Japan Tactic to help hold off america

  • If the Japanese took the Aleutians I would not bother fighting for it, but I would move a couple mechs/Inf to Alaska or Canada.  If Japan has its fleet in the south, than the US could go take the Aleutians if they wanted without fear of losing their fleet.

    That would be perfect for Japan. You only make 67 ipcs.  The mech and inf in alaska do nothing since you have to have transports to get to the islands and thats 6 to 8 ipcs doing nothing.

    They take their fleet to the islands, thats fine as well since they are 2 moves away from getting back to Hawaii to pose a threat.  Japan just blocks sz 7 so they can’t get to the capital.

  • @elevenjerk:

    If the Japanese took the Aleutians I would not bother fighting for it, but I would move a couple mechs/Inf to Alaska or Canada.  If Japan has its fleet in the south, than the US could go take the Aleutians if they wanted without fear of losing their fleet.

    That would be perfect for Japan. You only make 67 ipcs.  The mech and inf in alaska do nothing since you have to have transports to get to the islands and thats 6 to 8 ipcs doing nothing.

    They take their fleet to the islands, thats fine as well since they are 2 moves away from getting back to Hawaii to pose a threat.  Japan just blocks sz 7 so they can’t get to the capital.

    Well, with Japan putting troops in the Aleutians, they aren’t putting them in Asia, making things easier on India/China/ANZAC and the US.

    How do the US lose 3 turns if they send their whole fleet to the Aleutians?  They can hit Japan from there, Hawaii, and/or Carolines depending where they are.  You say you can block them, but you only block combat movement, they can send planes/bombers to his the Japan SZ and then Noncombat their fleet there (again, depending on what Japan has to counter with).

    I don’t think it is a terrible move, but typically I never have enough Japanese land units in Asia to beat both China and India (and Russia if they attack me turn 2 or later).

  • Well, with Japan putting troops in the Aleutians, they aren’t putting them in Asia, making things easier on India/China/ANZAC and the US

    We are talking about 2 inf.  Well worth the headache for US

    How do the US lose 3 turns if they send their whole fleet to the Aleutians?  They can hit Japan from there, Hawaii, and/or Carolines depending where they are

    1 turn to take the islands back, 2 turns to get back to Hawaii because it is 3 spots away.

    You say you can block them, but you only block combat movement, they can send planes/bombers to his the Japan SZ and then Noncombat their fleet there (again, depending on what Japan has to counter with).

    The block allows you to not have your capital threatened.  If us wants to move the navy into sz 6 thats fine since most of my japan navy will be placed in the Phillipines if US decides to move the whole navy over there.  China is mostly gone by turn 4 and with 8 or so transports in the south the UK will be mostly in turtle mode with very little offensive available to them.  If they have spent their money on offensive units than it makes it even easier to take calcutta and US can hang out in sz 6 all they want.  I just place guys in the capital to counter anything us can bring with the limited transports available.  If they have lots of transports they don’t have lots of navy.  Also by turn 5 the US can’t possible have that much stuff to threaten unless they bring Europe resources over.

    typically I never have enough Japanese land units in Asia to beat both China and India (and Russia if they attack me turn 2 or later).

    If russia attacks turn 2 then you could easily wipe them out.  I would actually want them to do that.

  • @elevenjerk:

    Well, with Japan putting troops in the Aleutians, they aren’t putting them in Asia, making things easier on India/China/ANZAC and the US

    We are talking about 2 inf.  Well worth the headache for US

    How do the US lose 3 turns if they send their whole fleet to the Aleutians?  They can hit Japan from there, Hawaii, and/or Carolines depending where they are

    1 turn to take the islands back, 2 turns to get back to Hawaii because it is 3 spots away.

    You say you can block them, but you only block combat movement, they can send planes/bombers to his the Japan SZ and then Noncombat their fleet there (again, depending on what Japan has to counter with).

