The Governator…thumbs up or down?


    Has he really had a chance?  Isn’t Caulifourniah much like the US or a battleship?  It cannot turn on a dime.  Maybe the voters should vote 80% of the ploiticians out of office and give the Governator a new set of markers to play with…or at least a set without so many shades of Gray in it!


    • Proposition 74 extends the period of time teachers need to win permanent tenure…
    • Proposition 76 caps the amount of money the debt-ridden state can spend each year and allow the governor to make mid-year budget cuts.

    Two of the governor’s measures would give a huge boost to the Republican Party in Democrat-dominated California if they passed.

    • Proposition 77 would take away the Democrat-led state legislature’s power to draw political boundaries and hand it to an appointed panel of three retired judges.
    • Proposition 75 requires public service unions to obtain members’ permission each year to use dues for political campaigns, a move that will hurt the Democratic Party which depends on the support of unions

    **RE : PROP 74 …I don’t much like tenure for college profs or teachers.**  If they do a great job keep them and pay them well.  If they do a good job keep them and pay them good.  If they do a fair job give them a chance to improve and keep their salary the same.  If they do a poor job give them a chance to improve, keep their salary the same, but wack 'em if they don’t improve.

    Remember it’s your kids education you must worry about more than a teacher’s job.

    I say drop perm tenure.  If a longer wait for tenure is the best you can get now GO FOR IT!

    **RE : PROP 76…Budget limits sound like a good idee.**  Woulda saved California a mi_GRAY_n headache. Too bad the states can always come crying to SugarUncle Sam when things aren’t peachy…or should I say orangey?

    **RE : PROP 77…I’m against the panel redraw of politcal boundaries.**  Sounds much like the change being attempted in nearby Ohio.  The system has worked okay for 200+ years.  Keep it as it is, unless…

    How about a computer system using maps and locations of all registered voters.  Districts/precincts would be redrawn to make the shortest travel for voters(and representatives most likely, too.)

    **RE : PROP 75… I belonged to a union once upon a time.  I’m against Union dues as campaign funds.**  If young or union voters don’t care about an issue why should a Union take their money and decide how to spend it?  Surveys have shown that unions are about 60% Democrats and 40% Republicans, so why should the unions spend about 99% of their political capital supporting Democrat candidates.

    Let union members keep their money to invest or buy in order to to create jobs, donate to causes or candidates they support, or bury the money in their cellar.

    Will these and the other ballot initiatives make or break The Schwartz???

  • I’m kind of on the front lines of this battle, being a 5th grade teacher in California and all. Here’s my take…

    Prop 74: This won’t do anything to improve education as we simply don’t have a surplus of teachers in this state. Ok, so you dismiss a tenured teacher with two bad evaluations. Who do you replace them with? Long-term subs? There aren’t any credentialed teachers to take up the slack. There are bad teachers out there, but there are far more bad parents. No one seems to be talking about them because it doesn’t get you any votes. This also does nothing to address the problem of vindictive principals issuing bad evaluations to get rid of people they don’t like. I’ve been on the receiving end of THAT problem. It’s more common than anyone outside the profession realizes. Lastly, it doesn’t take 5 years to figure out if someone shouldn’t be teaching. I can observe a teacher for 20 minutes and get a pretty good idea whether they’re cut out for the job or not. 5 years just sounds good to a public weary of low-test scores, and too lazy to address the sociological problems (e.g., 1/3 of my class learned English as a second language).
        Oh, and don’t get me started on merit pay. There’s a reason Beverly Hills scores in the top 5% and Inglewood scores in the bottom 10% and it doesn’t have to do with teachers. In our district, the single biggest factor for student success is the education level of the parents, which I have zero control over. Also, I’m lucky to have 1/2 my kids left at the end of the year. How can I be held responsible for the success (or lack of) of students I haven’t even had for the whole year?

    Prop 75: Ok, Swartz raises $30 million+ and he’s worried about labor unions’ political influence? The guy is a shameless fundraiser, and guess where the money’s coming from? Not from the unions, that’s for sure. Prop 75 was initiated to reduce union political clout. The special interests that give to Shwartz don’t give a damn about “paycheck protection”. If you don’t want your money going to political causes, you simply tell CTA that. You could have your $85 a month spent on a church for all they care. The rule is simply that each member contributes about a grand a year. 99% choose to let CTA lobby with it as they please. But anyone can opt out and spend their union dues on something else.

  • 74 : Teacher evals should not be by the inhouse principal…teachers(moreoften) and principals from nearby districts.

    Of course, now that the 9th Circus Court of Appalls has determined that schools, rather than parents, know the best time to teach kids about sex…
    I got a feeling Caulifourniah won’t need as many teachers due to a coming increase in homeschooling.

    But with stunts like the following by the opposition,I think Ahnold will win the day.,0,6390385.story?coll=la-home-headlines

    75 : Saw a tv news blip about Ahnold out fundraising and still saying he didn’t need it/it didn’t affect him. Though the timing of some of his vetoes and actions were suspect.

    You speak from CTA experience. 

    I speak from my past and my daughters current UFCW(Kroger/Fred Meier) experience.
    IN THE UFCW YOUR MONEY GOES WHERE THEY SAY or you are out of the union and a job.

    Now you may understand why the UNION SPLIT UP.

  • CTA is the California Teacher’s Association. I don’t know of any other teacher unions state-wide.

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