Greedy French Government SOBs…

  • want more francs for their “victims of air terrorism.” However, they made their deal with Libya already. They want a bigger cut because the US made a deal with Libya.

    SOURCE :

  • Need we remind our French allies that Libya isn’t the richest government in the world and is in desperate need to lift UN economic sanctions?

  • Uh…
    Oh, yeah!
    How uncivilized can they be?!

    Well, they have some good news. Even with over 3,000 deaths due to the heat(Heat? What heat? That’s just a warm summer. If they’d cut down on the wine they could import some quality American Fans.) The wine season is expected by some to be the best ever.

  • Here’s a question:
    It’s been 15 years since the crash, so do the American families need the cash that much, even when the Liberia doesn’t have enough $ to take care and feed its own people?

  • Doubtful. And let’s hear it for good old American greed! Not just for large corporations anymore, it’s come to everyone! Mwa ha ha ha…

  • F_alk, where your comments on this interesting bit of French news?

  • “Well, they have some good news. Even with over 3,000 deaths due to the heat(Heat? What heat? That’s just a warm summer. If they’d cut down on the wine they could import some quality American Fans.) the wine season is expected by some to be the best ever.”

    That is terrible. I hope the people of Paris and all of France are alright and that the animals in the zoos are properly taken care of. :cry: Hopefully the weather will only persist for a short time longer and the French people can back to their lives.

    “want more francs for their “victims of air terrorism.” However, they made their deal with Libya already. They want a bigger cut because the US made a deal with Libya.”

    Maybe there is some explanation for this, like the French want their own families who died in that plane crash to recieve equal payment soon. I just hope the deal does not linger too much longer.

  • @TG:

    … even when the Liberia doesn’t have enough $ to take care and feed its own people?

    That’s funny!…
    Oh, wait! Did you mean to make the pun?

    The French already settled with Libya for their loss on another terrorist attack on a jet other than the one the US is settling. So it’s kinda like trying someone twice for the same crime.

    Oh, and re: the “good news” comment…that’s the way they said it on the CBS radio news this afternoon.

  • Maybe there is some explanation for this, like the French want their own families who died in that plane crash to recieve equal payment soon. I just hope the deal does not linger too much longer.

    Didn’t France already accept repayment from Libya? :-?

  • That’s what I said!

    The French already settled with Libya for their loss on another terrorist attack on a jet other than the one the US is settling.

  • Me thinks TM is slow… :wink:

  • Oh! I thought it was the combat dice calling the zombie “white.”
    :oops: Wrong game!

  • @El:

    Oh, and re: the “good news” comment…that’s the way they said it on the CBS radio news this afternoon.


    F_alk, where your comments on this interesting bit of French news?

    First, Lybia has agreed to payments that are unbelievably and unsensibly high. I don’t understand though why someone tries to hinder that. Instead we should promote it and make the US pay 10 million $ to the families of every innocent the killed in all the last wars and police actions.
    As you might have read in the article, the French gov’t is under “domestic pressure”. Surely something the US gov’t does not at all look at when doing things, like all of us other democratic countries, who do not look that, right?

    For the hot summer: EJ, as you wrote it uncommented you agree with it. I hope you or one of your beloved has a warm summer ahead.

  • @F_alk:


    Oh, and re: the “good news” comment…that’s the way they said it on the CBS radio news this afternoon.


    F_alk, where your comments on this interesting bit of French news?

    First, Lybia has agreed to payments that are unbelievably and unsensibly high. I don’t understand though why someone tries to hinder that. Instead we should promote it and make the US pay 10 million $ to the families of every innocent the killed in all the last wars and police actions.
    As you might have read in the article, the French gov’t is under “domestic pressure”. Surely something the US gov’t does not at all look at when doing things, like all of us other democratic countries, who do not look that, right?

    For the hot summer: EJ, as you wrote it uncommented you agree with it. I hope you or one of your beloved has a warm summer ahead.

    oh F_alk . . . take it easy on EJ. Afterall, it’s not like HE’S French. That could be much worse.
    Seriously tho’, if these 3000 deaths due to a heat wave had occurred in the US (say Texas, whatever) - and i’ve heard they may be 5000 - would there not be more pressure by the USies to apply the standards of Kyoto? I mean how many people now need to die as a result of increasing greenhouse gases and globel warming before we decide this is a problem? (of course the French could all move to northern Canada, but really - why would we do that to our native people after all the other injustices?)

  • would there not be more pressure by the USies to apply the standards of Kyoto? I mean how many people now need to die as a result of increasing greenhouse gases and globel warming before we decide this is a problem?

    Umm… I heard that it was more of a heat wave front from North Africa more than anything else. :-?

    First, Lybia has agreed to payments that are unbelievably and unsensibly high. I don’t understand though why someone tries to hinder that. Instead we should promote it and make the US pay 10 million $ to the families of every innocent the killed in all the last wars and police actions.

    I wouldn’t mind if the French were protesting that the Americans were forcing to Lybia to pay too much, but that is not the case. The French want more for themselves too. :-?

  • whats interesting is that Falk has such a problem with French bashers, yet he is himself one of the biggest American bashers Ive ever known.

    and while your at it making the US pay $10 million to the families of all the innocents theyve killed, lets make every country, including Germany.

    Falk, we get it, you dont like the US. deal with your shit. (pardon the language)

  • @Janus1:

    (pardon the language)


  • I was talking to Yanny, not you Falk, I dont want you to pardon it.

  • F_k, here are my comments, since you missed them…

    (Heat? What heat? That’s just a warm summer. If they’d cut down on the wine they could import some quality American Fans.) The wine season is expected by some to be the best ever.

    …and, yes, as a matter of fact I have a sister(130 cm./ 16 stone :) )and brother-in-law(2 m./15 stone) out in Arizona for the summer. It has been hitting 100-110 degree F. regularly since they arrived a month ago. They are working in the heat to build a new facility at a National Wildlife Reserve. Hoo-Haw!

    I have a couple of fans I am willing to send, but I believe US electrical doodads won’t work over there without an adapter. I guess I’ll call the French Embassy tomorrow to see if the fans would be of any assistance.

  • EJ, thanks for using meters in your description, although foot and inches are the only imperial units that i can change into SI units without looking them up :).

    For the “warm summer”, it is just so warm that in the Danube somewhere in AFAIR Croatia, old Wehrmacht vehilces were found in the mud, usually covered by waters. AFAIR it was 2 jeeps, 1 or 2 tanks and a lorry.

    BTW, have the US finally changed to 230 V or are you still using 110 V?
    And let me assure you, i don’t think that any european would take anything that has to work with electricity from the US at the moment ;).

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