    The block allows you to not have your capital threatened.  If us wants to move the navy into sz 6 thats fine since most of my japan navy will be placed in the Phillipines if US decides to move the whole navy over there.  China is mostly gone by turn 4 and with 8 or so transports in the south the UK will be mostly in turtle mode with very little offensive available to them.  If they have spent their money on offensive units than it makes it even easier to take calcutta and US can hang out in sz 6 all they want.  I just place guys in the capital to counter anything us can bring with the limited transports available.  If they have lots of transports they don’t have lots of navy.  Also by turn 5 the US can’t possible have that much stuff to threaten unless they bring Europe resources over.

    typically I never have enough Japanese land units in Asia to beat both China and India (and Russia if they attack me turn 2 or later).

    If russia attacks turn 2 then you could easily wipe them out.  I would actually want them to do that.

    You cannot attack everywhere-  China can be tough to take if you don’t commit serious troops to Asia;  8 transports?  How are they still alive?  Isn’t ANZAC/India/US hitting any undefended ones?  I’ve won and lost as both sides and never seen more than about 5-6 transports.  You have to be aggressive as the Allies against Japan.  If you left significant troops in Manchuria to guard against Japan then you aren’t taking China out in 4 turns.

    The US doesn’t have to take Japan, just convoy them, and/or take Korea/Manchuria, perhaps with russian help.

  • This is all based off a J4 attack.

    J1  3 tt 1 art.  Collect 42 in most cases taking Siberia, Far East, and the standard China territories.

    J2  2 tt 2 Inf (you have 2 left over from taking the rest out to Carolines with your initial 3 tt purchase)  4 art.  6 left to spend.

    that alone is 8 transports after turn 2.

    China can be tough to take if you don’t commit serious troops to Asia

    I didn’t say you take china out but you can close the road down and keep them at bay for a few turns pretty easy with what you have.

    If you left significant troops in Manchuria to guard against Japan then you aren’t taking China out in 4 turns

    Im not leaving troops in Manchuria.  If Russia wants to break the pact early, great, I take them out.  I keep guys in korea for the counter if they choose to do so.  If russia wants to put more than 6 inf in Amur, I break the pact and wipe them out and things may change a bit after that.  It is very easy to keep planes in range for that while just focusing on china.

    You have to be aggressive as the Allies against Japan

    US 4 is the first time they can do anything so its not really a consideration.

    Isn’t ANZAC/India/US hitting any undefended ones?

    US can’t do anything. If the UK/Anzac are able to take out maybe 1 unprotected transort to start the war and keep US out of the war till turn 4 no matter what, great.  Japan can take the islands even earlier along with kwantung and still collect the 10 ipc FIC bonus until the end of J3.

  • How does japan make 70 by turn 4 with out going to war by turn 2 or 3?  If the US is only making 3 out of western for 3 turns, japan would have to of waited untill j4 to attack.  Which means india/anzac are huge and dont require that much American aid right away.

  • US can also build planes out of central/eastern and land on carrier that came out of western after they move to hawaii.

    Bombers sitting in West US is a perfect place, they can go to queens, threaten sz 6, help reclaim aleutian, or move all the way to london/gib all in 1 turn.

  • How does japan make 70 by turn 4 with out going to war by turn 2 or 3

    To add to my last post.  You have 8 tt after turn 2 with 3 loaded transports and most all your navy at carolines.  This makes the US have to stay in sz 10 unless they want to get destroyed.  It also makes Anzac have to think about losing their capital.  It would be crazy to try and build transports at that point.  You have the one that probably went to Java to get the 4 ipcs on turn one but to buy more with Japan right there seems not smart to me.

    J3  Should have around 45 ipcs to spend.  Buy 2 more loaded transports for 28 ipcs and spend the rest on whatever you want.  I tend to buy another AC.

