“Fight against those to whom the Scriptures were given, who believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day, who forbid not what Allah and His apostle have forbidden, and follow not the true faith, until they pay the tribute of hand, and are humbled.” -(Sura 9:29)
Notice: fight against those who do not possess the Scriptures
“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends. They are friends to one another. Whoever of you befriends them is one of them. Allah does not guide the people who do evil.” -(Sura 5:51)
Read as well Sura 22:17, Sura 6:83-92, Sura 7, Sura 5:48
Jews and Christians possess the Scripture, and Sura 5:51 does not say anything about fighting or violence. I don’t have to fight everyone who is not my friend!
“There is to be no compulsion in religion. Rectitude has been clearly distinguished from error. So whoever disbelieves in idols and believes in Allah has taken hold of the firmest handle. It cannot split. allah is All-hearing and All-knowing.” -(Sura 2:256)
Hmmm, either i don’t understand it, or there is no violence in here as well.
“And for their taking usury which was prohibited for them, and because of their consuming people’s wealth under false pretense. We have prepared for the unbelievers among them a painful punishment.” -(Sura 4:160-61)
This sound awfully like ripped out of context… Plus: Christians and Jews are no unbelievers
“The Jews say, ‘Ezra is the son of Allah,’ and the Christians say, ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’ Those are the words of their mouths, conforming to the words of the unbelievers before them. Allah attack them! How perverse they are! They have taken their rabbis and their monks as lords besides Allah, and so too the Messiah son of Mary, though they were commanded to serve but one God. There is no God but He. Allah is exalted above that which they deify beside him.” -(Sura 9:30-31)
See: Allah attack them!
This is pretty much like any judeo-christian violence in the sense of “god will do justice!”. And: Jews and Christians are compared to teh “unbelievers before them”: this i interprete that they are no unbelievers.
Does the Quran has this nice mention of taking cities with gods help, then killing all males, looting and enslaving all women and children? That is violence, and it is in the OT….