Can you just post a screenshot?
Bota r2 (New World Orders) - Dice - Noll (Axis) vs Kabloon (Allies)
Hey Kabloom! Since we are both newbies and we now know the map a bit more than before, would you like to scrap this game and start a fresh new one? What do you think? (I really don’t care about tournament results but I’m having fun on this map :P)
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :4
Combat Move - ColonialFrench
1 Infantry moved from E.Algeria to W.Tunesia
1 Armour moved from N.Algeria to W.Tunesia
2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 4 Infantry moved from N.Algeria to N.Tunesia
1 Infantry moved from C.Algeria to E.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from Alger to N.Algeria
3 Armours moved from C.Morocco to N.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from C.Morocco to C.AlgeriaPurchase Units - ColonialFrench
Trigger ColonialFrenchSpecial: ColonialFrench has their production frontier changed to: productionColonialFrenchSpecial
ColonialFrench buy 2 Armours and 2 Elites; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - ColonialFrench
Battle in N.Tunesia
ColonialFrench attack with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 4 Infantry
Italians defend with 1 Infantry
ColonialFrench win, taking N.Tunesia from Italians with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 4 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry
Battle in W.Tunesia
ColonialFrench attack with 1 Armour and 1 Infantry
Italians defend with 2 Infantry
ColonialFrench win, taking W.Tunesia from Italians with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Italians: 2 Infantry
Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - ColonialFrench
Place Units - ColonialFrench
2 Armours and 2 Elites placed in C.MoroccoTurn Complete - ColonialFrench
ColonialFrench collect 17 PUs; end with 17 PUs totalSummary Text: Unknown error, post a bug to the tripleA development team
Summary Text: Unknown error, post a bug to the tripleA development team
Summary Text: Unknown error, post a bug to the tripleA development team
Summary Text: Unknown error, post a bug to the tripleA development team
Summary Text:
Summary Text: Unknown error, post a bug to the tripleA development team
it took me a while but i finley got it to save
hey. i wouldnt mind. theres a few mistakes i would like to have back. i realy like this map also.
sorry it took so long to do anything today. the power went out all day. then i had to go to work.
hey. i wouldnt mind. theres a few mistakes i would like to have back. i realy like this map also.
I’d love to restart the game now that we know the map better. If you’re really ok to it, I’d love to! If you’re not it’s ok too. As I said I don’t care for the tournament prize or anything, but I’m having fun :P
Up to you, just let me know.
i would love to have fun with a new one. im ready anytime you are
Cool! Thank you Kabloom! I’ll post Germany1 later today! Thank you man :)
Ok G1 done, unfortunately I failed in checking the “post by forum” option in the game… but I already rolled the battles (so you can check the rolls on your mail!)
I’ll add here the original file (don’t use it as it won’t let you post a summary) and I’ll edit a new map to resemble how this one looks but with the correct options enabled…
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Germans
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz8: 2 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by British from sz9: 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz19: 3 Submarines
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz9: 5 Submarines
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz20: 1 Destroyer and 4 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz25: 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from sz28: 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz26: 1 Battleship, 3 Destroyers, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz26: 3 Transports
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz28: 1 Battleship, 3 Destroyers, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to C.Finnland: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Denmark: 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Netherlands: 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Changing ownership of Denmark from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Netherlands from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Koeln: 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Frankfurt: 1 AAGun, 2 EarlyFighters, 8 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Muenchen: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Nuernberg: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 8 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Austrie: 8 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from E.Czech: 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from W.Czech: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Wroclaw: 1 Artillery, 8 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Gdansk: 2 Artillerys, 5 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Dresden: 4 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Leipzig: 5 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Berlin: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 8 Infantry and 5 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Rostock: 1 AAGun, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Hamburg: 5 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Bremen: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Genova: 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz41: 1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by British from sz37: 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier and 1 Destroyer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz35: 2 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz14: 1 Submarine
EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Metz: 1 Armour, 3 Bunkers and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Lyon: 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Denmark: 1 AAGun, 4 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Rostock: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Rostock: 1 Artillery
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Gdansk: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter and 6 Infantry
EDIT: Changing ownership of Koenigsberg from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from C.Poland: 1 Armour and 4 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Koenigsberg: 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Krakow: 1 Armour and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Lvov: 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from Riga: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Changing ownership of Riga from Russians to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of C.Poland from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Krakow from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Lvov from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Riga: 2 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Koenigsberg: 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to C.Poland: 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Krakow: 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Lvov: 1 Artillery, 5 Infantry and 7 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to E.Czech: 2 EarlyFighters and 8 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to W.Czech: 1 AAGun and 10 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Wroclaw: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Dresden: 13 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Nuernberg: 1 Panzer
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Muenchen: 2 ArmoredCars
