Al Gore, the creator of the Internet and inspiration for “Love Story,” has taken himself out of the race. But could he be a compromise candidate for those who do not wish to be LOSERS. He might pull off a '92 Clinton!
We all knew he couldn’t win. And who would want a scumbag like Gore in office?
Hillary Clinton seems to be staying out of it as a rookie US Senator. Only a few US Presidents have come from the Senate … Kennedy (elected) and Ford (hand picked by Nixon.) However, when she is included she is the frontrunner. Could she be a ‘dark horse’ or compromise candidate? She will be in the hunt in '08.
She knows she can’t win. She still has the Clinton scandels overshadowing her. Not to mention the fact that she is probably a complete asshole.
John F. Kerry, who requested that the “F.”(“JFK,” for those of you who need a hint) be included prior to throwing his campaign button in the ring, is currently the frontrunner (2/03, due to the fact that he has not campaigned at events since he is recovering from prostate cancer.)
Aah, now heres a good one. Kerry is one of the few people in Washington I trust. Sure, he’s still a politician, but at least he’s not Gore or Bush. Hope he is doing well recovering from prostate cancer.
Rev. Al Sharpton is a close second. He is charismatic and more wellspoken than any other candidates. The Dems. are setting up a series of ‘favourite icon_wink.gif son’ black candidates to syphon (variation of siphon) off enough of his likely voters so that he does not win states, nor have a powerblock of delegates from states that split their delegates.
Close second? Um… No? He has the support of Imus though!
Dick Gephardt has said, this week, that he will encourage the World Congress and other organizations to enact world-wide minimum wages. These will vary, of course, from country to country. Enacting and/or raising a minimum wage has been shown to harm the economy by stopping the creation of or eliminating many entry level jobs(thus, being a drag on the economy.) In the US less than 5 million workers earn that low an hourly wage. Almost all of them have one or more raises within a year’s time.
He knows he can’t win. He’s trying to get his name on the ballot for 2008.
Bill Richardson, Gov. of New Mexico, appears to be positioning himself for '08. He sets himself apart as the only Dem. of any stature pushing for tax cuts!
I don’t believe he was born a US citizen, though I could be wrong. I like this guy. He is a strong supporter of Nuclear energy. He served as Sec Energy under Clinton. He wants to decrease our need for oil in general.
Joe Leiberman, Al Gore’s running mate, A person who turned his back on his own religon to apease the far left of the Democratic party. I think he said he may try and run in 2004. If not maybe in 2008.
He is the #2 Dem candidate. Seems like a nice guy. I’m not sure though if he has the bounce to beat Bush. However, I do trust the guy. Too bad the ignorant Christian Mid-West base which he needs will never elect a Jew. Idiots.
Jesse Jackson, Infamous black civil rights leader, claims he cares about fellow blacks who live below the poverty level while he lives like a millionaire. Also does’nt seem to mind all the unborn black babies who are murdered, oops sorry ABORTED. I don’t think he will run in 2004 but he may run in 2008. You never know with Jesse “PLZ TELL ME I’M IN THE SPOT LIGHT” Jackson.
Doubt he’ll run. He tried it long ago and failed. He has no real political experience. Frankly, sometimes he’s just a nut.
Tom Daschle, Democratic Senate minority leader, Runs like a conservative democrat in his home state but while in D.C. acts like a far leftist. I don’t think he will run in 2004, but like Jackson he could run 2008.
Don’t know much about him. Seems like another Washington backstabber, like 3/4 of the Senate.
Another Candidate -
Senator John Edwards. Reminds me of JFK, though more sleezy. I do not want a trial lawyer in office.
In conclusion, Go Kerry for Prez and Joey for VP!