would you like the Canadian Military lookiing over the US?
No, I would like the Canadian military looking over THEMSELVES. Hypothetically, if they were attacked by someone, they don’t have a big enough army to retaliate against many countries out there. Who would end up taking up arms against their enemy and avenging the attack? You guessed it…the US.
That’s what I’ve been saying……you gotta love the good old US of A. :D
There is no way one can convince me Canada spends too much on their military, that notion is ridiculous.
The military needs to upgrade to the 21st century.
Helichopters from 1960 just dosen’t cut it.
The Canadian military is in the “red” if they continue to take away funds, Canada wil be involved in fewer and fewer “peace keeping” missions and it will severly reduce their international presence.
There is a hidden cost to Canada if it continues to cripple its military.
I agree with the more money needed for health, but don’t take it from the military!
As for other social programs…well, what kind of programs are we talking about here.
I think Canada has to focus more on big business.