• why -in any american wargame- doesn’t appear the swastica? is it censured or something? In Axis & Allies, it doesn’t appear the swastica, but the communist flag does appear. In all of Panzer Grenadier series, it happens the same as I said before.
    Why the swastica is censured while the sovietic communist flag appear in all the games that URSS is include in?
    I think that Stalin is even worse than Hitler. The 2 regimes are horrible, of course, but why censure the flags and the "insignia"of one, and permit and print the flags of the other, the Soviets?

    Sorry for my pathetic English. Enric.

  • @enric:

    why -in any american wargame- doesn’t appear the swastica? is it censured or something?

    Well Enric,
    The swastika is illegal to show in a lot of countries, including the at least second largest market for board games. So, if you want to sell things there, you need to have no swastika on there.
    btw, afair there is a swastika on the game-box. One of the reasons why it was quite difficult to get the game over here.

  • '19 Moderator

    Exactly, it realy has nothing to do with America. It is just that American Game companies want to sell thier games in Germany and other European countries where the Swastica is illegal to print. The hammer and sickle are not Illegal anywhere that I know of. If fact I believe the original packaging had a large Swastika flag on it but it was later removed to sell in Europe.

  • yea, its mostly that, plus many do it just to avoid the inevitable hippies in America who protest depiction of the swastika because “it promotes naziism” yea right. anyway, Wolfenstein, for one, does depict swastikas, and other nazi symbols

  • As you’ve noted many games do NOT PROMENENTLY place it on the box in the US. I have seen it in the background or as a faded image on some game boxes.

    Someone played it smart and used the Iron Cross or the other(don’t know what it is callled) simpler cross used on a lot of the Third Reich vehicles. This may be due to a previous attempt by someone, about 50 years ago or so, to sell a game with the swastika on it … or just intelligent marketing.

    The Nazi flag with swastika can be purchased here, though I do not know if it can be manufactured in the USA.

    Just checked online and found…

    …where flags and such can be purchased in the USA.
    Free speech, don’t you know! They seem to have had some issues over it as it is mentioned on the webpage.

    Well, I ain’t for it in overabundance, but some of it is necessary to be able to have accurate depiction in movies and such… I guess.

  • @Janus1:

    … Wolfenstein, for one, does depict swastikas, and other nazi symbols

    depending on the version you have. I guess it’s easier to change the graphix for PC games when creating country specific versions.
    You won’t find Wolfenstein with swastikas for sale here.

  • the half life mod day of defeat also has swastikas….and the american war movies/mini-series(saving pvt ryan, band of brothers, etc) also depict nazi symbols…so i agree that they chose that so that they could sell it on the larger market

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