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Frankfurt: 4 ArmoredCars
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Frankfurt: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Changing ownership of Metz from French to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Lyon from French to Germans
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Lyon: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Metz: 2 AAGuns, 10 Infantry and 9 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Koeln: 1 AAGun
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Netherlands: 1 AAGun, 5 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Hungary: 2 EarlyFighters
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Venezia: 1 Bomber
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Genova: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz37: 1 Destroyer and 2 Submarines
EDIT: Changing PUs for Germans from 60 to 0Turn Complete - Germans
Germans collect 79 PUs; end with 79 PUs total -
I edited in order to make it look the same as the original game.
I checked and re-checked both maps and it looks to me like they’re identical, but for some reason in the second map Germany has 4 more units than it should have (181 units instead of 177)
I checked and re-checked and I can’t find them! Please, double check both maps too and see if you can find where is the mistake, and sorry for the trouble (this is headcachin :( )
OH I FINALLY FOUND THEM! IT’s the 4 starting subs near america’s coast.
Ok now both mapes are identical! Sorry for the trouble.
Here’s the final savefile.
Damn… NOW I FORGOT TO REMOVE the LOW LUCK option… I have to re-edit everything again… /sigh…
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Germans
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz8: 2 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz11: 3 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz6: 1 Submarine
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz14: 1 Submarine
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz35: 2 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by British from sz37: 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier and 1 Destroyer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz41: 1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Genova: 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Lyon: 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by French from Metz: 1 Armour, 3 Bunkers and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Netherlands: 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz25: 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz26: 1 Battleship, 3 Destroyers, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from sz28: 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from sz19: 3 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by British from sz9: 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Bremen: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Denmark: 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Rostock: 1 AAGun, 2 EarlyFighters, 6 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Gdansk: 2 Artillerys, 5 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Koenigsberg: 3 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from C.Poland: 1 Armour and 4 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Krakow: 1 Armour and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Neutral from Lvov: 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Russians from Riga: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from E.Czech: 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from W.Czech: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Wroclaw: 1 Artillery, 8 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Dresden: 4 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Berlin: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 8 Infantry and 5 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Hamburg: 5 Infantry
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Koeln: 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Frankfurt: 1 AAGun, 2 EarlyFighters, 8 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Muenchen: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Nuernberg: 1 AAGun, 1 EarlyFighter, 8 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Austrie: 8 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Changing ownership of Netherlands from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Metz from French to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Lyon from French to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Denmark from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Riga from Russians to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Koenigsberg from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of C.Poland from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Lvov from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Changing ownership of Krakow from Neutral to Germans
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz9: 5 Submarines
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz20: 1 Destroyer and 4 Submarines
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to C.Finnland: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Riga: 2 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz28: 1 Battleship, 3 Destroyers, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz26: 3 Transports
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Koenigsberg: 2 Artillerys, 3 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to C.Poland: 5 Infantry and 2 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Lvov: 1 Artillery, 5 Infantry and 7 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Krakow: 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry and 1 Panzer
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to E.Czech: 2 EarlyFighters and 8 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Hungary: 2 EarlyFighters
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Leipzig: 5 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Gdansk: 1 AAGun, 1 Bomber, 1 EarlyFighter and 6 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Wroclaw: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Dresden: 13 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to W.Czech: 1 AAGun and 10 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Nuernberg: 1 Panzer
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Muenchen: 2 ArmoredCars
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Metz: 2 AAGuns, 10 Infantry and 9 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Lyon: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Frankfurt: 4 ArmoredCars and 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Koeln: 1 AAGun
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Rostock: 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Denmark: 1 AAGun, 4 Infantry and 3 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Netherlands: 1 AAGun, 5 Infantry and 4 Panzers
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Genova: 1 EarlyFighter
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Venezia: 1 Bomber
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to sz37: 1 Destroyer and 2 Submarines
EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Rostock: 1 Infantry
EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Rostock: 1 Artillery
EDIT: Changing PUs for Germans from 60 to 0
EDIT: Turning off Edit ModeTurn Complete - Germans
Germans collect 79 PUs; end with 79 PUs total -
Ok G1 done, unfortunately I failed in checking the “post by forum” option in the game… but I already rolled the battles (so you can check the rolls on your mail!)
