Democrats maneuvering for '04 or '08 Presidential Bid

  • NOTE: On October 5, 2003…
    Senator Bob Graham(FL) has withdrawn from the race having determined that he will be unable to be elected president.


    We coulda tolja that in January, Bobby!
    Was lookin to see if there was mention of him in prior posts here, but a quick review netted zero results. What a flop!

    NOW has announced that Carol Mosley Braun is needed as President of the US!! Hmm! They said nothing during the Clinton Sexgate scandals, came down hard on Ahnuld for his groping of anonymous accusers and now they suport CMB!! Let’s see how much help that generates for her warchest(NO! Not her boobs!)

  • Arhnold for President! 8)

  • Everyone vote for G. W. Bush….

    While our economy may still be teh suck… and you may not approve of going to Iraq, he still has had the hardest time in office out of any politician since, say, Reagan… and in all honesty, i cant think of anyone who could have done a better job…

    (let the flaming and Bush-hatingness ensue :evil: :evil: )

    as far as democrats go, IF i supported their general principles, the only person who stands out in my mind is John Kerry…

    …not in a good way.

    His main reason for voting for him is that he fought in 'Nam, so he’ll be a great guy.


    (they’d probably be less corrupt as well :lol: :lol: :lol: )

    sorry bout the caps… but living in his home state, he really agrivates me sometimes…

  • regardless of how people on this forum feel, GWB will most likely win the election. his incumbency, republican support base, and the fact that a good number of people were satisfied with his performance.

    the only way i can see the democrats putting up a decent fight is if they unify behind lieberman.
    there are other candidates who could pull off a win of course, but i think the democrats strongest chance lies with lieberman.

    at any rate, the democrats need to set aside their personal choice to unite behind a candidate who can win, so that they can at least get a democrat in power. if they cant do this, they wont have much of a chance against dubya

  • the only way i can see the democrats putting up a decent fight is if they unify behind lieberman.
    there are other candidates who could pull off a win of course, but i think the democrats strongest chance lies with lieberman.

    well, I don’t really see this, of course I don’t know what demographics the “undecided” voters lie in. Also, I haven’t seen Bush’s numbers lately, so I 've no idea what kind of support he’s got.

  • General Wesley Clark, the new Democrat in the race(in more ways than one), praised GW Bush and his administration in May, 2001. Now he says Bush is a Bad guy for cutting taxes.
    Excuse me!?! He knew that Bush was a nasty ole tax cutter when he said the following…


  • Dont get me started on Wesley Clark.
    I despise the man.
    I recently read an article about him, which presented what i took to be, a neutral position. After reading it, I despise him even more. It reinforced everything I dont like about the man, and gave me some more things to hate.
    If I ever encountered him, I would spit in his face.
    See what you’ve done? You got me started on Clark. Oh well, Its my fault really.

  • OCTOBER, 2003

    General Wesley Clark has done it again…
    even more recently!!


    Yessirree!! It looks like the Clintons picked a winner for the Democrats again.

    Please, recall that ex-President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton said Wesley Clark and Hillary Clinton are the two(falling?) stars of the Democrat Party!!

  • Please, recall that ex-President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton said Wesley Clark and Hillary Clinton are the two(falling?) stars of the Democrat Party!!

    So the best the Dems can come up with are a general who only became a Democrat this year, and who has never held elected office, and a senator who has not even held her job for a full term.

  • Late October, 2003
    So now Gov. Howard Dean lead the pack in the polls leading up to the January, 2004 New Hampshire primary.


    It’s a long time to hold a lead.

    I seem to recall that the JFK camp said they had some dirt on Dean.

  • Ha I remember the time when Kerry called Dean a minor nuisance and said he could bury Dean any time he wanted. Looks like times have changed. ;)

  • @TG:

    Ha I remember the time when Kerry called Dean a minor nuisance and said he could bury Dean any time he wanted. Looks like times have changed. ;)

    Looks can be deceiving. Perhaps Kerry is more clever than we suspect.

  • Kerry is clever but it seems that Dean has the most support.
    Though right now anything could happen.

  • @waraxis:

    Kerry is clever but it seems that Dean has the most support.
    Though right now anything could happen.

    True, it’s still a long way from election time. I read an interesting article the other day about third-party candidates and the fact that while most of the moderate Democrats were worried about the threat that Dean posed to the other candidates, they didn’t think about the fact that a more moderate candidate might make the Green Party put up a presidential candidate again. The article also stated that the Republicans might need to watch out for the Libertarians-I don’t really know anything about them, but I think another strong party or two would make politics in America much more interesting.

  • Dean has the support of liberal activists(the group that stays tuned and involved more than any other Dems) and those who like his style(combative…interesting that he thinks we should stay out of it[COMBAT.]) When they learn a little more about his history and what he did to Vermont as its governor I beleve they’ll look elsewhere.

  • Kerry is clever but it seems that Dean has the most support.
    Though right now anything could happen.

    Well… Kerry said that he could bury Dean in his own junk… but was saving it for later. Judging from the polls… is this a good time for later?

  • I don’t know…when do the primaries start? If Kerry’s dirt is as good as he claims, he might want to hold out until right before the primaries, to shock the voters.

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