This topic has been moved to Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition.
Belated 4200th & Early 4300th post for T_6, Congrats! -
No, suh! It is an honorable southern gentleman’s quoting his Confederate Corporal great(x3)grandfather’s writings when referring to a barbaric opponent.
For a War of Secession reinactor, you are unaware of some terminology common to the era. :-? -
bluebellies? I sorry… but I’ve been reenacting for quite some time and I haven’t seen that term used very much (if at all). Bluebellies sounds something a New York Yank would say, not a Southern Gentleman. :wink:
This is wawh, suh! Even a gentleman must be accurate when describing snakes that rape, pillage and buhn mah cuhntry! :P :wink:
I just call 'em damnedYankees and leave it at that. ;)
That just shows that your American Civil War knowledge may be somewhat limited to military leaders, manuevers, weapons, uniforms, etc.
Git ejykated, Yankee! :P
NOTE: TG6 broke 4300 on 1 March 2003
on this website ( -
Hahahaha, than I see you on the battlefield. Though I’m taking a brief respit for a look at the real war on the Iraqi leadership. :)
Today we are all Yankees, comrade. ;)