Scenerio: Would you take Kar in Rd 1?

  • Moderator

    No prob. Maybe we can shoot for summer sometime.

    Its not club ettiquette its general ettiquette. If you agree to play someone you should not be playing them to set them up for something in some future game.

    Just for clarification, I don’t me you specifically, I’m not trying to “set” you up for anything. I doubt I could anyway as you’ve probably seen everything. But because most of my games are posted here for anyone to see, I figure if I always use the exact same strat that would put me at a disadvantage. My opponent could simply see that I always do something and be prepared.

    For instance I played 4 games with Kobu, while he won the first 2, I won the next 2, but all 4 games I played very very differently. One game was pretty standard, one game was tech heavy on both sides, one time I used a KJF and another was a tech game but not all out tech. The point was Kobu used the same strat all 4 games, but after the first 2 games it ceased working. I just don’t want to fall into the category of being a predictible player.

  • Panda wrote:

    there are people in the clubs who purposely make uncharacteristic moves just so that in the rematch they can throw someone off. IMO that’s a really bs way to play.

    Why is this a BS way to play? I will usually try to mix things up a bit when I play. What I do not want is for someone to be able to predict what I will do. I will not play to deliberately lose or to make stupid moves,(if you mean this then I agree) but just different things and depending on the game and my opponent perhaps even not the most optimal winning strategy. And if someone is able to throw me off in this manner, then I think I deserve it, not being able to forsee a different possible move from my opponent.

  • I almost never play the same way twice. People have criticized me in the past and said I lost games due to my not using common tactics. Of course this is true, but a game isn’t very fun if you always play the same… And that’s all this is… A game. :D

  • @General:

    I almost never play the same way twice. People have criticized me in the past and said I lost games due to my not using common tactics. Of course this is true, but a game isn’t very fun if you always play the same… And that’s all this is… A game. :D

    But for some people you have to win to have fun… :D

  • Not having read all of the posts nor do i want to get too into your “spat”, i think that it was not unreasonable to go into KAR under these circumstances. It seems gutsy at the outset, but i think that when all is said and done, it’s not that bad a play. The problem is that IFF the UK liberates it right away, then RU can drop most of its inf on R2 there. That in addition to US planes would make it kind of dicey.

  • @cystic:

    Not having read all of the posts nor do i want to get too into your “spat”, i think that it was not unreasonable to go into KAR under these circumstances. It seems gutsy at the outset, but i think that when all is said and done, it’s not that bad a play. The problem is that IFF the UK liberates it right away, then RU can drop most of its inf on R2 there. That in addition to US planes would make it kind of dicey.

    The problem is…in order to liberate it they cannot go to Africa and they might not be able to take Norway…that leaves Germany with Ukr, Cau, Nor, a lot of Africa…even if Kar is liberated…and if I were Japan I would go all out against the Russians, killing everything in Yakut…even if it could cost me a fighter, or China…Russia would quickly lose IPC’s and wouldn’t be able to defend Novo because they would be forced to make all inf builds…

  • Moderator

    I posted J1. It went well to say the least.

    My intention was to attack Yak from the onset. But I could aford a ftr to spare in LL as 19 vs. 16 in attacking power is still 3 hits. So the last ftr went to China instead.

    I took Yak, Sfe, Chi, and Ind.
    I went Pearl Heavy and escaped with only one hit. So I have 2 BB’s, 1 AC and 2 ftrs there.

    My initial goal wasn’t to necessarily take Moscow, but to absolutely devestate the Russians and then as Germany to just survive long enough for Japan to pressure Moscow and take the Russians if possible.

  • could you post a map?

  • Moderator

    I don’t know how or where I could post it.

    I can email it to ya if you’re interested.

  • @DarthMaximus:

    I can email it to ya if you’re interested.

    Nah, don’t worry about it….

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