I’ll add here the original file (don’t use it as it won’t let you post a summary) and I’ll edit a new map to resemble how this one looks but with the correct options enabled…
FYI: you can just re-enable it after you load it
(just like how players take live lobby games and turn them into pbf games) -
Ok G1 done, unfortunately I failed in checking the “post by forum” option in the game… but I already rolled the battles (so you can check the rolls on your mail!)
I’ll add here the original file (don’t use it as it won’t let you post a summary) and I’ll edit a new map to resemble how this one looks but with the correct options enabled…
FYI: you can just re-enable it after you load it
(just like how players take live lobby games and turn them into pbf games)So I did all this editing for nothing? lol…
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Russians
4 Infantry moved from Leningrad to Vyborg
1 Infantry moved from Estonia to Riga
2 Infantry moved from Brest to Riga
1 Artillery moved from Brest to Riga
1 Infantry moved from Belorussia to Brest
2 Artillerys moved from Ukrainskaya to Brest
1 Infantry moved from Moldavskaya to E.Romania
1 Infantry moved from Odessa to E.Romania
1 Infantry moved from Ukrainskaya to Moldavskaya
1 Infantry moved from Minsk to Ukrainskaya
1 Infantry moved from Donetsk to Odessa
2 Infantry moved from Rzhev to Minsk
3 Infantry moved from Smolensk to Brest
1 Armour moved from Smolensk to Brest
1 Infantry moved from Kaluga to Kursk
1 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Lugansk
2 Infantry moved from Rostov to sz61
1 Infantry moved from Stavropol to sz61
1 Infantry moved from Lugansk to sz61
2 Destroyers, 4 Infantry, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports moved from sz61 to sz60
1 Infantry moved from Kursk to Donetsk
2 Armours moved from Stalingrad to Gorky
1 EarlyFighter moved from Stalingrad to Vologda
1 EarlyFighter moved from Leningrad to Vyborg
1 Infantry moved from Olonets to Belomorsk
1 Infantry moved from Karchia to Belomorsk
4 Infantry moved from Archangelsk to Belomorsk
1 Armour moved from Archangelsk to Belomorsk
2 Infantry moved from Nenets to Nikolsk
2 Infantry moved from Vologda to Karchia
2 Infantry moved from Yaroslavl to Rzhev
1 Infantry moved from Nikolsk to Vologda
3 Armours moved from Moscow to Vologda
1 Bomber moved from Moscow to Leningrad
1 EarlyFighter moved from Moscow to Leningrad
1 Armour moved from Leningrad to Belomorsk
2 Artillerys and 6 Infantry moved from Moscow to Kaluga
1 Infantry moved from Gorky to Kursk
1 Infantry moved from Saratov to Lugansk
2 Infantry moved from Kazakh to sz62
2 Infantry moved from sz62 to Tabriz
1 Infantry moved from Azerbaydzhan to Tabriz
1 Infantry moved from Armenia to Tabriz
1 Infantry moved from Sochi to Stavropol
1 Infantry moved from Kizbar to Stavropol
1 Infantry moved from Astraknan to Stavropol
4 Infantry moved from Stalingrad to Pavlovsk
1 Infantry moved from Kazakh to Astraknan
3 Infantry moved from Kubyshev to Pavlovsk
3 Infantry moved from Svedlovsk to Gorky
1 Armour moved from Omsk to Vologda
2 Infantry moved from Evenki Okrug to Nenets
5 Infantry moved from Omsk to NikolskPurchase Units - Russians
Russians buy 2 Armours, 1 Elite and 1 Fighter; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Russians
Battle in Vyborg
Russians attack with 1 EarlyFighter and 4 Infantry
Finns defend with 1 Infantry
Russians win, taking Vyborg from Finns with 1 EarlyFighter and 4 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Finns: 1 Infantry
Battle in E.Romania
Russians attack with 2 Infantry
Romanians defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry
Romanians win with 1 Artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Romanians: 1 Infantry
Battle in Tabriz
Russians attack with 4 Infantry
Neutral defend with 1 Infantry
Russians win, taking Tabriz from Neutral with 4 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Infantry
Battle in sz60
Russians attack with 2 Destroyers, 4 Infantry, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports
