s : Black Hawk Down. I don’t remeber the name of the inital operation ( I want to say it was op restore hope but could be wrong) in any case it was spearheaded by a landing of 2000 marines. Ironically,
    Aidid’s son who had come to the US for an education landed with the marines. The Marines landed the year before.

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