Thanks, I had missed that.
German opening move part 1
The topic for today is the UK SZ. How do you guys like to go after it?
Lately i’ve been trying w/ 2 subs, 2 ftrs and a bmb (or variant). This allows my trn to access Africa, and a WEU ftr to hit ECA trn, a EEU ftr for EMED sub, and, well . . .
how do you guys do the UKSZ thing, and still have room to keep-six UK navy and maybe take CAU? -
Usually I use 1 sub, 1 trn, and 4 ftrs. But I do vary it a lot. I have used the 2 sub approach but the reason I don’t use that all the time is I like the sub to get a shot at the W Med BB with air support. You might get the BB with the sub first shot.
my opening German move usually takes out the brit battleship in the med with the German sub/battleship. in regards to the UKSZ i send in a fighter or two. maybe the bomber, depends on how i want to attack africa, i sometimes send the bomber down to deal w/ the EMED brit sub. in regards to taking CAU, i leave it alone for a turn and head toward Karelia by “shifting”. all my E/Eur and Ukrain forces attack KAR. then i move my GER/SEur into the vacant space, and put most of my purchases on GER, w/ 1-2 on SEur.
Usually, we play with two-hit battleships and no RR which usually changes things, but I usually attack with whatever navy I can muster and as much air support as I think I’ll need. In the Med, I just take my trn and BB against the British BB. At least, that’s what I think I remember doing…it’s been a long time! :)
It depends upon ruleset, bid & 2 hitters or not.
The only rules I have are:
1. never split the Ger BB & tranny
2. never use the BB & tranny against Gibraltar
3. always use the tranny in the Baltic against N Sea (assuming it still lives :) ) ….unless some insanity necessitates a G1 attack on Karelia. Then use the tranny with 2 Inf from WE in the attack.
I go with Guest’s Rules and…
4. NEVER use the bmr alone on G1(E Can sz).
A) Combine it with ftrs, sub & trn in UK sz attack or
B) Combine it with sub or ftr & sub in Gib sz attack. -
5. Always keep the BB and TRN inside of the Mediterranean.
6. Land all ftrs in W. Europe at the end of T1