    Move half the caroline island navy down to phillipines and the other half (usually trying to include a couple of the AC’s in order to use planes on any islands that may have been stacked with more than 1 or 2 inf) down to Java with the 3 loaded transports.  You have to take into consideration where Anzac subs and navy may be, if any, and place navy accordingly.  You also have to account for the Combination of Anzac and India.  What can India send there?  BB, Cruiser, destroyer and some planes?  All of it can be accounted for.  Take the 5 loaded transports in sz 6 and send them to sz35 with half your navy.

    At this point america will probably move into hawaii because why wouldn’t they.

    Now your set up for a J4 attack.

    3 loaded transports in sz 42 (Java) with at least 2 AC loaded. 
    5 loaded transports in sz 35 (Phillipines).  Planes can come from Kwiangsi to fight the phillipines battle if necessary.  In our games its not usually necessary cause we fly the us fighter to Guam on turn one to get any stray transports.
    2 loaded transports in sz 6.

    2 in sz 6 can take out the Phillipines.  The 5 in sz 35 can go anywhere except sumatra (since you don’t own phillipines naval base yet).  The 3 in sz 42 can take Sumatra pretty easy unless Anzac/India put all available resources into it.  That would be pretty dumb since it would only stop japan 1 turn maybe from collecting the full DEI bonus.

    With the freedom you have at that point I am sure most people on this forum could figure out a way to get……

    Kwantung  3
    Malaya      3
    Sumatra    4
    Java        4
    Beorno    4
    Celebs      3
    Phillipines  2
    FIC          2

    25 ipc
    5 ipc  NO bonus
    26 ipc regular income
    2 ipc from russia
    8 if not more from china

    Japan can be at just under 70 ipcs on turn 4

    66 ipcs.  I didn’t say they would make 70.

    Just realized after typing this novel we kind of got off topic:)  Oh well, its been fun.

  • eleven I would really like to to see how this would turn out.  You should get on Triple A.

  • Turn 2, the US fleet can easily sit in hawaii without worry.

  • @ghr2:

    Turn 2, the US fleet can easily sit in hawaii without worry.

    Could also pull a block on the Japanese fleet at Carolines.

  • What is happening in China?  Normally people stack Szchewan and trade Yunnan every turn with Japan until they can’t trade it anymore or Japan can’t take it.

    Why does ANZAC need to worry again?  Not only could they block the Japanese fleet, but if Japan sent everything down there the US may have a free hand in the north (not to mention way out of position).

    What if India stacks Burma on turns 1 and 2 and then turn 3 attacks Yunnan, Shan State, etc?

    What if Russia attacks turn 3 as well as the UK?  You already said most of your fleet is at Caroline turn 2 and presumably many of your transports/army are in the south ready to hit the DEI.

    Seems like you may be losing the war in Asia while you set up your turn 4 attack.

  • Turn 2, the US fleet can easily sit in hawaii without worry.

    They could if they wanted to risk a fight against Japan.  All depends on the purchases of US.  If you leave a navy at Hawaii that I thought I could wipe out then I would probably take it.   Either way it doesn’t matter if Japan doesn’t attack till turn 4. Â

    eleven I would really like to to see how this would turn out.  You should get on Triple A.

    You can call me jerk since its my first initial and last name, I won’t take offense.  As far as Triple A.  I put it on my computer and played against the AI (which was a joke) and, long story short, have had some computer issues since.  I would be an awful Triple A person anyways since I can really only play a couple hrs a day.  It takes a week at least for me and my buddy to finish games due to our schedules.

    Just keep in mind the island trick when you are the axis and see the problems it poses.  I didn’t mean for this thread to turn into a J4 strat guide.  I just wanted to tell people about this annoying axis move.

  • What is happening in China?  Normally people stack Szchewan and trade Yunnan every turn with Japan until they can’t trade it anymore or Japan can’t take it.

    you push them back so they control only the last line of territories.  By turn three unless you get diced a whole bunch you can usually take out Szechwan.  Yunnan gets traded most every turn yes.