Romanians defend with 1 Transport
Russians win with 2 Destroyers, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Romanians: 1 Transport
Battle in Riga
Russians attack with 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
Germans defend with 2 Infantry
Russians win, taking Riga from Germans with 1 Artillery and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Germans: 2 Infantry
Casualties for Russians: 1 InfantryNon Combat Move - Russians
4 Infantry moved from sz60 to Odessa
3 Infantry moved from Krym to Odessa
1 EarlyFighter moved from Vyborg to LeningradPlace Units - Russians
2 Armours, 1 Elite and 1 Fighter placed in LeningradTurn Complete - Russians
Russians collect 98 PUs; end with 98 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Italians
1 Artillery moved from E.Sicilia to sz45
1 Artillery moved from Messina to sz45
2 Artillerys and 2 Transports moved from sz45 to sz43
2 Infantry moved from Sardinia to sz43
2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz43 to sz44
2 Artillerys moved from Taranto to sz50
2 Infantry moved from Taranto to sz50
2 Artillerys, 2 Infantry and 2 Transports moved from sz50 to sz44
1 Destroyer moved from sz49 to sz44
1 EarlyFighter moved from W.Sicilia to Tunis
1 EarlyFighter moved from W.Sicilia to Tunis
4 Artillerys and 4 Infantry moved from sz44 to Tunis
1 Infantry moved from E.Tunesia to Tunis
1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from sz42 to sz44
1 Transport moved from sz42 to sz41
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Firenze to sz41
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz41 to Marseille
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from Roma to sz42
1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz42 to sz41
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz41 to Marseille
4 Infantry moved from Genova to Marseille
2 Armours moved from Genova to Dijon
1 Artillery and 3 Infantry moved from Triesta to Kroatia
1 Armour moved from Venezia to Marseille
2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry moved from Albania to Macedonia
1 Armour and 2 Infantry moved from Albania to Serbia
1 Armour and 1 Infantry moved from Venezia to sz51
1 Armour, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz51 to sz50
1 Armour and 1 Infantry moved from sz50 to Serbia
2 EarlyFighters moved from Venezia to Serbia
1 Artillery moved from Triesta to sz51
1 Infantry moved from Venezia to sz51
1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz51 to sz50
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz50 to Albania
1 Armour moved from Albania to Serbia
1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine moved from sz51 to sz50
1 EarlyFighter moved from Roma to sz44
1 EarlyFighter moved from Genova to Dijon
1 T.Boat moved from sz42 to sz41
1 Armour moved from Tobruk to S.Tunesia
1 Infantry moved from Libya to S.Tunesia
1 Artillery and 2 Infantry moved from Tripoli to E.Tunesia
2 Infantry moved from Tobruk to TripoliPurchase Units - Italians
Italians buy 1 Carrier, 1 Infantry and 2 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Italians
Battle in Marseille
Italians attack with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 6 Infantry
French defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 Factory and 4 Infantry
Italians win, taking Marseille from French with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for French: 1 Artillery and 4 Infantry
Casualties for Italians: 4 Infantry
Battle in Kroatia
Italians attack with 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry
Neutral defend with 1 Infantry
Italians win, taking Kroatia from Neutral with 1 Artillery and 3 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Infantry
Battle in sz44
Italians attack with 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Submarine and 4 Transports
ColonialFrench defend with 1 Cruiser and 1 Transport
Units damaged: 1 Battleship owned by the Italians
Italians win with 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Submarine and 4 Transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20
Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Cruiser and 1 Transport
Battle in Dijon
Italians attack with 2 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter
French defend with 1 Infantry
Italians win, taking Dijon from French with 2 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for French: 1 Infantry
Battle in Tunis
Italians attack with 4 Artillerys, 2 EarlyFighters and 5 Infantry
ColonialFrench defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory and 3 Infantry
Italians win, taking Tunis from ColonialFrench with 4 Artillerys, 2 EarlyFighters and 3 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15
Casualties for Italians: 2 Infantry
Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter and 3 Infantry
Battle in Macedonia
Italians attack with 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry
Neutral defend with 1 Infantry
Italians win, taking Macedonia from Neutral with 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Neutral: 1 Infantry
Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry
Battle in Serbia
Italians attack with 3 Armours, 2 EarlyFighters and 3 Infantry
Neutral defend with 3 Infantry
Italians win, taking Serbia from Neutral with 3 Armours and 2 EarlyFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Neutral: 3 Infantry
Casualties for Italians: 3 InfantryNon Combat Move - Italians
2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry moved from Venezia to sz41
1 Armour moved from Roma to Venezia
3 Armours moved from Roma to Messina
1 Infantry moved from Napoli to Messina
1 Artillery moved from Foggia to Taranto
1 AAGun moved from Roma to Napoli
1 Artillery and 5 Infantry moved from Roma to Firenze
1 EarlyFighter moved from Dijon to Genova
2 EarlyFighters moved from Tunis to E.Tunesia
1 EarlyFighter moved from sz44 to Tripoli
2 Infantry moved from W.Sicilia to E.Sicilia
2 EarlyFighters moved from Serbia to Albania
1 AAGun moved from Genova to Marseille
1 AAGun moved from Venezia to GenovaPlace Units - Italians
1 Carrier and 1 Transport placed in sz50
1 Transport placed in sz41
1 Infantry placed in TarantoTurn Complete - Italians
Italians collect 56 PUs; end with 56 PUs total
1 unit repaired. -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - ColonialFrench
1 Artillery moved from W.Tunesia to E.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from C.Algeria to E.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from Alger to N.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from C.Morocco to Alger
2 Infantry moved from C.Morocco to C.Algeria
1 Artillery moved from C.Morocco to C.Algeria
1 Infantry moved from Lebanon to sz59
1 Artillery moved from Lebanon to sz59
1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz59 to sz56
1 Artillery moved from sz56 to N.Egypt
1 Infantry moved from sz56 to N.Egypt
1 Armour moved from Syria to E.EgyptNon Combat Move - ColonialFrench
Turn Complete - ColonialFrench
ColonialFrench collect 17 PUs; end with 17 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round :1
Combat Move - Finns
2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter and 5 Infantry moved from N.Finnland to Belomorsk
1 Artillery and 4 Infantry moved from C.Finnland to Belomorsk
1 Cruiser moved from sz20 to sz9
1 Submarine moved from sz22 to sz9Purchase Units - Finns
Finns buy 3 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat - Finns
Battle in Belomorsk
Finns attack with 2 Armours, 2 Artillerys, 1 EarlyFighter and 9 Infantry
Russians defend with 2 Armours and 7 Infantry
2 Armours, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantry retreated to N.Finnland
Russians win with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Russians: 1 Armour and 7 Infantry
Casualties for Finns: 7 InfantryNon Combat Move - Finns
1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from S.Finnland to C.Finnland
1 EarlyFighter moved from Belomorsk to N.FinnlandPlace Units - Finns
3 Infantry placed in N.FinnlandTurn Complete - Finns
Finns collect 11 PUs; end with 11 PUs total