Germanys french revenge! New tactic for trial..

  • this doesnt make any sense at all

    If germany doesnt buy any infantry for 2 turns, the allies walk all over them RUSSIA IN PARTICULAR

    after 3 turns, germany would be in such bad shape, it would fall easily

  • ok, i’m addressing this one turn at a time. And i really don’t have the time to go to indepth, but there are some obvious things that need addressing.

    Turn 1

    The fleet thing:

    I don’t know how you see things but the uk is certainly unable to attack the med fleet because of some things:

    First: the uk waters (bshp, tr + rs tr and rs sb) is attacked by baltic fleet tr+sb and 1bmb+5 fig…

    On the attack you have firepower: 2+15+4 and one fodder, average 3.6 kills… good chance of killing all 4!

    Defense: 4+1+1+2 average 1.2 kills… or 1.1 if the g sb did strike home.
    This means that only one casuality for the G is very likely… leaving a sb or tr for blocking the uk airforce to hunt med fleet this turn!

    Even if the G did only kill 3 the 1 loss only, has 33% chance of still happening… the remaining bsp can miss too in the second round of combat.

    The med fleet + atlantic sb should blow the bshp in one turn with 33% of no retaliation… and 66% of making it without losses anyways…

    this last line made no sense to me, the rest is more or less on.

    Thus good chances are to leave a Bshp, a sb and a tr in non combat moves there.
    You should agree then that it’s likely that a tr or sb is still in uk waters and/or the med fleet has 2-3 ships left which can be difficult to deter with 2 fig and bmb…

    The IC in france can not be taken by canada tr or us tr because there is 2 inf and 1 fig that was forced to land there…

    give me 2 turns. By turn 2 the US can have a BB, 3-4 trns with 6-8 inf ready to storm normandy.

    Now the eastern front:

    • I have considered your answers and come to the following conclusions:
      I would then go for leaving everything in EEu with an AA from italy or france, leave an inf in caucasus.

    I believe the russian shouldn’t be able to attack this force there with success: 9 inf, 8pz, 4 fig, 1bmb and 1 AA against 17+ inf, 3 tks, 2fig.

    now you’re making a little more sense. At the same time, if there is not much more inf there, then when i start throwing troops onto Russia from GB and US then Russia feels a little less vulnerable.

    In africa the standard moves are done, leaving the 2 inf Seu in lybia (alternative later)

    Collect 35 ipcs. (totaling 52 ipcs now.)

    i thought you just spent a bunch on pretty boats? No infantry? you are saving this for your 17 odd inf in defense of Germany and France?

    Uk has no fleet left except a tr in canada, a lonely sb in suez and a lonely tr in india… Uk shouldn’t be able to hunt med fleet (because of survivor) and/or has a great chance of facing a bsb, a tr and a sb with 2 fig and a bmb…

    neat and tidy. not the way i’ve been rolling lately, but ok.

    Note: I’ve considered to land an inf in Gibr aAlgeria to prevent the Br fig from joining the hunt… instead of landing in Lybia, Good idea or not?

    usually you have to make up your mind what you’re going to do. that trn is handy for dropping stuff in Africa to delay the US retaking it.

    Will uk rebuild a fleet that can be trashed again by a Bshp, a tr, maybe a sb and 5 fig and a bmb? Even with 2 fig from Us on a br Ac and a tr this is very risky don’t you think?
    Not so much.
    You are attacking me with 2 4’s, a 2, and 5 3’s. I’m defending with 2 4’s, a 3, and a 1. Hopefully i kill your boats and take a plane down. Now these planes are unable to participate in any dead zone exchange as well. But i think you are being hopeful overall. I rarely see Germany with this kind of fleet intact. Usually i’ve made meat of the med stuff with some bomber action.

    Or will they try to defend asia… slowing the jap? (IMO best option)

    Japan goes sov far east and china and every attack fleet possible to pearl harbour: 2 Bshp, 1 sb, 2 fig, a Bmb… This means on average Us fleet sunk in one turn, retaliation is likely one loss only (sb)

    Us can try to make it with Pac fleet to Panama but will be caught by the huge Jap fleet… So what’s the option?
    -IMO Us should hit back with 2 fig a bmb, a tr, a bshp… This should cause lots of damage…

    You’ve just killed the US’s BB and it’s planes in a useless futile attempt to hurt the Jap fleet. This is a pointless maneuver. So what if the japs have this fleet? killing it will not affect the number of troops japan can land on asia, nor will the sting of the BB be so removed as to be worth the loss of important vehicals needed in Europe. No, you can get the BB to safety with a blocking maneuver by the trn which will give you some extra power in the Atlantic.