    What if India stacks Burma on turns 1 and 2 and then turn 3 attacks Yunnan, Shan State, etc?

    Thats great, more guys not in India.

    What if Russia attacks turn 3 as well as the UK?  You already said most of your fleet is at Caroline turn 2 and presumably many of your transports/army are in the south ready to hit the DEI.

    If they attack Manchuria then I will have 5 loaded transports available in sz 35.  If they attack Korea then they would have gotten really lucky on dice, plus if you put ten+ russians in Amur on turn 2, then I take whatever I need to on turn 3 to wipe out those russians.  Everything obviously changes after that.

    Why does ANZAC need to worry again?  Not only could they block the Japanese fleet, but if Japan sent everything down there the US may have a free hand in the north (not to mention way out of position).

    This is all very true.  It is 2 turns away from japan taking the capital.  They could though, so unless you are certain they won’t it seems like a bad idea to buy a bunch of navy that they could wipe out if they chose to.

    Again… I didn’t want this post to be a J4 strategy guide.  I just wanted it to be about the diversion tactic.  Cow is the master of Strategy Guides.  I will let him take care of those for you.  I am sure if he found the patience he could come up with a bitchin guide for a J4 attack.  He just loves war so much that he can’t get himself to do it.

  • SO what if less guys in india?  japan will not have the manpower to take it, and contesting yunnan/shan state robs japan of a landing spot for planes.

  • Japan would have some money turn 4, but the progress for an actual win, will be slow and agonizing with the strong anzac/india.  Eventually, Japan will be picked apart from all sides.

  • SO what if less guys in india?  japan will not have the manpower to take it, and contesting yunnan/shan state robs japan of a landing spot for planes.

    You don’t think 8 loaded transports, maybe 10 if everything went perfect, along with 8 planes (due to the 4 AC I would have) and 2 bombers wouldn’t be enough if UK took most of their guys to Yunnan?

  • considering japan would not have nearly that many loaded transports on india, yea.

  • @elevenjerk:

    SO what if less guys in india? � japan will not have the manpower to take it, and contesting yunnan/shan state robs japan of a landing spot for planes.

    You don’t think 8 loaded transports, maybe 10 if everything went perfect, along with 8 planes (due to the 4 AC I would have) and 2 bombers wouldn’t be enough if UK took most of their guys to Yunnan?

    If you sent all of that to India (especially all 4 carriers), than ANZAC will be able to take some DEI and the US will be virtually unopposed in the Pacific (they will have 2-3 carriers of their own).

    Also-The UK and France have a DD each in the Indian ocean that can block any attempt on India for at least a turn.

  • Customizer

    Commenting on the Aleutian Islands tactic, I have seen it work before. It does depend on the playing style of your US/Allied player.
    A little while back, our group was playing a game of Global 40. I was Germany and my buddy was Japan. He sent a transport with a destroyer and 2 infantry and took the Aleutians. The US player realized he would lose his NO and just like elevenjerk said, he sent 2 transports – 1 with 2 inf from Hawaii, 1 with inf/art from W US – along with a cruiser and destroyer to take out the Japanese destroyer and his fighter and tac along with the carrier from SZ 10 to take it back.
    The Japanese destroyer hit the US destroyer so the end result was the US had it’s carrier, fighter, tac, cruiser and 2 transports way up there in SZ 8. Japan built some subs and sent 3 of them after the US ships. They killed the cruiser and the carrier although lucky rolls by the carrier meant that 2 subs were lost. However, now the US just lost it’s carrier, a cruiser, a destroyer and 2 transports with a fighter and a tac stranded in the Aleutians along with 2 infantry and an artillery. The US had to build a new carrier and 2 new transports to go up and get those men and artillery.
    It was a seemingly minor inconvenience but it cost the US roughly 3 rounds that they could have been doing something more meaningful against Japan with those assets.
    In this game, I think it allowed Japan more time to stomp China and deal with India and ANZAC fleets.

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