• spoilers

    I don’t remember Skyfall from any of the Fleming novels but it has been over twenty years since I’ve read them. Fleming did give how Bond’s parents were killed (mountain climbing accident) but I’m fairly sure Skyfall was just for this film. Skyfall made a nice red herring. I was trying to read a lot more into it but it was really quite simple and they give it away as not being some part of the villain’s plot quite early if you let yourself connect the dots.

  • @Cromwell_Dude:

    I can’t wait to see this movie. And, I’m not ashamed to admit “Octopussy” is one of my favorite movies.

    “Octopussy” is fine. Everyone just piles on it because it is ‘cool’ to do so. People trying to put on airs of discernment.

  • Customizer

    Octopussy was my first Bond film. I remember the hottie and the plane flying through the hangar and that’s it. However it made Moore the Bond for me.

  • I was about fourteen and Magda is still one of my favorites of the Bond hotties.

  • Sponsor

    Just watched Skyfall, amazing cinematography, good acting performances, terrible writing. The plot line was so predictable, slow paced, and thin… IMO it didn’t hold a candle to what Chis Nolan has done as far as story telling and plot lines. When they rate it better than last Batman… thats what I’m going to compare it too. My buddy and I were both disappointed by the unchallenging, and single layered script, I guess I was expecting to much for a Bond flick… but the hype held my time and wallet hostage.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The bad guy was the best part of the movie… what an LOL. :)

  • Well for me TDKR was a good movie. I didn’t find it to be a good Batman movie. Actually the whole Nolan Bat Trilogy while good isn’t very good Batman to me. “Skyfall” was both a good movie and a good Bond movie hence why I think it is ‘better’ than TDKR. And “Skyfall” does look amazing. There is some great photography in that movie. TDKR is just sort of gray.

  • Customizer

    I’d have to agree. I’m not a big Bond fan but love Batman. You can’t make a good Batman movie without it being grey. You can make a good Batman movie however with out having Bruce Wayne wuss out for 8 years because his butt ugly girlfriend died. Skyfall felt like a Bond movie, the villain was awesome, the action was just unbelievable enough without being too over the top Except the part where half of the train gets ripped apart and the conductor doesn’t seem to notice or stop the train.
    um, spoilers, a train gets ripped in half.

  • @Most:

    I’d have to agree. I’m not a big Bond fan but love Batman. You can’t make a good Batman movie without it being grey. You can make a good Batman movie however with out having Bruce Wayne wuss out for 8 years because his butt ugly girlfriend died. Skyfall felt like a Bond movie, the villain was awesome, the action was just unbelievable enough without being too over the top Except the part where half of the train gets ripped apart and the conductor doesn’t seem to notice or stop the train.
    um, spoilers, a train gets ripped in half.

    Disagree that Batman movies need to be gray. Batman works in the dark which is very different than gray. Granted it was winter and shot in Pittsburgh and winter in the midwest is well, gray, but TDKR is not a very appealing film from a cinematography stand point.

    You also point out the really important difference for me. Batman quit, locked himself in a room and felt sorry for himself and then whined about coming back. Bond quit for a couple of months after getting shot and falling off a moving train. He spent his time on a beach getting l*^d and doing shots with the hand he was balancing a live scorpion on. As soon as he was needed, he got on a plane and reported for duty.

    I found it a lot easier to get behind Bond.

  • Sponsor

    For me, I’m not interested in which character is more of a bad ass, or how the film looks… What’s important to me is how entertaining is the film. I’m pretty sure I’ll only watch Skyfall that one time (like Casino Royal which I thought was just as good as Skyfall, if not better), but I’ve already seen TDKR 3 times and will likely see it again in the future. Maybe it’s because I’m not a big fan of Bond, because some who I would call big fans were clapping during the end credits… Lots to be praised, but overall, just another James Bond film that relies more on the theme song, the 20 time quota for that cheese horn melody, and the casting of a hot supporting actress rather than an intriguing spy script that chalanges the intellect like most spy plots do.

    EDIT: and what’s with that lame sex scene? Kissing in the shower? Boringggggggg.

  • Sponsor


    Just saw Skyfall. Horrible movie. Bad script. Boring movie. Don’t waste your money.

    You’re right, I was being to nice in my last post…. it sucked.

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