    If Us don’t do that they can build a heavy fleet in EUs intimidating the Jap to strike in the next turn… But this ties up all money and is very risky too if the jap goes berserk aswell…

    why would a heavy fleet in EUS intimidate the japs? Do you mean the WUS? And this does not often intimidate japan who can easily throw a couple more wolves into the mix. No, the eastern fleet will only intimidate Germany and relieve the UK.

    Or Us can hide fleet in Alaska and build things to help Britain…

    this would get killed faster than a mosquito at a nudist colony.

    I mean Us fleet going to Atlantic is non-sense don’t you think considering the huge jap fleet in hawaii?

    bring it adon. I’ll show you what nonsense is. What can that huge jap fleet possibly do? Menace the coast? “oooohhh look at us, look at us . . . we’re the big scary japanese fleet and we can’t land but look anyway at how scary we are!!”. I keep about 4 inf and a ftr or 2 on the WUS in the event that this happens. If i see a trn i might throw a couple more soldiers there, but that’s it. They get to close, i buy another ftr or so. No biggie - those fighters will find a home in Russia anyway.

    Us or Uk taking finland with a tr is non sense too turn 1 and turn 2 or explain me how?

    They should be able to land something in Algeria to try to hinder the G but then they lose the tr next trn…

    for the first - it’s not impossible - and i’ll do it on US 2 if i have to. Usually however Russia has it (which is important 'cuz Russia needs those extra ipcs more than us/uk does.
    For the second - so they lose the trn. They can afford it to dump a couple of inf on the coast and make Germany run around. this costs them ipcs and momentum. I don’t like losing the trn, and i don’t do it every game, but i will do it.

  • @adon:

    Turn 2
    The russian is unable to take more than Ukr… shouldn’t risk taking finland aswell… or if he does EEu could be a serious threat… The Karelia mountain of inf should be around 23+ inf there now!

    its ftrs and a couple troops in ukr (depending on what Germany left. If 1 ge inf, then 2 rus infs and 1 ftr - go up from there).
    For Fin - great place to dump its armor with the support of 2-3-4 inf - inf it can afford to lose, anyway to take FIN.

    G does what it can in africa…
    Consider retreating with everything to Germany leaving an inf behind in EEu, maybe retaking Ukr if lightly defended…

    Trashing the new Uk fleet with Us fig or not… Losses should be minimal ( 1tr and maybe a fig or 2 fig or so) depending on if Us sacrificed a tr to block med fleet…

    hmmmm. . . 2 4’s, a 3 and a 1 should give me about 2 hits in the first round. And it would be nice to take down the luft waffe. Very nice as that’s Germany’s most powerful tool for defense, deadzone exchange etc.

    Moving Med fleet to uk waters if not done in combat… Reinforce with a Ac, 2 fig a tr…

    yeah, you see, this is why i’m having trouble with Ger’s first turn collection of 50+ ipcs in hand. I’m also wondering why Russia did not kill the AC and TRN with its ftrs or why Britain left it alone. . . .

    Collect 32 or so.

    If the jap is able to pass through with fleet in Atlantic… joining Uk waters by turn 4… You should agree that Uk waters will remain German and Landing in Europe should be very difficult…

    I really don’t see this happening in the second round. It has to take panama and survive the vicious butt-kicking my Atlantic fleet and ftrs and bmb are going to lay on them the moment they look at jamaica.

    -Eating Russia from east has begun for the jap… because the russia stockpiled everything in Karelia as common tactic recommends…

    it’s begun, but it will slow, because with Germany’s pitiful army, Russia is sending about 2-3 troops a turn east.

    Uk can not build fleets at all this turn and is restricted to airforce or trying to hold india with IC but this is now risky as the jap has a firm grip there having the whole first turn unhindered by Russia, Us or Uk…

    You tell me what Uk does this turn because I don’t know…
    If Uk didn’t buy a fleet turn 1 (as I recommended)… It should have a chance to hamper the jap in russia.

    this i can kind of buy, but i think you’ve set some unrealistic goals for yourself.
    The UK has a lot of options depending on what fighting happened etc. I think that this massive fleet you’ve got organized in the UK seazone does not really exist as no serious allied player would let it. Supposing it did, UK buys planes or considers the india ic that Russia is moving its spare troops to.

