• German Turn 1 Assault Phase A

    Panzerfaust 30 no shot, not enough range

    MG 42 shot 1 at Inspiring Lt in village Lt rolls coverDiceRolling 1:

  • Motdc,

    This wouldn’t let me upload the file called Test2.cmf that my test game was saved as in my computer.  It says it allows files such as .txt .pdf .jpg .mpg .aam .apm .mvf .tsvg

    MG 42 fires at Inspiring Lt who has cover.DiceRolling 8:
    (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6)

  • Failed to get that pesky Lt.  2nd shotDiceRolling 8 :
    (1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6)  (?)

  • 4 successes.  At this point the 2nd player with the pesky Inspiring Lt would open a new map and would apply a “Face down” disrupted token.

    I’m thinking to speed things up, when it is a players turn to shoot they attach red arrows to each planned shot.  The defender then rolls cover for all eligible.  Then the attacker in one post rolls all attacks.  If a weapon gets a second shot on a second target that will become an extra post.


  • Actually we probably need to go for each roll cauise I might pick a different target for another unit if I’m successfull against a particular target on a first shot.

    Just need to figure out the uploading of the map.

  • Save the file as a .mvf instead (in the “Save” dialog you can select the type in a dropdown).  I’ll have to fix that in MapView, it should default to mvf since I’m trying to consolidate all game files into just on extension (it makes things a lot easier).


  • 4 successes.  At this point the 2nd player with the pesky Inspiring Lt would open a new map and would apply a “Face down” disrupted token.

    No, the attacker can apply that himself and continue on with the rest of his attacks.  Every effort should be made to minimize the map excahnges (meaning points where you pass the map to another person AND have to then wait for a response)

    I’m thinking to speed things up, when it is a players turn to shoot they attach red arrows to each planned shot.  The defender then rolls cover for all eligible.  Then the attacker in one post rolls all attacks.  If a weapon gets a second shot on a second target that will become an extra post.


    I think being able to choose attacks one at a time is an important part of the game play so I wouldn’t force all attacks to be pre-declared.  Though ceratinly as the Attacker if there are some attacks where you feel comfortable declaring at the same time (say, some units only have line of sight to one unit) then by all means do so.  When posting the map and rolling, all the declared can be rolled in a single post.  This includes cover:

    Sherman attacks BMW in the forest
    DiceRolling 9:
    (1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6)

    BMW cover roll
    DiceRolling 1:


  • Testing 1,2,3

    I know my last map tab in the test game 2a is Turn 1 Casualty phase and here I am shooting again.  I’m just testing.  Pretent the last tab says Br Assault phase.

    Crusader II to fire on MG 42 range three.

    MG rolls for Cover :Dice1:

    Crusader II rollsDiceRolling 5:
    (2, 2, 3, 5, 5)

    At the same time the Inspiring Lt is firing on the Panzerfaust range two

    Panzerfaust rolls for coverDiceRolling 1:

    Lt rolls attackDiceRolling 6:
    (1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6)

  • oops, two things, my MG42 cover roll failede to take and I forgot the maps.

    Here is the cover roll DiceRolling 1:


    Testing 1,2,3

    I know my last map tab in the test game 2a is Turn 1 Casualty phase and here I am shooting again. I’m just testing. Pretent the last tab says Br Assault phase.

    Crusader II to fire on MG 42 range three.

    MG rolls for Cover :Dice1:

    the maps should be attached

    Crusader II rollsDiceRolling 5:
    (2, 2, 3, 5, 5)

    At the same time the Inspiring Lt is firing on the Panzerfaust range two

    Panzerfaust rolls for coverDiceRolling 1:

    Lt rolls attackDiceRolling 6:
    (1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6)

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • Player 1.  Select and setup an army from the available units. Save as an .mvf file and post with a note showing  a Roll (2 x D6, add Initiatve points).

    Player 2. Open game, select and set up army from available units.  Post saved map along with making an initiative roll.

    Both players can see the results and player with initiative can either move or opt to move second. (being player 1 or 2 is dependant on initiative for each turn)

    Player 1 Opens anew map Titled Turn “X” “country” Moves.  Use blue arrows to show moves.  Place icons at tip of arrows in new hex.  Saves, posts to forum.

    Player 2 Opens game, selects new map titled Turn “X” country moves.  Removes other players arrows, Moves as above saves and posts to forum.

    Player 1 opens game, selects new map titles it Turn “X” country assault.  Removes other guys arrows.  Adds new moves, adds shooting arrows, posts along with notes to roll cover for his targets and notes to roll for damage effects.

    Player 1 immediately opens again, reads dice roller results, opens game and places appropriate face down tokens on the targets.  Player 1 may have to repeat this a few times.  Eventually when player 1 is complete in this phase, he’ll inform player 2 that it is their turn.

    Player 2 goes through the assault process as above.

    Player 2 then has the responsibility to remove and turn up tokens.  Player two posts the map called turn “X” casualty phase.  They can also use this post to roll initiative for the next turn

    Player 1 rolls initiative and compares against other roll.  Who ever wins determines who is player 1 and who is player 2 for the next turn.

    Does this sequence make sense?  Can it be tightened up at all?

  • Player 1 opens game, selects new map titles it Turn “X” country assault.  Removes other guys arrows.  Adds new moves, adds shooting arrows, posts along with notes to roll cover for his targets and notes to roll for damage effects.

    Player 1 immediately opens again, reads dice roller results, opens game and places appropriate face down tokens on the targets.  Player 1 may have to repeat this a few times.  Eventually when player 1 is complete in this phase, he’ll inform player 2 that it is their turn.

    Well, I wouldn’t actually close and reopen between these two steps.  You basically bring up the game, and as you are making your moves/attacks in MapView you post to the thread for rolls.  (If you need to post the map you can “Save” before uploading the file but you don’t need to exit).

    Hmmm, actually you can skip posting the map at each unit’s assualt as long as defensive fire is not a possibility.  Still add a map tab and add arrows etc as you go but until the other player needs to respond to something the attacker in in control.  It should be common for some turns to only need the map to be posted at the end of the assualt.

    Assuming 1 phase per player resolved each day (with 2 major phases) that comes out to 2 to 3 weeks to play a game.  That’s not uncommon for PBEM.


  • Okay, does anyone who has loaded in this game want to try this?

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