• Recently played a game with my buddies and Moscow fell to the Germans on turn 4. The German player faked Sea Lion and instead sent the invasion force up to the sea zone next to Leningrad, only instead of attacking Leningrad, dumped everything in Novosibirsk and hit Moscow next turn. The Russians were screwed because they had pushed everything up to the front in preparation to attack Germany when/if London fell and couldn’t react. Is there any way to counter this?

  • Is this a game on the Europe 2e map?  Assuming the Germans built TTs on turn 2, then it’s turn 3 to land in Archangel or Nenetisa, then turn 4 you move into Smolensk or Vologda, then turn 5 you get to attack Moscow.  Should be enough time to counter.

  • Does that mean you cannot blitz your tanks when landing amphibiously? We were unsure about that.

  • @gperson2:

    Does that mean you cannot blitz your tanks when landing amphibiously? We were unsure about that.

    Yes, landing in an amphibious attack consumes all of a Tank’s movement, they cannot blitz.

    I’m assuming the Germans landed every plane in Archangel so they could hit Moscow, otherwise the Russians should still have been able to save themselves from 8 - 10 unsupported Tanks with a full buy in Moscow plus retreating back some of the units that pulled out.  You should have had at least 20+ units waiting on defense.

  • Sometimes when a rule is unintentionally broken - such as blitzing armor during an Amphib as you describe - breaks the game.  I’d presume its more of an aberration of a game and easily corrected next time you play.

    I do enjoy the thought of landing forces via amphib on Russia and toyed with the idea of moving around to land a force behind the lines - even if its just a few TT with armor that Russia would be hesitant to attack that can blitz IPC out of Moscow early.

  • On that same note on the opposite end of the spectrum, never forget that UK or US can snake transports to land support troops behind the front lands if Russia is in dire need of assistance.

  • @gperson2:

    … Is there any way to counter this?

    what you could do is… remind your russian playerthat his capital is very important and…DEFEND IT better.  :-o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    hahaha…just kidding dont go all stalin on me.
    i’ve tried this german tactic a couple of times, its never worked.  those troops get isolated, cut off and crushed when that far behind the front lines. so…generally speaking i agrre with what someone else said, it worked in that game because of thetranport/tank blitz mistake it sound like your guys made.

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