    Us has the difficult choice: Reinforcing pacific fleet if still alive… Or building a new one in Atlantic that can be smashed by both Japanese and Germ?

    the us has no pacific fleet. get over it. it’s unnecessary and futile unless following a KJF strat and even then you don’t really go with the big West coast fleet.
    And as i said - an atlantic fleet will not get smashed by japan. It would take another 3 turns or so to get to EUS from HAW. That’s assuming i let you take/hold panama, and not kill your fleet in the east.

    Or should Us go aircraft heavy with Brit to eventually blow at great sacrfices the Jap and Germ fleet?

    maybe, but not as much fun.

    i really can’t reply to the rest as you’ve made some assumptions about odds and movements that are not easily correlatable in life. You have to many atlantic axis boats. As i said, i’d like to see you play this strat against me. that french ic with no extra GE inf looks yummy.
    and how did you buy the ic, the trn and the ac?
    that’s groovy math.

    Turn 3

    Russia should go all EEu but should leave reinforcements in Karelia (Germ has fleet that could go backdoor way…) and East because Jap is near…

  • Hi again!!

    My tactic is crap!!!

    -Because I did forget about some things…

    1)Fig are not placed on Ac directly when purchased…

    2)Panama must be taken to allow jap fleet to atlantic… as you said…

    I’ll have to figure out something else…

    I’ll then forget about the french IC for the start at least…

    Any ideas on how to secure and keep the Uk seazone from the allies?

    I think securing it is the only way Germany has a chance to contain the russian by having mostly one front war…

  • @adon:

    Hi again!!

    My tactic is crap!!!

    -Because I did forget about some things…

    1)Fig are not placed on Ac directly when purchased…

    2)Panama must be taken to allow jap fleet to atlantic… as you said…

    I’ll have to figure out something else…

    I’ll then forget about the french IC for the start at least…

    Any ideas on how to secure and keep the Uk seazone from the allies?

    I think securing it is the only way Germany has a chance to contain the russian by having mostly one front war…

    your tactic is not complete crap. It’s a nice idea, and i have seen a semblance of a German navy before.
    At the same time, this is what the japanese is for. They keep Russian attention on them in the East and eventually force the R-inf to stay home allowing for penetration through Kar.
    As for keeping the UK SZ pure - maybe think more about subs if you need. They’re cheap alternatives to fighters, and you can drop a few of them at some point to do your hunting for you. Couple them with planes and you might build up something pretty.
    At the same time, i prolly wouldn’t look to trying this - if only because i’m old and i don’t respond to change easily. It’s a nice idea, but you, as Germany, are competing with the combined incomes of 2 countries in the east, and trying to stave off an angry Russian army. it’s a nice idea, just impractical.
    Keep working

  • '19 Moderator

    How about this:

    Bid 18 for 1IC WEU and 1 Inf EEU with RR

    Then when the Russians move troops from Cau the germans take it hard.

    Loose only the BAL sub against the NOR fleet and attack the BB in WMD with ASO Sub CMD BB and Trn. Loose the sub and Bring an Inf from SEU to drop in Gib. Divide you Airforce up in support as you see fit.

    Take the Arm or two Inf from Fin to Alg. This blocks the entrance to the Med.

    Build your AC and a trany in WEU on the first turn on the WMD coast.

    This should leave you with 1AC,1BB & 2Trn in the WMD

    If you loose too many fighters the Japs can land two fighters from Man & Bur in Cau. These can be moved to the AC on J2 after you move the entire fleet to NOR, there for defence anyway.

    I doubt if it would work but its the best I can do to get the result you are looking for. :)

  • you see dezertfish? this is why you get nominations for the top “3”.
    i just tear other people down - you actually try to kick start a not-bad plan.

  • on G2 you cant drop the fighters on the carrier. they must be built on the land and moved there later.

  • '19 Moderator

    I can’t help it, I’m a sucker for an off the wall strat that just might work. :wink:

    I used to play games against myself trying to come up with wild scheems that no one would see comming. It’s kind of hard to trick yourself though. :lol:

  • @dezrtfish:

    I can’t help it, I’m a sucker for an off the wall strat that just might work. :wink:

    I used to play games against myself trying to come up with wild scheems that no one would see comming. It’s kind of hard to trick yourself though. :lol:

    i feel like i trick myself all the time.
    and not in the good way . . . .

  • Awards to both dz_fish and c_c_, 8)

    Gwyneth Paltrow, in a lacey white evening dress which allows you to see every curve without seeing anything steps to the podium, opens the envelope, glances around the auditorium and says, “The Silver Lining Award goes to dezrtfish for encouragement.”

    Hali Barry, in a draping low-cut front and an even lower-cut back shimmering silk gown steps to the podium, opens the envelope, looks in the camera and says, “The Pat on the Back Award goes to cystic_crypt for recognition of a good thing.”

    Xi shouts from the 3rd row, “The ballots have been tampered with. I was robbed!” He is promptly dragged screaming from the theatre. :evil:

  • @Xi:

    Awards to both dz_fish and c_c_, 8)

    Gwyneth Paltrow, in a lacey white evening dress which allows you to see every curve without seeing anything steps to the podium, opens the envelope, glances around the auditorium and says, “The Silver Lining Award goes to dezrtfish for encouragement.”

    Hali Barry, in a draping low-cut front and an even lower-cut back shimmering silk gown steps to the podium, opens the envelope, looks in the camera and says, “The Pat on the Back Award goes to cystic_crypt for recognition of a good thing.”

    Xi shouts from the 3rd row, “The ballots have been tampered with. I was robbed!” He is promptly dragged screaming from the theatre. :evil:

    2 of the 4 Hollywood women to capture my heart (Salma Hayak and Cameron Diaz being the other two) . . . .

  • '19 Moderator

    Well as much as I apreciate the award I was reading my post and I just realized something.

    I said “on a bid of 18”.

    Well damn if you get a bid of 18 and want an AC just build one! then at the end of G1 land your fighters on it in the WMD or in NOR for that matter if you build it in BAL.

    Some times a complicated plan is unnessaceraly so. :oops:

  • The top posters on A&A stick their heads together and decide to give Xi the award for “Shortest Name” to avoid further embarrasment at the awards-ceremony.
    Xi, sensing a plot, drinks the award (for some reason it was half a bottle of home brewed gin), smashes the bottle to razor-sharp pieces and yells: “You´ll never take me alive!”
    Two weeks later, he marries Drew Barrymore.

  • @morten200:

    The top posters on A&A stick their heads together and decide to give Xi the award for “Shortest Name” to avoid further embarrasment at the awards-ceremony.
    Xi, sensing a plot, drinks the award (for some reason it was half a bottle of home brewed gin), smashes the bottle to razor-sharp pieces and yells: “You´ll never take me alive!”
    Two weeks later, he marries Drew Barrymore.

    sounds like they DID taken him alive afterall.

  • @cystic:

    2 of the 4 Hollywood women to capture my heart (Salma Hayak and Cameron Diaz being the other two) . . . .

    :o What the?!?!…
    Was reading Xi’s post and Cameron Diaz came to my mind for you cc as “it takes two” to give the award.

    Don’t see enough modern flicks to know Salma Hayak from Uma Thermon(sp?). Would you recommend one of her films, please?

    Maybe Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen as the other “one” for dzfish? Oh, wait! I’m not sure they’re legal yet :-? !? Hey, they have their own empire. Anybody wanna picture dzfish as a boy-toy? :o :lol: :wink:

  • @El:


    2 of the 4 Hollywood women to capture my heart (Salma Hayak and Cameron Diaz being the other two) . . . .

    :o What the?!?!…
    Was reading Xi’s post and Cameron Diaz came to my mind for you cc as “it takes two” to give the award.

    Don’t see enough modern flicks to know Salma Hayak from Uma Thermon(sp?). Would you recommend one of her films, please?

    Maybe Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen as the other “one” for dzfish? Oh, wait! I’m not sure they’re legal yet :-? !? Hey, they have their own empire. Anybody wanna picture dzfish as a boy-toy? :o :lol: :wink:

    she is NOT a good actress, just a sexy one.
    So i couldn’t recommend a movie to portray her acting but Desparado comes to mind (the much bigger budgetted sequal to “El Mariachi”), as does “Dusk to Dawn” (bit part - awful movie tho’), Fools Rush in, etc.

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